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Dat Han Bag's user avatar
Dat Han Bag's user avatar
Dat Han Bag
  • Member for 7 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
6 votes

The use of 4.7kOhm resistor with DS18B20 temperature sensor

2 votes

How to run multiple functions one after another?

2 votes

Why is my arduino acting like a radio? And is there a way to abuse this?

2 votes

Sound Recognition

1 vote

Reset and Remove Arduino ATmega328P?

1 vote

Is there a counter library in Arduino?

1 vote

Hold a random number

1 vote

Do I use an Arduino or an ARM based Launchpad board for my commercial project?

1 vote

Is there a way of turning a computer into a Arduino type board?

1 vote

Mini Voice Recorder for Arduino

0 votes

How fast can I drive a stepper motor?

0 votes

Use TFT LCD with Uno and Wi-Fi shield

0 votes

How to detect Arduino serial port programmatically on different platforms?

0 votes

Arduino analog input protection