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15 votes

FTDI Breakout with additional ISP connector

There's a thread about that on the Arduino Forum - someone had a similar question. I found a schematic (below) which is not for that board, however the header pins are labelled the same as you found, ...
Nick Gammon's user avatar
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11 votes

Male header pins on Arduino Uno

These are the In System Programming (ISP) pins. They are used to program the microcontroller without using the bootloader. The bootloader is a program already loaded into the flash of the ...
sa_leinad's user avatar
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10 votes

Why was the Atmega16U2 used on the Arduino UNO as a USB to Serial converter?

First reason I'd guess is price: FT232 on octopart: USD2.65 ~ 3 Atmega16U2 on octopart: USD2.12 ~ 2.2 They can probably get much better deals considering that the Atmega328 is also from Atmel (now ...
Wesley Lee's user avatar
9 votes

Can I program a factory fresh Atmega328P through UART pins without burning a bootloader?

No, the ATmega's ISP does not operate over the UART pins but only the ISP pins. To program it via a UART, you need to first load a bootloader, unless your chip was pre-programmed by the vendor, ...
Chris Stratton's user avatar
8 votes

ESP8266 as ISP program for ATMega16

1. Uploading the sketch to your ESP8266 Tools > Board > select the appropriate ESP8266 board File > Examples > ESP8266AVRISP > Arduino_Wifi_AVRISP Change lines 7 and 8 to match the SSID and password ...
per1234's user avatar
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6 votes

Extend program space by getting rid of bootloader on NANO

It's enforcing this line from the arduino:avr boards.txt To be clear, the board is assumed to have a bootloader, even if you're not using it to get ...
timemage's user avatar
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5 votes

Using Arduino as ISP to burn sketch directly to ATmega328 without first installing a bootloader on the ATmega328

It is possible to skip the Burn Bootloader step. When you do Upload Using Programmer the bootloader is overwritten and thus serves no purpose. However, there is another reason for the Burn Bootloader ...
per1234's user avatar
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4 votes

How to prevent ATTiny program from running after I flash it with Arduino?

This means that if I try to flash the program, ATTiny will start to put PWM power into my Arduino. I don't want that to happen. Why do you think that is a problem? The "PWM power" cannot be any ...
Majenko's user avatar
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4 votes

Using Arduino as ISP to burn sketch directly to ATmega328 without first installing a bootloader on the ATmega328

The bootloader only enables serial programming of the device; it is perfectly possible to run Arduino programs without it provided that the code is compiled with the same hardware options (MCU model, ...
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams's user avatar
3 votes

Male header pins on Arduino Uno

The one by the USB connector is ICSP for the USB interface chip. The other is ICSP for the main chip and doubles as the (now standard) SPI interface for shields.
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

When using an Arduino as an ISP, is the capacitor required or not?

The purpose of the capacitor is to prevent the "master" Arduino (the Mega in the first image above) from resetting when the serial port is opened. If that board resets, then programming ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

What programmer do I select in Arduino IDE for the ATMEL-ICE ISP?

As of V1.8.2, the ATMEL-ICE is now included as a programmer in the Arduino IDE. The ATMEL-ICE was not available as a in-system programmer (ISP) in version 1.6.8 of the Arduino IDE. On the 20th of ...
sa_leinad's user avatar
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3 votes

Help understanding how avrdude works with ArduinoISP and why its not working for me

The target board was not reset. The "Arduino as ISP" sketch uses pin 10 to reset the target, not the SS pin. So even on Mega, wire reset of target to pin 10, not to pin 53. Is this an error ...
Juraj's user avatar
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3 votes

How to use any module that has no library for arduino?

About the fingerprint sensors from mobile phones: You might find the answers to this question useful. They explain in detail, why it is not really worth the effort to try interfacing such a ...
chrisl's user avatar
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2 votes

Which external programmers work reliably with Arduino Mega?

