I'm having trouble getting information off the accelerometer I'm trying to use. What code should I use to read the X,Y, and Z axis? I've read the data sheet but I don't have any experience with SPI communication.
1 Answer
The basic SPI operations looks like this. First read single register:
uint8_t readRegister(int index)
digitalWrite(CS, LOW);
SPI.transfer(READ | index);
uint8_t res = SPI.transfer(0);
digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);
return (res);
And second write single register:
void writeRegister(int index, uint8_t data)
digitalWrite(CS, LOW);
SPI.transfer(WRITE | index);
digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);
Some more details:
const uint8_t WRITE = 0x00;
const uint8_t READ = 0x80;
It is also possible to read/write a sequence of registers by providing the register index with the MS set. This will auto-increment the register index.
SPI_SETTING is left as an exercise (to be updated).