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5 votes

Using Arduino as ISP to burn sketch directly to ATmega328 without first installing a bootloader on the ATmega328

It is possible to skip the Burn Bootloader step. When you do Upload Using Programmer the bootloader is overwritten and thus serves no purpose. However, there is another reason for the Burn Bootloader ...
per1234's user avatar
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4 votes

Using Arduino as ISP to burn sketch directly to ATmega328 without first installing a bootloader on the ATmega328

The bootloader only enables serial programming of the device; it is perfectly possible to run Arduino programs without it provided that the code is compiled with the same hardware options (MCU model, ...
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams's user avatar
3 votes

Help understanding how avrdude works with ArduinoISP and why its not working for me

The target board was not reset. The "Arduino as ISP" sketch uses pin 10 to reset the target, not the SS pin. So even on Mega, wire reset of target to pin 10, not to pin 53. Is this an error ...
Juraj's user avatar
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3 votes

Suddently, "avrdude: Device signature = 0x000000" with ArduinoISP. Is my chip dead?

Mostly this error is due to connections/powering issues (as already mentioned in your output ). Check connections, especially power and ground also check the resistance between Vcc and GND of your ...
paulplusx's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I program a ATmega328 au tqfp32 ( SMD ) chip?

To upload compiled code (.hex) to a bare atmega which doesn't have a bootloader installed you can use ISP. As this stands for in-system-programming you don't have to flash the chip before assembly, ...
Sim Son's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I avoid having a bootloader if I use ISP to flash to an arduino?

It looks like the Trinket Pro has an Atmega328P processor. You can change the fuses to not run the bootloader, in which case you don't need the space taken by it. I have a hex uploader sketch which ...
Nick Gammon's user avatar
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2 votes

How to burn the bootloader and upload sketches on ATmega328P U (specifically this model)?

IT WORKED, FINALLY. I followed this tutorial:, followed exactly as it is explained, made ...
Vlad George's user avatar
2 votes

Arduino as ISP - program is being uploaded on Arduino, not breadboard

Use the "Upload using programmer" in Sketch menu to upload a sketch over ISP warning, it deletes the bootloader
Juraj's user avatar
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1 vote

Sparkfun Pro Micro (5v) as ISP error

GOTCHA... After two days of search and speculation finally found the solution: Short answer: In avrdude command instead of -c avrisp use -c arduino: avrdude -p attiny13a -P COM16 -c arduino -b 19200 -...
AKTanara's user avatar
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How to use reset pin as I/O pin with ATtiny44

The data sheet gives insights: Chapter 1.1.4 states: The reset pin can also be used as a (weak) I/O pin. "Weak" means here, that the output function cannot deliver as much current as the ...
the busybee's user avatar
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Uno Wifi Rev2 Programming via Uno R3 ArduinoISP

The new generation of AVR chips created by Microchip no longer use the same ICSP protocol as the old ones. Instead they use a new protocol called updi. You need to use a different sketch and wiring to ...
Majenko's user avatar
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How to use -F option while Burn bootloader for ATtiny 85 using Arduino IDE

For what I know there is no easy way to pass custom options to avrdude via the Arduino IDE, but Sloeber (to which I'm a contributor) does. Beware though, the -F option of avrdude command doesn't ...
Roberto Lo Giacco's user avatar
1 vote

Cannot successfully implement singleton

I had the same problem when referencing classes from multiple files, remember to put at the top of your header file (ending in .h) #pragma once on files that get referenced more than once! Edit1: Also ...
Qubo's user avatar
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Setup of Arduino Uno as ArduinoISP for programming attiny45

The capacitor is meant to prevent the programming Arduino from being reset. Normally, when you open the serial connection, the Arduino gets reset and first starts into the bootloader (which would be ...
chrisl's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I program a ATmega328 au tqfp32 ( SMD ) chip?

I use Atmel AVR ISP MKii, which is a dedicated Programmer - it connects via USB to the PC, and to the Power/Gnd/Reset/SCK/MOSI/MISO pins of the SMD device (i.e. the pins that connect to an ICSP header ...
CrossRoads's user avatar
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How to program a Arduino Nano(Bricked) with a working arduino nano

I have a page about programming a bootloader using another Arduino. Basically you grab the code from here and then make up wiring from the good device (which you put the sketch onto) to the device to ...
Nick Gammon's user avatar
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ArduinoISP external programmer produces verification error?

Sounds like you have a bad Arduino ISP board. I've had limited success restoring bootloaders on some Arduinos with my bad USBtinyISP programmer by connecting a 9V power supply to the Arduino in ...
Jeff Wahaus's user avatar
1 vote

How do I use ATTiny pin 5 (RESET) as a digital output?

RSTDISBL is bit 0 of the high fuse byte. Use avrdude to read the current value of the high fuse byte (-U hfuse:r:-:h), clear bit 0, and then write the value back out (-U hfuse:w:0xXX:m).
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams's user avatar
1 vote

Using Arduino UNO to retrieve ATMega328P-PU chip signature

when you try to change the signature there are 2 areas where the code 1E 95 0F is displayed. If you try changing the signature in the wrong position, then will it show the error message '...
Arundhathi Krishna's user avatar
1 vote

Using Arduino UNO to retrieve ATMega328P-PU chip signature

More than a year down the road, I learned a few things, and I am answering my own question so that if anyone faces the problem I faced (and I know how stressful it is) can give this a go. It may help. ...
MDChaara's user avatar
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Using Arduino Uno as ISP to program Mega 2560

Find the file called "boards.txt" located in your Arduino installation directory. In my case, the path is "arduino-1.6.5/hardware/arduino/avr/boards.txt". Open it with your favourite text editor and ...
Emre MUTLU's user avatar
1 vote

When using Arduino Uno as ISP does "Yikes! Invalid device signature" mean a bad connection, bad config, or bad version of avrdude?

I was not getting connectivity to read the "fuse" bits from an ATTiny85 after having once successfully burned them from an Arduino. There was a failure from both an Arduino setup and a ...
Javaneer's user avatar

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