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14 votes

Arduino nano as HID Keyboard

Get yourself a Arduino Leonardo, Micro or Pro Micro (or Due, Zero, M0). Those can emulate a keyboard. Start with reading the Arduino Keyboard Mouse reference. The Arduino Nano can not use the Arduino ...
Jot's user avatar
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6 votes

Arduino Leonardo as keyboard for an iPad

If indeed the descriptor is the problem then yes you can change it. In the core file USBCore.h is the line: #define D_CONFIG(_totalLength,_interfaces) \ { 9, 2, _totalLength,_interfaces, 1, 0, ...
Majenko's user avatar
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6 votes

Press the Windows key using ";"

They command accept modifiers per the documentation. You may need to do multiple press() commands before releasing. For example, if you want to launch File Explorer you could use: ...
Eric G's user avatar
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5 votes

How to convert USB to PS/2?

Many USB keyboards (certainly older ones, though almost certainly not wireless ones) are also PS/2 keyboards. The wiring of the cable is all that differs, and the chip in the keyboard changes its ...
Majenko's user avatar
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4 votes

How to add extra USB port to Arduino Nano?

USB is deceptively simple. The underlying protocol is very complex. So a complete answer to your question requires some USB background. USB is divided into 2 types. USB Hosts and USB Devices. We ...
st2000's user avatar
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Typing into ESP8266 with a USB keyboard

My 2002-era Mac keyboard doesn't work, That doesn't surprise me - modern Macs have never needed PS/2 support. none of my 5 wireless keyboards work, That's because they're not keyboards, they're ...
Majenko's user avatar
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4 votes

Keyboard.h not found

If you have Arduino/Genuino Uno selected as your board in the Tools ► Board ► menu, then you get the error. If you select Arduino Leonardo it compiles correctly. From Can't seem to be able use ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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ESP8266: #include <Keyboard.h> causes fatal error: HID.h: No such file or directory

The Keyboard library is for Arduino ATMega32U4 based Arduinos (and other similar ones with USB) only. The ESP8266 does not have USB, so how can it possibly use the Keyboard library?
Majenko's user avatar
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4 votes

How to cut down size of imported DigiKeyboard library

With input from @EdgarBonet, I looked into the functions used and it turned out that the String() function, I used once in my code, takes up about 3kB of space in the compiled program. I ended up ...
emma.makes's user avatar
4 votes

Mouse.move: how do I move the mouse to the center of a screen?

There are two ways of working with HID mice - absolute and relative. The Arduino Mouse library only works in relative mode, but you want absolute. There's another library
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Arduino nano as HID Keyboard

The solution to get a board that has built in USB support is not preferred for someone who just wants to use the boards they already have. It is possible to use a board that can communicate with your ...
nicholas's user avatar
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3 votes

Grab keys from an ordinary USB keyboard

As suggested in the comments, you have two options: As suggested by Majenko, you can use the Arduino USB Host Shield: Alternatively you could use a PS2 keyboard instead (as suggested by Gerben). ...
sa_leinad's user avatar
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3 votes

Send Keyboard Media Keys with Keyboard Library

It is indeed possible and also without the requirement to modify the Arduino environment itself. Just register an HID descriptor for the "report ID" for "Consumer Control" (the ...
Peter Mortensen's user avatar
3 votes

Arduino Micro draws too much power from iPhone. How can I change that?

The power consumption is part of the exchange with the PC when it is plugged in. You can change that. Find the file USBCore.h in your Arduino install directory. In my case (under Linux) it was: ./...
Nick Gammon's user avatar
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3 votes

Emit region-neutral keyboard signals

No. There is no such facility. If you take a German keyboard and plug it into a US configured computer the key layout will be wrong. You have to tell the computer that you're using a German keyboard. ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Emit region-neutral keyboard signals

Download Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices (HID) See section 6.2.1 HID Descriptor bCountryCode 0x09 German also see ...
jsotola's user avatar
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STM32 as keyboard

The STM32F105xx series is not yet supported by either Arduino core (STM32 core or maple core) and neither mbed-os. The chip is still usable with the STM32 provided framework, the STM32HAL, (e.g. ...
Maximilian Gerhardt's user avatar
3 votes

Why can the Xbox360 not detect the Arduino Leonardo as keyboard?

Like Juraj and Majenko said. Arduino Keyboard library does emulate "Boot Keyboard". I use NicoHood HID library and now it works.
eolandro's user avatar
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3 votes

Using Keyboard library for ISO-UK layout

The USB keyboard protocol has no concept of characters. It doesn't know and doesn't care what character a key represents. Instead each code represents the location of the key on the keyboard, and it's ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Save highlighted text as int variable

You have to write an application for your PC that reads a number from the clipboard adds some constant puts the result back in the clipboard quits Then you have to configure you desktop environment ...
Edgar Bonet's user avatar
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3 votes

Can't type backslash (\) with Keyboard library

You have to keep in mind that the Arduino doesn't send characters to the computer. Instead, it simulates key presses, and the computer has to translate those into characters, according to some ...
Edgar Bonet's user avatar
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3 votes

Will an Arduino Nano work instead of Teensy 3.2?

No, you can't use Adruino Nano, because in this project the Teensy board has been used as an USB Keayboard and Nano has separate communication chip (FTDI or CH430) that can't emulate USB keyboard. ...
KIIV's user avatar
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2 votes

Send Keyboard Media Keys with Keyboard Library

If you are getting zeros, the most probably cause is it's the library for the IR. Reinstall or update the library. Sometimes you have to reinstall more than one time. That should work. About media ...
Jesus Ulloa's user avatar
2 votes

How to reprogram Arduino if USB port is already in use? It is suggested that in order to upload using the Arduino IDE you must: Add the repository
David Kerr's user avatar
2 votes

Digispark / DigiKeyboard change keyboard layout

You can edit the file scancode-ascii-table.h in your DigiKeyboard library. It basically states which ASCII code corresponds to which keyboard scancode. So if you try to print the ':' character but ...
Panki's user avatar
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2 votes

65 hall effect sensors as switches to be used as a keyboard with a teensy

[Completely rewritten answer] That seems fun. But why 65 keys ? with 64 keys it is easier. You have to test the sensitivity of the hall switches with the magnets to know how far apart the keys must ...
Jot's user avatar
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2 votes

Grab keys from an ordinary USB keyboard

I am able to use this library: and USB's data +/- connected to pins 2+3 of an arduino to read keys on standard keyboards. keyboard.begin( 3, 2); // D3= data+...
dandavis's user avatar
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2 votes

Arduino as a real device to computer

As per my understanding, the mouse has a microcontroller and a TTL serial converter which is programmed a certain way that enable computer's default mouse driver to understand the instructions coming ...
Majenko's user avatar
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2 votes

Arduino/ESP8266 to put PC to sleep and wake it up

The hardware interface would be the easiest like others were saying. Here is a project someone else shared that does that. ...
techknowpro's user avatar
2 votes

NodeMCU capable of key injection?

No, you can't use a NodeMCU for this. To emulate a USB keyboard you have to have a device with a main MCU on it which is directly connected to USB. The ESP8266 on the NodeMCU is not a USB-capable MCU,...
Majenko's user avatar
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