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Arduino nano IoT antenna broke

It is still possible to get work. I see the copper pads have been pulled off so you need to use extra amount of solder and hopefully it attaches to the remained copper wire. My case is even worse ...
Lu Chih Yuan's user avatar
3 votes

Arduino nano IoT antenna broke

The problem that I see in the photo is that the pads from the PCB are pulled off and attached to the antenna. So now there is nothing to solder the antenna back to. While it's possible to rework this ...
jwh20's user avatar
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ESP32 start BLE after deep sleep

Does the loop function work after being woken up from deep sleep? YES loop function isn't magical. its just a function that gets called over and over. In other words, if it gets called once, it can ...
Abel's user avatar
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How to get the scan duration below 1 sec with Arduino BLE?

You can't using the callback from that function, but what you can do is add you own callback that will receive every new radio event. Add this to your init code: BLEDevice::setCustomGapHandler(...
Italo Soares's user avatar
2 votes

Problems with Hardware Serial (UART) on Nano 33 BLE Sense

You can't make calls to IMU if you haven't initialised it with IMU.begin()
RobM's user avatar
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MKR 1010 WIFI Built-in RGB LED not working with BLE

The ArduinoBLE library resets the NINA firmware to BLE mode (code here). In this mode the NINA firmware just sets ESP32 SDK (IDF framework) to handle the BLE commands. The RGB LED is handled by the ...
Juraj's user avatar
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Arduino Mega 2560 + BLE HM-10 - I cannot execute AT commands

First thing first you can see all AT commands available from the data sheet available from datasheet Second to get strings from Serial to BTserial you can just use c = Serial.readStringUntil('\n'); ...
lewisleman's user avatar
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What are the Arduino hardware options for experimenting with IoT?

There are many options; which one is "best" for you I leave up to your own research, that could start here: There's a list of Arduino's based on the SAMD21 that are supported by the ...
ocrdu's user avatar
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How to get the name of connected device over BLE?

(Note: this is all just from reading the library source code, nothing has been tested). You can't get the details of the just-connected-client. However you can get a list of the currently connected ...
Majenko's user avatar
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ESP32 stack error when reading from BLE device

To help others. I resolved this issue by using the ArduinoBLE lib instead of the ESP32_BLE one I was using.
covert's user avatar
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Arduino library or code for ESP32 to scan for Bluetooth devices? is a Bluetooth Dual Mode (classic and BLE) scanner. ESP32-BT-exp works on the original ESP32. No other ESP32 supports BT classic mode.
gbafamily's user avatar
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Arduino library or code for ESP32 to scan for Bluetooth devices?

The ESP32 Arduino boards support package includes libraries for ESP32 Bluetooth and BLE. Both libraries have examples which you can find in Arduino IDE Examples menu.
Juraj's user avatar
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Leonardo with hm-10 doesn't work

I GOT IT!! It was problem with the pin settings. According to SoftwareSerial library documentation, only pins 8,9,10,11,14,15,16 can be used for RX pin. But i used pin 4 for RX.
jason8098's user avatar
1 vote

AT 09 BLE module not transmitting data

So my AT 09 module is most likely faulty. I got a new HM 10 and connected it without changing any connections or code and it worked like a charm. I do not know the exact nature of the defect but since ...
Flight64's user avatar
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How to use HM-10 as client, and send messages to specific services/characteristics?

You can upgrade the firmware to V709 available on the manufacture's website and find instructions on how to update it. You'll need a USB to TTL converter or something that can act as one. With ...
lewisleman's user avatar
1 vote

Raspberry Pi 3B+ BLE communication to Arduino Nano 33 IOT

For completeness, it appears an appropriate Python library can be installed with: pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-ble The test code, used with the Arduino code 'Echo' from the ArduinoHardwareBLE ...
asylumax's user avatar
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Sending Strings from NRF24L01 to app

nRF Connect is for Bluetooth LE devices, the nRF24L01+ is really not a Bluetooth Low Energy transceiver. The best the nRF24L01+ can do is make a few Bluetooth LE advertisements but that's very finicky....
Avamander's user avatar
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Write a Struct using ArduinoBLE library

What format should i use? int writeValue(const uint8_t value[], int length); And what is the best way to cast the Struct to the format? writeValue((uint8_t *)&myStruct, sizeof(myStruct));
Majenko's user avatar
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Antenna for ESP32-pico-d4

In my experience, an LNA connection typically implies that an antenna with a Low Noise Amplifier is required to meet the specifications - typically for signal strength. That's not to say it absolutely ...
Seamus's user avatar
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HM-10 BLE controller is not responding to some AT commands

same as me... clone of a hm10. not very much info on this board. at command doesn't works when they are in caps .. no need ? or = after command. you can paired with at+connX (x is the device number, ...
Guillaume's user avatar
1 vote

Send/receive data from/to Raspberry Pi to/from Arduino with HM-10 (Bluetooth LE module)

HM-10 is a BLE device. You'll need to understand BLE programming, which is quite different than classic Bluetooth. There is no standard BLE service for serial communication. The best way on a Pi to ...
Codebreaker007's user avatar
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HM-10 doesn't responde after RENEW

change your COM serial baud rate to 115200. I had the same problem and the moment I change the baud rate on my Serial Com or Serial monitor. it works for me
Amizzuddin Amin's user avatar
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Arduino MKR 1010 WiFi as BLE central/client

In case this thread turns up in a search, the ArduinoBLE library now includes central and peripheral support.
DrG's user avatar
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How do I send non-ASCII keys over the BLE HID connection using an Adafruit nRF52 Feather?

Yo can use the keyboardReport() function to send key-codes with modifiers. Here is an example that will send an ! by sending the keycode for 1 plus a shift key modifier... // The keyboardReport() ...
bigjosh's user avatar
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