I'm trying to make my sketch smaller. Right now I use an array for the AM/PM part of my time display. My thinking is this makes it easy to change the formatting:
char* ampms[]= {"am", "pm"};
void loop() // run over and over again
{ //get time from RTC
getDateDs1307(&second, &minute, &hour);
//change to 12 hour format.
if (hour>12) { hr = hour - 12; ampm=1; } else { hr = hour; }
//add leading 0 for hours
if (hr<10) { lcd.print("0"); }
//print hour in 12 hour format.
lcd.print(hr, DEC);
//add leading 0 for minutes
if (minute<10) { lcd.print("0");}
//print minutes
lcd.print(minute, DEC);
//print am or pm using array.
I could do this instead:
void loop() // run over and over again
{ //get time from RTC
getDateDs1307(&second, &minute, &hour);
//change to 12 hour format.
if (hour>12) { hr = hour - 12; } else { hr = hour; }
//add leading 0 for hours
if (hr<10) { lcd.print("0"); }
//print hour in 12 hour format.
lcd.print(hr, DEC);
//add leading 0 for minutes
if (minute<10) { lcd.print("0");}
//print minutes
lcd.print(minute, DEC);
//print am or pm using array.
if (hour>12) { lcd.print("am");} else {lcd.print("pm"); }
No more am/pm array. But, I have to add an if... is one better than the other for memory? Why?
says what?