This is a part of my program which reads data from file stored in SD card and displays that on an LCD screen.

  File dataFile = SD.open("1165.txt");

  if (dataFile) {
    Serial.println("File Opened");
       delay( 5 );  //LCD-specific M
       lcd.setCursor( 0,0 );

  while (dataFile.available()) {
  } else {
    // if the file didn't open, print an error:

When I look at the serial monitor it prints the contents of that file but none of these commands print what is printed in the serial monitor,


Any ideas?

2 Answers 2


When you call dataFile.read(), the file pointer is advanced, so you always read different bytes in each read call. Imagine the file like a book with many lines: Each time you read, you advance the current line, so with multiple calls, you never get the same data. The solution is to currently store the last read byte:

while (dataFile.available()) {
  char readByte = dataFile.read();

You have two calls for displaying data in the LCD, but be careful that the second call (print) might interpret your data as a number, so just remove the lcd.print(readByte) call altogether to be sure it's printing the raw character.


You could also implement a readLine routine, similar to:

void _readLine(File f, char *line)
    boolean cr_found = false;
    int p = 0;
    while (f.available()) {
        char b = f.read();
        if(b!='\r' && b!='\n')
            line[p++] = b;

        if(b == '\r') cr_found = true;
        if((b == '\n') && cr_found) break;
    line[p] = '\0';

And read the SD file line by line, processing each one of them by its own.

char buffer[32];

while(dataFile.available()) {
    _readLine(dataFile, buffer);
    // do something with buffer

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