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3 votes

MKR1000 and DS18B20 temperature sensor

Looks like you have it wired wrong. A schematic would really help but it looks like you've got 5V going directly into the sensors data line (yellow wire) it's connected on your breadboard to the ...
Jeff Wahaus's user avatar
3 votes

How to use multiple SPI slaves in MKR1000 if it doesn't have Slave Select (SS/CS) pin?

The Arduino doesn't care what pin you use for SS since you just use digitalWrite() on it anyway. You use any pin you like for one slave, so you can use any other pin you like for another slave. The ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

millis() function always returns same value

You never exit the ISR, hence all interrupts are disabled. Do the minimum work possible within an ISR, and have the main loop outside.
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams's user avatar
3 votes

How to control MKR1000 from outside your local network

The only way I can think of to achieve this would be to port forward your router, and forward port 80 (http) to your MKR1000. You can check out for instructions on that. If ...
Tony T's user avatar
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2 votes

where does access point's IP address come from for sketch AP_SimpleWebServer.ino in Github WiFi101 examples

If you look into that github source code, you can see startAP function and mainly rows with strM2MAPConfig.au8DHCPServerIP: uint8_t WiFiClass::startAP(const char *ssid, uint8_t u8SecType, const void *...
KIIV's user avatar
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WiFi101 Client HTTP POST fails after 3rd request

I tried changing the strings to char's, that didn't work. Verified that it was closing connections with the server, check. Was reading around and saw someone who tried a soft reset of the wifi client ...
hummmingbear's user avatar
2 votes

Changing outputs infinitely for no reason

You had the following general problem: The code you were using was configuring a pin into INPUT mode and reading the value on it. On this pin you conencted a button without extern pullup or pulldown ...
Maximilian Gerhardt's user avatar
2 votes

How do I lower clock speed for MKR1000?

48 MHz is a multiple of 16MHz. Why not just adjust the timing code to account?
jose can u c's user avatar
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How to control MKR1000 from outside your local network

You now can try this UPnP_Generic library to do the auto-portforwarding for you without manually touching the router. Many of us are manually port-forwarding in Internet Gateway Device (IGD, Router) ...
khoih-prog's user avatar
2 votes

Camera on mkr1000 or nodemcu 0.9

There are a couple of levels of names in your question, so here are how they fit together: ESP8266 - This is the bare chip found in the wide range of "esp8266"-based boards/modules/etc. The chip ...
jose can u c's user avatar
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Mkr1000 Wifi Configuration

I'll release a new WiFiManager_Generic_Lite, with functionality similar to WiFiManager_NINA_Lite, to provide support specifically to MKR1000 using WiFi101, as well as other generic boards (nRF52, SAMD,...
khoih-prog's user avatar
2 votes

Problem on Sending float number and multiple float numbers

Sending numerical values between systems is fraught with difficulty. Not only do you have to ensure that both ends agree on the size of the data (16 bit vs 32 bit ints, float vs double, etc) but that ...
Majenko's user avatar
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1 vote

MKR1000 - Connecting to Pubnub

It appears the tutorial is now outdated and the PubNum library does not need the changes described in the tutorial. The PubNub library has an example titled PubNubWifi101 which shows the client type ...
jose can u c's user avatar
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Powering a MKR with regulated 3.3v

You don't really need your regulator. That board has a connection (X1) intended for directly connecting two AA batteries (according to the schematic). However, if you want to keep it regulated at 3....
Majenko's user avatar
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Can I send data from one MKR1000 to another MKR1000

I found a tutorial that explains exactly what Majenko and Juraj explained, the library code that the tutorial references is ...
Jay.Smyth's user avatar
1 vote

Can I send data from one MKR1000 to another MKR1000

WiFiClient object wraps a TCP socket. A normal TCP socket is connected to IP address and port. WiFiServer starts a listening socket on a port. If server on listening socket is contacted by a remote ...
Juraj's user avatar
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How to use more than 2 I2S microphones on MKR Zero?

By definition, the I2S bus only allows up to 2 channels to be transmitted at the same time. Here is a quote from the Details section of the Wikipedia's I2S page: The word select clock lets the ...
st2000's user avatar
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Is it possible to do an OTA update using a GitHub link

It may be possible if you can write your own bootloader, but it certainly won't be easy. The normal way of doing OTA updates is to use a chip that has segmentable and remappable flash memory (such as ...
Majenko's user avatar
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SSID was not declared in this scope

A problem in the include file on the line previous could cause the following line to be misinterpreted. To test that try moving the ssid after the password and see if the error changes. Obviously make ...
Chris_P's user avatar
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WiFiSSLClient will not connect to servers with LetsEncrypt certificates

The solution is to update the certificates the WIFI 101 Firmware Updater tool (in the Arduino IDE). Install the FirmwareUpdater sketch, as described on the Arduino site. Select Tools -> WiFi 101 ...
Ian's user avatar
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Loops fail after ~5 minutes when making two API calls every 10 seconds using WiFi client

You keep calling new to allocate memory but you never free it. This is a memory leak and eventually you run out. Instead of constantly creating new arrays, why don't you make those global or static. ...
Delta_G's user avatar
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How can I calculate approximate cycles per second from pulsed pin on Arduino MKR Zero?

The dependency on the clock speed is hidden in the implementation of the delay() function. It works with 'human readable' milliseconds. Hertz is count of repeating in one second. One second has 1000 ...
Juraj's user avatar
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How can I calculate approximate cycles per second from pulsed pin on Arduino MKR Zero?

It is unclear exactly what you are trying to do, however the frequency generated by the code would be ~5Hz - corresponding to a period of 200mS
Milliways's user avatar
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Build an improved GSM antenna for arduino mkr gsm 1400

On one end of the MKR GSM 1400 is a U.FL antenna connector. To that you need to connect a U.FL To Female SMA Adaptor. That adaptor can then screw into an SMA GSM Antenna of your choice.
Majenko's user avatar
  • 105k
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Use 5V SD-Adapter on 3.3V System

You can use the adapter because: the adapter uses an AMS1117 to generate 3.3V to supply the SD card and the level shifter the level shifter is a 74LVC125 which uses 3.3V and works with 3.3V (and ...
Lucky Loser's user avatar
1 vote

Use 5V SD-Adapter on 3.3V System

Catalex Micro SD Card Adapter has built-in level converter in a form of 74LVC125A 3-state buffer. This buffer chip needs 1.65 to 3.6V voltage supply. The +5V from your Arduino is lowered to 3.3V by ...
smajli's user avatar
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Use 5V SD-Adapter on 3.3V System

The SD card is a 3.3 V device. The 5 V module with SD card adapter steps down the voltage for powering the card and has logic level conversion for card's SPI pins. If you want to connect SD card to a ...
Juraj's user avatar
  • 18.1k
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Parse UNIX-time from char[]

On 32 bit systems, uint32_t is usually the same as unsigned int and unsigned long. You should be able to parse the number using strtoul(), which is quite standard and returns an unsigned long.
Edgar Bonet's user avatar
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Use SD-Card module in combination with MKR GSM 1400

You can free choose pins used by SPI master to select slaves, but if possible use the default expected by the library. With MKR and other SAMD Arduino boards use the same default SPI slave select ...
Juraj's user avatar
  • 18.1k
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Arduino MKR Zero problem with new UART comunication

When a library does not highlight, it might be that the library is not coded to be highlighted (see here). If you installed the library yourself, you may have put it in the wrong path.
MechtEngineer's user avatar

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