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8 votes

Arduino Nano not visible in Serial Ports (Mac OS)

Is it an original Nano or a clone? The original Nano uses FTDI's FT232 ship, whereas clones use the CG340 USB-to-TTL chip. The former works fine straight away Mac OS Sierra, whereas the latter needs ...
Enric Blanco's user avatar
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7 votes

Connect to ch340 on MacOS Mojave

Ok, this is the solution for me: remove all old drivers: sudo rm -rf /Library/Extensions/usbserial.kext sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/usb.kext Now reboot the computer. And then (very ...
Sven's user avatar
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7 votes

Is there an Apple Silicon (M1) driver for CH34x devices?

So they pushed a new version to GitHub late september: This should be the maintained version ahead of what they offer as a download on the official ...
Cerealz's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there an Apple Silicon (M1) driver for CH34x devices?

After hours of mindless reinstalling of the drivers on M1, reboots and other magic tricks, I almost decided to switch to windows to make my arduino ide work. My NodeMCU board with CH340G would either ...
Marek's user avatar
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5 votes

Arduino resets my MacBook Pro

It is almost certainly a device-driver issue. Since Arduinos are probably a little way down the pecking order for things that Apple is interested in, they probably don't test as extensively as (say) ...
Nick Gammon's user avatar
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4 votes

Upgrade ESP-01 firmware on MacOS

Here is the step-by-step on upgrade the ESP-01 AT Command firmware (for running on macOS). Wiring For flashing the ESP-01 firmware, you need to have a USB-TTL adaptor as a programmer. +----------------...
hcheung's user avatar
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4 votes

Mac shortcut for next window - IDE 1.8.7 problem

In MacOS 10.14 and Arduino IDE 1.6.12, cmd` cycles through 5+ IDE windows properly, for me. Update: When you upgrade to Arduino 1.8.7, I won't be. I've tried a couple of its point releases and ...
JRobert's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there an Apple Silicon (M1) driver for CH34x devices?

As it turns out, I found in the following post: a link to a particular build of the CH340 drivers that is properly signed and can ...
finitud's user avatar
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3 votes

Mac shortcut for next window - IDE 1.8.7 problem

Just by trying, I found that Cmd ⌘ Shift ` cycles through all windows (maybe in reverse).
hpekristiansen's user avatar
3 votes

Arduino not responding to macbook pro

I had this issue and it was because the port was not set in my Arduino IDE. I fixed it by going to Tools -> Port, and selecting my usb device. In my case it was called /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
Andy Brunner's user avatar
3 votes

Digispark Micro (ATTINY85) not working on Macbook Pro 2016

Digisparks are known to have problems with USB3 ports (which your USB-C adaptor probably provides). Try using a cheap USB2 hub between the DigiSpark and the adaptor. It's always a good idea to use a ...
JayEye's user avatar
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3 votes

Where is Arduino.h on a Mac? Can I download a copy if missing?

On a Mac the Arduino.h file is within the Arduino application itself. It's not that easy to get to without resorting to the command line. You also need far more than just Arduino.h - you need the ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Using Arduino with Assembly on MacOS

You can add source code to the sketch in the Arduino IDE. When adding a new source code file make sure the extension is uppercase .S Files with .S extension will be compiled as Assembly. There is an ...
Visual Micro's user avatar
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3 votes

A1 was not declared in the scope

RobotConfig.h needs to include Arduino.h in order to have those constants.
Delta_G's user avatar
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2 votes

Arduino Uno unable to detect usb port on Mac OS Sierra 10.12.5

I installed the CH340 Driver and the board now shows the USB serial as port option:
codeinprogress's user avatar
2 votes

Arduino will not recognise USB ports on my Mac running Sierra

I spoke to a very clever friend who has had similar problems. The answer lay in downloading the FTDI helper package not just the driver. If anyone else is having a similar problem the website is ...
Karen Butler's user avatar
2 votes

Arduino Uno unable to detect serial port on MAC os Mojave 10.14.2

If you are using a genuino or genuine Arduino, the most common cause of this is using a USB power only cable to connect rather than a data cable. (You only need the CH34x_Install_V1.4.pkg if you are ...
brianfit's user avatar
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2 votes

Arduino not responding to macbook pro

I fixed it by plugging it into my other USB port (which I had previously been using) So possibly this is caused by switching USB ports
Jeff Hykin's user avatar
2 votes

Arduino crashed my computer when I plug in the USB cable

It could possibly be that there is a fault that is causing a short circuit. This short circuit could be in the board itself or the USB cable that connects the Arduino. The USB port on the Mac should ...
sa_leinad's user avatar
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2 votes

Can't upload code to Arduino board on Mac

I finally solved the problem. Although the Board has no information about being a clone (it only says "Uno" and was provided by the faculty so I think it is official), I was looking on the ...
João Sacramento's user avatar
2 votes

Arduino Uno Gravitech Rev 3.0 with avrdude CLI (Mac OS) - Is my script correct?

Your first problem is the no-response complaint. You said "I've noticed that the 'Rx' led and the 'L' led blank during the attempts." Is "blank" a typo (i.e., the LEDs do blink?) ...
JRobert's user avatar
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1 vote

Mac OS X Catalina Serial Monitor Problem

I fixed issue last night. Catalina has ch340 drivers already and I setup oem driver from GitHub. Apples driver and oem drivers conflicting. If you use Mojave and higher os, you dont need any driver ...
Dogan Cignakli's user avatar
1 vote

Why is Toolchain Not Updated with Arduino IDE Install on Mac

The boards packages maintained by Boards Manager and associated tools are installed in .arduino15 folder. The AVR boards package bundled with IDE is only used when there is no AVR boards package ...
Juraj's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I upload an Arduino STM32 binary from the Mac command line?

There are several different tools for uploading binaries to a Cortex M3. Depending on the board (not chip) configuration, they include (ht: Majenko): dfu-util through an FT232 adapter stm32flash ...
1 vote

Connect to ch340 on MacOS Mojave

this my problem too. i found these solutions mac-usb-serial app a topic in arduino forum make sure delete old usb driver in these path /Library/Extensions/usbserial.kext and /System/Library/...
Ali Zohrevand's user avatar
1 vote

Serial communication mac to Digispark ATtiny85

SoftSerial and a real serial port on the mac will work. Or if you are careful use the DigiKeyboard and print the debug to the HID keyboard REMEMBERING to switch to a notepad equivalent window on the ...
tech-head-uk's user avatar
1 vote

Arduino will not recognise USB ports on my Mac running Sierra

I had a problem getting my computer (Mac Pro, OS 1.12.1 Sierra) to recognize my Arduino Leonardo and Micro boards. Tried many different fixes, nothing worked. Finally used a different cable, and both ...
jrj's user avatar
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1 vote

Avrdude can't connect to butterfly programmer

I found a post of somebody with a similar issue. His solution fixed my issue!'s user avatar
1 vote

How to restart USB subsystem?

You are using a USB to UART adaptor. The Arduino has no concept of what that is - it just sends and receives UART data. The adaptor is completely separate and the Arduino can do absolutely noting at ...
Majenko's user avatar
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1 vote

Problem uploading Arduino sketch on ESP8266-12e

3.x version of ESP8266 libraries If you're using the most updated version of the ESP8266 "NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)" board then all you need to do is update your Silabs library. 2.x ...
David R.'s user avatar
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