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11 votes

Different ways (and the fastest) to compute sines (and cosines) in Arduino

The two basic methods are mathematical calculation (with polynomials) and lookup tables. The Arduino's math library (libm, part of avr-libc) uses the former. It is optimised for the AVR in that it ...
Majenko's user avatar
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11 votes

On an esp8266 what is faster, 64-bit math or float math?

Calculating the relative performance of 64 bit integer versus floating point multiplication is a little more difficult than it would appear. It's easy to time a loop that does thousands of ...
romkey's user avatar
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8 votes

Is there a non-float alternative to pow()?

For the general case, @dat_ha 's answer is correct, but it is worth noting that you want a very special case... powers of two. Because computers use binary arithmetic, operations involving powers of ...
Jason Clark's user avatar
8 votes

Different ways (and the fastest) to compute sines (and cosines) in Arduino

There are some good answers here but I wanted to add a method which hasn't been mentioned yet, one very well suited to computing trigonometric functions on embedded systems, and that's the CORDIC ...
Halzephron's user avatar
8 votes

How are errors (not related to syntax) managed in arduino and in the AVR architecture in general?

The simple answer is: they are not handled at all. According to the C and C++ standards, what you are invoking is called undefined behavior, meaning anything can happen. In practical terms, it means ...
Edgar Bonet's user avatar
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7 votes

Different ways (and the fastest) to compute sines (and cosines) in Arduino

I have been playing a bit with computing sines and cosines on the Arduino using fixed-point polynomial approximations. Here are my measurements of average execution time and worst case error, compared ...
Edgar Bonet's user avatar
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6 votes

Unexpected negative values from abs() function inline with analogRead

abs() is defined in Arduino.h as a macro: #define abs(x) ((x)>0?(x):-(x)) A macro does not evaluate in the same way as a function. sensor = abs(analogRead(A0) - 512); This statement will be ...
Mikael Patel's user avatar
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6 votes

Calculating Amp/Hrs of a solar panel

How to make your own coulomb counter (Amp*hours [Ahr] meter, or Watts*hours [Whr] energy meter) with an Arduino Quick summary: Jump straight down to the "Full coulomb counter example in code"...
Gabriel Staples's user avatar
6 votes

On an esp8266 what is faster, 64-bit math or float math?

OK, I took the trouble to code fixed-point routines and test them. Here is the code ... // fixed-point routines for 20 bit integer / 12-bit fraction // format 0xfffff.fff, max value is +-524288.9998 ...
mark-hahn's user avatar
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5 votes

eval() function for Arduino?

TinyExpr does what you want, and more. TinyExpr is a very small recursive descent parser and evaluation engine for math expressions. It's handy when you want to add the ability to evaluation math ...
Eric Duminil's user avatar
5 votes

Is it possible to use mathematical sets and their operations in arduino?

The Standard Template Library (STL) can be installed on the Arduino. It is not there by default. That includes things like sets. One implementation is here.
Nick Gammon's user avatar
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4 votes

Different ways (and the fastest) to compute sines (and cosines) in Arduino

I looked for other people that had approximated cos() and sin() and I came across this answer: dtb's answer to "Fast Sin/Cos using a pre computed translation array" Basically he computed that the ...
sa_leinad's user avatar
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4 votes

Different ways (and the fastest) to compute sines (and cosines) in Arduino

You could create a couple of functions that uses linear approximation to determine the sin() and cos() of a particular angle. I am thinking something like this: For each I have broken the graphical ...
sa_leinad's user avatar
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4 votes

Rounding up and Down

As far as I know, the Serial.print (or println) does rounding up and down. All you have to do is take a float variable and do Serial.print( value, 1); Without extra parameter, the default is choosen, ...
Jot's user avatar
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4 votes

Rounding up and Down

You can round in C by multiplying for the significance, adding +0.5, round down (equals as casting to an integer) and divide. float f_rounded = ((int) (f * 10.0 + 0.5) / 10.0); 28.6 will be: float ...
Michel Keijzers's user avatar
3 votes

