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tttapa's user avatar
tttapa's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
7 votes

Call by reference

6 votes

char array comparison

5 votes

A proper way to get the roll, pitch and yaw values

5 votes

Wiring when burning the bootloader of esp8266

5 votes

Problems with I2C connection on ESP8266 - 12F, which pins should I use?

4 votes

Is std::array (from the C++ STL) safe to use on arduino? Does it use dynamic memory allocation?

3 votes

Getting no such directory file error when compiling

3 votes

Arduino Uno won't upload code and overheats

3 votes

Is it possible to program/flash ESP8266MOD(07) With Arduino UNO

3 votes

Error array value after passed to a function

3 votes

nodemcu pins + sensors reading values

2 votes

ISP with 115200 baud

2 votes

Confusion over Transistors for a switching circuit with an Arduino Mega 2560

2 votes

Atmega328p - Going low power 1.8V using 4Mhz oscillator - Bootloader flash

2 votes

Error Compiling sketch for Arduino Uno(ld return 1)

2 votes

What is the use of reserved pins and SDD2, SDD3 pins of the NodeMCU?

2 votes

Getting "spikes" from an array of values - measure rpm using accelerometter

2 votes

Problem with passing string pointer from child to parent

2 votes

String to Int Array

2 votes

Problem with PWM function on RGB LED and IR

2 votes

Arduino uno and ESP8266

2 votes

ESP8266 returning 400 bad request

2 votes

How to connnect Arduino to Wemos D1 (send data)?

2 votes

Local char* - keeps its value

1 vote

How can measure the 3-axis accelerations?

1 vote

Dotstar strip goes nuts when connected to MIDI piano

1 vote

LED blinking count with LDR sensor

1 vote

Connect Arduino to Socket IO Webserver via Esp8266

1 vote

DS18B20 setting resolution without addressing

1 vote

Arduino nano and wemos sd shield