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11 votes

Will 5V 2A current input to the power port kill my Arduino?

"I want to power my arduino with mobile charger the out put is 5v 2apms will it kill my arduino?" No! It won't. Even tough the reason has been already explained in this other post, I want to add ...
Damiano Verzulli's user avatar
9 votes

Max current of Vin and 5V pin on Arduino Nano

It's hard to say. The maximum the on-board regulator can provide is 800mA. However the actual amount it can provide at any time depends on other external factors - most notably: The voltage of your ...
Majenko's user avatar
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8 votes

Powering up LED strip - How many amps?

Usually strips have not individual LEDs, but are composed of a lot of "pieces" in parallel, and each piece is composed by three leds in series along with a resistor. Usually the strips are composed ...
frarugi87's user avatar
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5 votes

WS2812 - First are white and then they turn red/yellow/orange near the end

See Powering NeoPixels. Each individual NeoPixel draws up to 60 milliamps at maximum brightness white (red + green + blue). ... To estimate power supply needs, multiply the number of ...
Nick Gammon's user avatar
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5 votes

Attiny85 appears to be drawing 0.2mA current but battery running down more quickly

2.9V doesn't sound too bad. See a datasheet for the CR2032 I found: It looks like slightly more than 2.9V would be the expected voltage for up to 600 hours. 3.2V looks like it is fully charged, and ...
Nick Gammon's user avatar
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5 votes

Controlling voltage and current from chip?

You're misunderstanding what you need to drive a transistor. A transistor will allow up to a specific amount of current through the collector depending on the current that flows through the base. If ...
Majenko's user avatar
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5 votes

Is it correct to use a 9V 1A transformer to power my project?

in all places recommend not to use sources that give currents greater than 500mA when you are going to feed it by the pin VIn with 9V. Nowhere says that. They say you should not draw more than 500mA ...
Majenko's user avatar
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5 votes

Arduino max power supply limit

1A coming in thru the barrel jack connecor, then you risk blowing the 1A rated reverse polarity protection diode. The 5V regulator will overheat at high currents above 7.5V. The chip itself can have ...
CrossRoads's user avatar
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5 votes

Understanding the variation of Arduino's current consumption with respect to the voltage supply

There is a basic error in your methodology which leads to incorrect conclusions. You cannot determine what is going on from just two data points. Instead you need far more. Here is a voltage sweep ...
Majenko's user avatar
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5 votes

Dimming this ~30V led with PWM, what do I need?

It will not be possible for you to PWM dim your LED with that LED driver (power supply). That is a constant current driver with under/over-voltage protection. It delivers a specific amount of current (...
Majenko's user avatar
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5 votes

Do the I/O pins on Arduino read current or voltage?

They read voltage. When you close the pushbutton switch the input should have a 0V or digital "0" on it. When you open the pushbutton the resistor should pull the input to 5V or digital &...
jwh20's user avatar
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4 votes

Can the Arduino be hurt by connecting too many LEDs in serial?

The forward voltage of an LED or diode is the applied voltage of the "knee" in the exponential characteristic at which it starts to substantially conduct, and in the case of an LED, produce light. ...
Chris Stratton's user avatar
4 votes

5V usb surge protection for circuit board?

A polyfuse will limit current not voltage. There are transient protection diodes which switch on if voltage exceeds a given level, which are often used in conjunction with a polyfuse. The diodes ...
Milliways's user avatar
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Powering up LED strip - How many amps?

1) Is it important on how many amps, my powers supply will feed? Yes. You need the PSU to be able to supply as much current as you will need for everything you are powering form it. You don't say ...
Mark Smith's user avatar
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Arduino Pro Mini maximal and recommended current per pin

It is the amount of current the pin can source or sink when in OUTPUT mode. That is, the amount of current that can flow from the pin to ground, or can flow from VCC into the pin. You can understand ...
Majenko's user avatar
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4 votes

What's wrong with the ACS712 sensor?

Your problem is that you are trying to measure motes of dust with a yard stick. The yard stick is great at measuring things in inches and feet, but when you want to find the size of something that's ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Voltage and Current and Arduino

You must use a resistor. See The care and feeding of LEDs How Do I fix it? Use a current-limiting resistor.
Nick Gammon's user avatar
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3 votes

Understanding flow of current with pull-up and pull-down circuits

It's very hard to read your circuit, because there are wires everywhere. However this is effectively what a switch and a pull-up resistor looks like: Due to the pull-up, pin 8 on the Arduino (which ...
Nick Gammon's user avatar
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3 votes

What's Leonardo 5V pin current limit?

The 5V pin is either supplied by the USB port, which has a limit of 500mA (imposed by a resettable fuse) if directly connected to the computer or a powered hub (or 100mA in an unpowered hub), or the ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I share the VCC (5V) on my Arduino Pro mini with multiple modules?

Yes, you can do that as long as the total current draw of the modules you attach to VCC doesn't exceed the on-board regulator maximum current output. The Arduino Pro Mini has a MIC5205 regulator ...
Enric Blanco's user avatar
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Measuring voltage from -12 to +12 VDC

Measuring voltage Use the following interfacing circuit for measuring voltage: Resistors R1, R2, R3 (1% tolerance or better recommended) will map the voltage input range (-12 to +12V DC) to an ...
Enric Blanco's user avatar
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Powering arduino sensors - what resistor should I use?

You should have NO resistor. The datasheet states the current values the device will pull from the supply. Supplies DO NOT PUSH CURRENT. Remove all resistors. As long as the voltage is correct and ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Can you current-limit Arduino 101 GPIO pins?

No. I have never heard of a microcontroller with constant current or current limiting on the GPIO pins. You may get a drive strength on the pins of an FPGA, but I have never seen such a thing on a ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I provide a negative current?

If the LEDs turn on when you apply 5V to ground then what you have identified as GND on the board is actually VCC. There is no such thing as negative current: current is either sourced or sinked, ...
Roberto Lo Giacco's user avatar
3 votes

Problems / doubts on battery-powered Arduino Nano WiFi weather station I built

You are wasting a lot of power in your system. You need to be far more efficient when running off battery. Don't boost your battery voltage to 5V. Instead use a system that runs entirely at 3.3V. ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

How to get the overall average of the data received

void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); } void loop(){ static unsigned long count=0; static float sum=0; float ave=0; int volt=analogRead(A0); float voltage = map(volt,0,1023,0,2500) / ...
DataFiddler's user avatar
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Weak Arduino output pins

The Absolute Maximum is 40 mA per pin, but you shouldn't go even close to that; max. 20 mA per pin is about where you want to be. Total current (all pins) shouldn't exceed 200 mA. Only you know what ...
ocrdu's user avatar
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2 votes

Arduino Uno VIN 2A

No, that connector is a completely separate one. You can connect a power supply to the on-board power socket of the Arduino and take power out from the VIN pin to power other things. However the ...
Majenko's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I drive an LM334(Z) from an Arduino with AnalogWrite()?

If you don't need super high accuracy, using a MOSFET's ohmic region, plus a smoothing filter on the output of your PWM (analog out), could be a solution.
naxxfish's user avatar
2 votes

Can I share the VCC (5V) on my Arduino Pro mini with multiple modules?

To be frank you can use even your analog pins as digital pins as the analog pins are also digital pins but they are more enhanced If you use a common Vcc you may not have enough power left for your ...
Sagnik Pradhan's user avatar

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