I have successfully used Arduino as ISP (not to be confused with Arduino ISP) on a Mega clone that has a funky FTDI-clone onboard, and would not let me upload bootloader through serial. This worked ...
stevux's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I avoid having a bootloader if I use ISP to flash to an arduino?

It looks like the Trinket Pro has an Atmega328P processor. You can change the fuses to not run the bootloader, in which case you don't need the space taken by it. I have a hex uploader sketch which ...
Nick Gammon's user avatar
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2 votes

Arduino ISP ATtiny problems

I did not download Arduino as ISP into my arduino. I realize how much of an idiot I am. The capacitor wasn't even needed for some reasons. I might make an intensive tutorial on this project.
See Jian Shin's user avatar
2 votes

What if I have burnt my atmega328p?

after two days of searching on internet, I decided to just reburn the bootloader again on my target µC to discover if it's really burned or not. SO, I guess it was not damaged because I was able to ...
BOuissal's user avatar
2 votes

What if I have burnt my atmega328p?

Trying your fuse settings on an AVR fuse calculator shows that you have selected an “external full-swing crystal” as the clock source. Now your ATmega won't work unless you connect it to an external ...
Edgar Bonet's user avatar
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2 votes

When using an Arduino as an ISP, is the capacitor required or not?

If you're using Nick Gammon's programmer, the RESET signal to the target board comes from the Arduino programmer - from Pin 10. Read his instructions: You modify ...
Jim's user avatar
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2 votes

Arduino ISP external power

Even with an external supply, you must still have a common ground reference between the ATmega being programmed, and the Arduino/ATmega doing the programming. According to your comment this was the ...
Chris Stratton's user avatar
2 votes

ISP with 115200 baud

You have to edit the programmers.txt file. (The one in ~/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/avr/1.6.21/, not the one in arduino-1.8.x/hardware/arduino/avr/) ISP avrisp.communication=...
tttapa's user avatar
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2 votes

Lines not pulsed fast enough (?))

The code content works fine while compiled as an Arduino program - that is, using the proper setup() and loop() structure: void setup() { DDRB |= (1 << PB4); DDRB |= (1 << ...
Majenko's user avatar
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2 votes

Unable to burn bootloader with avrisp

I can see you are on Linux so I won't give you instructions for using AVR Studio - but do know that if you have access to a Windows machine that is another option you could try. I can't tell you ...
sa_leinad's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I program a ATmega328 au tqfp32 ( SMD ) chip?

To upload compiled code (.hex) to a bare atmega which doesn't have a bootloader installed you can use ISP. As this stands for in-system-programming you don't have to flash the chip before assembly, ...
Sim Son's user avatar
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2 votes

How to use ATtiny pins that are usually 'reserved' for chip programming?

You can just normally use all pins except for the reset pin (pin 0). When you want to program the Attiny, you just connect the programmer. It will reset the Attiny through the reset pin and put it ...
chrisl's user avatar
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2 votes

Why does my 23,032 byte Arduino sketch take 36.32 sec to upload via ISP to an Atmega328p on a breadboard w/code verification disabled?

ISP programmers typically default to low ISP clock rates. Often something like 10khz, sometimes slower, probably to just work by default with very slowly clocked AVR chips. The ISP clock rate must ...
timemage's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible for Arduino as ISP board to flash an ISP master board?

Yes, you can flash an MCU using ISP even if the MCU acts as an SPI device (be it master or slave). The programmer puts the MCU into reset mode, so at the time the sketch is uploaded, SPI will be ...
Sim Son's user avatar
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2 votes

Mega2560 programming megacore avrdude: Device signature = 0x000000

The answer was that you must connect the reset pin of the target ICSP to pin 10 of the programmer Mega 2560. This was not very clear in the tutorial here:
Thom's user avatar
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2 votes

Failure to recognize the Arduino Mega2560 R2 board by the computer

The "L" LED is controlled by the main MCU. This is blinking because the bootloader is running fine. There is nothing (superficially) wrong with the main MCU. The TX ad RX LEDs are controlled ...
Majenko's user avatar
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