Different ways (and the fastest) to compute sines (and cosines) in Arduino

Just for the fun of it, and to prove it can be done, I finished an AVR assembly routine to calculate sin(x) results in 24 bits (3 bytes) with one bit of error. The input angle is in degrees with one ...
Wagner Lip's user avatar
3 votes

Arduino pow() making 9's

I put this code into the IDE, and for n>=2, I got 99, 999, 9999 etc. The catch is that Arduino uses floating point arithmetic to implement the pow() function, and some of your values are being ...
user85471's user avatar
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3 votes

Arduino pow() making 9's

pow() works with floating point numbers. Floating point numbers are just an approximation. You will very rarely get precise results using floating point numbers. Instead you could write your own ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Different ways (and the fastest) to compute sines (and cosines) in Arduino

A lookup table will be the fastest way to find sines. And if you're comfortable computing with fixed-point numbers (integers whose binary-point is somewhere other than to the right of bit-0), your ...
JRobert's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I find the whole number (n) that when multiplied by (m) will be closest to (x)?

First, I'll show you the "manual" way. You can divide the resulting steps by the number they should be divisible by, round to the next integer, and multiply that again by the number. I'll ...
the busybee's user avatar
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2 votes

Performing 32-bit arithmetic on embedded device

You wrote: the 16 most significant should be accurate. Are you absolutely sure about that? Please reconsider. It is easy, when asking a question, to ask for something better than what you strictly ...
Edgar Bonet's user avatar
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2 votes

Arduino randomly does incorrect addition

int only goes from -32768 to 32768, and rolls-over, as you've seen. Use a long data type instead and you can go MUCH further from zero. Use double instead of float likewise, when you need more room. ...
dandavis's user avatar
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2 votes

Converting `millis()` to decimal seconds?

Dividing an integer by an integer (1000) yields an integer, regardless of what you cast that result to. Instead you need to divide the integer by a float, or cast the integer to a float first. The ...
Majenko's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there any way to group variables like group.variable as you can in Java/Delphi

What you are looking for is a struct: struct foo { uint8_t Ux; uint8_t Uy; uint8_t Yz; }; Then: struct foo A; struct foo B; And: A.Ux = 3; B.Uz = 48; int c = A.Ux + B.Uz; When ...
Majenko's user avatar
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2 votes

Formula to calculate energy required to power an Arduino board

In the datasheet you can read how much every mode uses (normal mode, sleep mode etc). However, it also depends on which peripherals inside the CPU are active and all electronics around it. So make ...
Michel Keijzers's user avatar
2 votes

Why is this IIR Filter unstable on the Arduino Due?

The precision of a float is about 7 significant digits. The constant term of B in your transfer function (0.00000376) has only 3 significant digits. Your transfer function has a pole at z = 1. It is ...
Edgar Bonet's user avatar
  • 44.3k
2 votes

Different ways (and the fastest) to compute sines (and cosines) in Arduino

I had a simillar question to OP. I wanted to make a LUT table to calculate the first quadrant of the sine function as unsigned 16 bit integers starting from 0x8000 to 0xffff. And i ended up writing ...
Arnadath's user avatar
2 votes

Arduino calculator: I'm struggling to write a sketch which parses inputted characters

Characters in a char[] variable may be encoded in ASCII or Unicode. You will want to convert them to numbers in this case. Consider subtracting the ascii value of one less than 0 from each char to get ...
Rashi Abramson's user avatar
2 votes

Different ways (and the fastest) to compute sines (and cosines) in Arduino

As others have mentioned lookup tables are the way to go if you want speed. I've recently been investigating computation of trig functions on an ATtiny85 for use of fast vector averages (wind in my ...
acicuc's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes

How to get average of 16bit ADC readings?

If you are trying to average out three sensor ADC reading first you need to store and add them all then divide it by 3. int16_t rawData =0; int32_t avg=0,ambient=0; int i=0; while(i<3) { ...
Vaibhav's user avatar
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