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How do I make a proper long string scanner to detect specific tags in a stream of characters?

Another option is to not save the characters in buffer but instead check each one as they arrive to see if the character is the next in the tag sequence. This has the advantage that you don't need a ...
Craig's user avatar
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4 votes

Getting Bluetooth addresses of connected devices via Arduino Uno?

The HC-05 has an AT command, AT+BIND?, that will tell you which slave device it is connected with currently. Since you can connect to one device only at the same time, your array is going to be a very ...
dda's user avatar
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Connecting a servo via HC05 and HC06

You cannot. You will need an Arduino at the servo end to generate the PWM signal from serial instructions sent over Bluetooth. Since PWM is (typically) 8-bit and serial is (typically) 8-bit you could ...
Majenko's user avatar
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4 votes

SPP-C and HC-05 are they the same thing or something else?

In theory they are the same and have the same capabilities. Practically they are not. With SPP-C you get twice the headache for half the price as for HC-05. In had to find it out the hard way Sending ...
Kwasmich's user avatar
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Can you help me trim my code?

The documentation for the MCUFRIEND_kbv project has a file describing how to use. This document has the statement: Most of these controllers are #define SUPPORT_xxxx by default. You can save Flash ...
jose can u c's user avatar
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4 votes

HC-05 Module not receiving commands and not pairing

You have seen contradictory statements, because there are many variables here, that might be different for each of the tutorials. some connect the RX and TX pins in reverse to the Arduino, some don't,...
chrisl's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I connect through a HC-05 to PS4 Controller?

The HC-05 uses the Bluetooth Serial Port profile (SPP). The PS4 controller doesn't. Hence you need something that is capable of using the same profile that the PS4 controller uses (HID?). And to ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Getting Bluetooth addresses of connected devices via Arduino Uno?

You just have to send the above Bluetooth command via serial port to your Bluetooth module using print command. For example yourserial.print("AT+BIND?"); OR yourserial.print("AT+INQ"); if you are ...
Tanmay Yerunkar's user avatar
3 votes

How to setup HC05 Module to be distinguishable

Your options are: As you guessed, you could set the name with AT+NAME=, and only use the names matching some pattern. It would work if you're only user so you just want to ignore other BT devices, ...
Matija Nalis's user avatar
3 votes

Can you help me trim my code?

I assume you mean that are running short of flash memory, rather than RAM. I base this assumption on the fact that you say that it's 99% full, and that this “is not very troublesome”. Filling 99% of ...
Edgar Bonet's user avatar
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3 votes

ESP8266 + HC-05 on same arduino

You can (just about) use any combination of two of: Serial to PC, HC-05 ESP-03 You have, basically, a hardware UART (pins 0/1), and a software UART (any pins of your choice). Only the hardware UART ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Transmit/Receive data Nodemcu(V3) + Bluetooth Module HC-05

I had the exact same problem and got it to work doing these changes: I had to add this under my library include statements #ifndef D5 #if defined(ESP8266) #define D5 (14) #define D6 (12) #define D7 (...
Jacob Pasqualoni's user avatar
3 votes

My HC-05 Bluetooth Module is not working

Few Points that you might want to Look into. Where exactly are you connecting Bluetooth Module with Uno. Make sure you are connecting it with Rx and Tx Pin Only. First make Simple Program to send ...
HallMark's user avatar
3 votes

Bluetooth module vs wireless module Arduino

what is the main difference between HC-05 Bluetooth module and NRF24L0 wireless module? The main difference is the protocol they use. While some attempts have been made with varying success to get ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Arduino with HC-05 Bluetooth Module | No data will be transmitted

The TX signal coming from either the Arduino or HC-05 should be connected to the RX of the other as I understand it, because both are labeled from the perspective of their respective chips Like @...
Verilyzed's user avatar
2 votes

What is the worst time case for Arduino Mega?

Yes. (For better guidance than that, we'd need to know more.)
Dave X's user avatar
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is it possible to write two threads in arduino & switch between data & AT command mode dynamically?

Receiving serial characters is partially done in hardware and partially in the Arduino firmware. The only thing you need to do here is: - check if you've received a full message. - handle the message (...
aaa's user avatar
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2 votes

is it possible to write two threads in arduino & switch between data & AT command mode dynamically?

You can switch between command and "online" modes, but you cannot use both at once. While in command mode you can't be receiving data, and while in online mode you can't be sending commands. You ...
Majenko's user avatar
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HC-05 module short circuit

I suppose you're referring to the HC05 module, already soldered on a board, with the 6-pin header. The regulator is on that board. Online you'll find several versions of that board, therefore you ...
next-hack's user avatar
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2 votes

HC-05 emit data without pairing

No. The HC-05 has to be paired. It runs on Bluetooth 2.x which requires pairing. What you want is BLE (or Bluetooth 4.x) which has various "beacon" facilities.
Majenko's user avatar
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2 votes

Arduino 4wd rover

You need more power! The formula for power is Volts * Amps. A PP3 has about 500mAh, which means its can (in theory) output 9V at 500mA for an hour, which means you have about 4.5 watts. So what ...
Code Gorilla's user avatar
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HC-05 and p-channel mosfet

That's not a good choice of MOSFET I'm afraid. The on resistance is quoted as 14Ω when the gate is at -10V - however, you are only able to get -5V, so it will be considerably worse. That massive on ...
Majenko's user avatar
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2 votes

HC-05 Bluetooth module got virus

It is unlikely this module got a virus. It sounds more like a data rate mismatch or a noisy connection. If you get ONLY the strange characters and nothing that you would expect, even in part, then ...
jose can u c's user avatar
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2 votes

Text send via HC-05 is broken up by first character on the receiving end?

I did something similar (multiBT) using HC-05 and PC BT, with the same App. Results: all the incoming data from the PC_BT to the phone are right, but with the HC-05 sometimes is chunked as @deostrol ...
DSalomon's user avatar
2 votes

HC-05/Arduino receiving spam data returns -1 if no data is available. It doesn't wait for the byte. Test for -1 or use Serial.available() as any example does. Replace Serial.print(data) with Serial.write(data) to get ...
Juraj's user avatar
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2 votes

Reading values with HC-05 and sending commands at the same time working inconsistently

Actually got it working myself, but thank you so much for your help @chrisl Ditched the for loop completely just to try things out and reorganized my code a bit. Surprisingly it started to work well ...
ProbablyGonnaBurnMyHouse's user avatar
2 votes

Transmit/Receive data Nodemcu(V3) + Bluetooth Module HC-05

I changed the line SoftwareSerial BTserial(3, 1); // RX, TX to SoftwareSerial BTserial(D4, D3); // RX, TX And got it to work!
Sandrocottus's user avatar
2 votes

HC-05 bluetooth module

The HC-05 modules use bluetooth 2.0. Certain apps would only be compatible with bluetooth 4.0 devices (BLE - Bluetooth Low Energy), such as an HM10 or AT09. It could be that your app requires the ...
Dekita RPG's user avatar
2 votes

I need a good battery reccomendation

The L293D has about a 2.6V drop on the output pins. That means for a 3V motor you need to provide about 5.6v for it to run at full speed. 5V will work, but it will run slightly slow and underpowered. ...
Majenko's user avatar
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2 votes

HC-05 Bluetooth module; two serial ports, COM4 and COM5

I found this answer in Microsoft Technet helpful: when connecting your terminal program to the first you are actually instructing Windows to attempt to establish the Bluetooth connection to the ...
Sohail's user avatar
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