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I have two files, the first file is a library that I use to handle push buttons and initialize it and the second is where I handle my code and change LED state when push button is pressed, but my code doesn't work, I'm using Atmega32Atmega32A micro-controller.

I have two files, the first file is a library that I use to handle push buttons and initialize it and the second is where I handle my code and change LED state when push button is pressed, but my code doesn't work, I'm using Atmega32 micro-controller.

I have two files, the first file is a library that I use to handle push buttons and initialize it and the second is where I handle my code and change LED state when push button is pressed, but my code doesn't work, I'm using Atmega32A micro-controller.

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Atmega32 push button library problem

I have two files, the first file is a library that I use to handle push buttons and initialize it and the second is where I handle my code and change LED state when push button is pressed, but my code doesn't work, I'm using Atmega32 micro-controller.

my library code:

#ifndef ButtonLibrary
#define ButtonLibrary

#ifndef numberOfButtons
#define numberOfButtons 2

#ifndef bit_is_clear
#define bit_is_clear(sfr, bit)   (!(_SFR_BYTE(sfr) & _BV(bit)))

#include <avr/io.h>

char ButtonPressed(int buttonnumber, unsigned char pinofbutton, unsigned char portbit, int confidencelevel);
void initialize_button(int pinofbutton, unsigned char port, unsigned char datadirection);
void initialize_led(int pinofled, unsigned char port, unsigned char datadirection);
void change_led_state(int pinofled, unsigned char port);

char pressed[numberOfButtons];
int pressed_confidence_level[numberOfButtons];
int released_confidence_level[numberOfButtons];

void initialize_button(int pinofbutton, unsigned char port, unsigned char datadirection)
    datadirection &= ~(1 << pinofbutton);
    port |= 1 << pinofbutton;

void initialize_led(int pinofled, unsigned char port, unsigned char datadirection)
    datadirection |= 1 << pinofled;
    port &= ~(1 << pinofled);

void change_led_state(int pinofled, unsigned char port)
    port ^= (1 << pinofled);

char ButtonPressed(int buttonnumber, unsigned char pinofbutton, unsigned char portbit, int confidencelevel)
    if(bit_is_clear(pinofbutton, portbit))
        pressed_confidence_level[buttonnumber] ++;
        released_confidence_level[buttonnumber] = 0;
        if(pressed_confidence_level[buttonnumber] > confidencelevel)
            if(pressed[buttonnumber] ==0)
                pressed[buttonnumber] = 1;
                return 1;
            pressed_confidence_level[buttonnumber] = 0;
    //button isn't pressed
        released_confidence_level[buttonnumber] ++;
        pressed_confidence_level[buttonnumber] = 0;
        if(released_confidence_level[buttonnumber] > confidencelevel)
            pressed[buttonnumber] = 0;
            released_confidence_level[buttonnumber] = 0;
    return 0;

my main code:

#define F_CPU 1000000UL

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "ButtonLibrary.h"

int main(void)
    initialize_button(PIND4, PORTD, DDRD);
    initialize_button(PIND3, PORTD, DDRD);
    initialize_led(PINC7, PORTC, DDRC);
    initialize_led(PINC6, PORTC, DDRC);

        if(ButtonPressed(0, PIND, 3, 500) == 1)
            change_led_state(PINC6, PORTC);
        if(ButtonPressed(1, PIND, 4, 500) == 1)
            change_led_state(PINC7, PORTC);

when I press the push button nothing happens, I think there is something wrong in my initialize functions or change_led_state function but I don't know it.