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6 votes

Arduino Pro Micro - switch off LEDs

Kind of. You don't have to change pins_arduino.h. Try the LED_BUILTIN_TX and the LED_BUILTIN_RX. The pins are turned on and off by the code for the SerialUSB port. That can not be changed without ...
Jot's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I connect nearly 450 LEDs to an arduino without drawing too much current?

First you should consider changing your whole idea so that your LEDs don't draw nearly 10A. I am assuming that for each segment you have 14-20 LEDs wired in parallel, each with its own current ...
Majenko's user avatar
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5 votes

Can't upload sketch - avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding

I experienced the same frustrating issue for days. It was Ubuntu. The fix was also so easy: sudo apt purge modemmanager Until I discovered it, I suffered headache for days. The auto upgrader may cause ...
Daniel's user avatar
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5 votes

What does a tilde (~) mean as annotation for a data pin?

It means the pin can be a PWM output for use with analogWrite().
Majenko's user avatar
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5 votes

Upload s sketch to a 5v Pro-Micro board as 3.3V by mistake

Holding RST and GND pins after re-connecting USB, showed it on port menu. needed another such holding, prior to upload. All good now.
guyd's user avatar
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4 votes

Why is my circuit working only when I touch it?

Sounds like you have guessed it: although it's very hard to say from those photos, it doesn't look like you have the circuit grounded. Connect a ground from the Arduino to the black wire from the ...
Mark Smith's user avatar
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4 votes

What can I do to increase the amount of LEDs I can power with a pro micro?

As Majenko already mention, use a separate power supply. Use that power to power the LED strip(s). Use the MCU to control the data and clock lines. Connect grounds together.
Michel Keijzers's user avatar
4 votes

Mounting an Arduino inside a PC

@Bram, @jsotola is highlighting in the comments that the example photo you show with a 9 pin keyed two row connector has two usb cables connecting to it. USB connections often have four wires each. ...
RowanP's user avatar
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4 votes

Arduino Leonardo/Pro Micro sleep and USB

The Arduino has several sleep modes. They differ mainly by the clocks that are kept running, the peripherals that are enabled, and the possible wake-up sources. All these modes are described in the ...
Edgar Bonet's user avatar
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3 votes

Failed to initialise SD card on Leonardo

A Leonardo has the SPI pins on the ICSP header, not on pins 11, 12, 13. And a Pro Micro has the SPI pins on 14, 15, 16.
gre_gor's user avatar
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Some important facts: The 32U4 cannot act as a USB master, only a USB device (it doesn't have a USB OTG interface). The USB shield is an SPI based device. It can communicate with any host MCU that ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Arduino analog input protection

If you amplified with an op-amp powered by 5V then it couldn't produce more than 5V output, so that could be your solution. Failing that, I think a resistor and a couple of clamping diodes would help. ...
Nick Gammon's user avatar
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3 votes

Send Keyboard Media Keys with Keyboard Library

It is indeed possible and also without the requirement to modify the Arduino environment itself. Just register an HID descriptor for the "report ID" for "Consumer Control" (the ...
Peter Mortensen's user avatar
3 votes

All the differences between Arduinos: Pro Mini & Pro Micro

Arduino Pro Mini Pin Mapping Arduino Micro Pin Mapping The Arduino page for the Arduino Pro Mini and the Arduino Micro. Microcontroller Arduino Pro Mini: ATmega328 (ATmega168 on older boards) ...
sa_leinad's user avatar
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3 votes

Arduino Pro Micro bricked?

Problem solved! By taping twice the reset and holding it the second time I managed to program my board and now the arduino ide detectes it and it works as expected. Taping and releasing the button ...
George Sp's user avatar
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3 votes

Can't upload sketch - avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding

I have successfully solved this a year ago and I am trying to remember how I did it. So while it's fresh in my head this thing has to do with the bootloder. The first and most obvious thing you can ...
CryptFS's user avatar
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3 votes

How ro re-enable 32u4 USB controller after sleep mode?

You're making it too hard on yourself. There is a method to re-start the USB, but it only works if the USB has been properly stopped - and the method that is supposed to do that is empty. This is a ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

What can I do to increase the amount of LEDs I can power with a pro micro?

Managing your power budget is a normal part of electronics projects. You can only draw about 500 mA total from the USB port, and less than that from the 5V line if your Arduino is powered from USB. If ...
Duncan C's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I control LED brightness with potentiometer without any code, as well as reading the potentiometer value?

You need to "buffer" the potentiometer to separate it from the LED and resistor. The simplest circuit for that is a unity-gain voltage follower with an op-amp: simulate this circuit – ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to remove the bootloader while flashing using the bootloader?

If you don't play around ISP programming and have not already been playing around with ISP programming, your bootloader is fine and will remain fine no matter what you try to upload. The bootloader ...
timemage's user avatar
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2 votes

Send Keyboard Media Keys with Keyboard Library

If you are getting zeros, the most probably cause is it's the library for the IR. Reinstall or update the library. Sometimes you have to reinstall more than one time. That should work. About media ...
Jesus Ulloa's user avatar
2 votes

Arduino for kids toy with Battery (safe), Can Arduino overheat the Battery with long running code

Probably the easiest/cheapest and safest option is to buy a original USB Power Bank and there you have it. Power banks for cellphones/tablets have overvoltage/overcharge/undercharge protection on them ...
Fusseldieb's user avatar
2 votes

Does the Arduino pro-micro 3.3v use an 8MHz crystal or a 16MHz crystal with a clock divisor of 2?

On the schematic of the Sparkfun Pro Micro 3.3V/8 Mhz (here) a resonator of 16 MHz is drawn. But also is stated there: "Board is marked with combination of resonator frequency and regulator voltage". ...
PimV's user avatar
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2 votes

Pro Micro recognised as Micro (win10, IDE 1.8.1)

Treat it as what it is. What windows sees it as is just what USB reports it as. It's just a name. It has no bearing on what it is or how you program it. Select the actual board that you have in the ...
Majenko's user avatar
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2 votes

Avoid a Pro Micro waking up a PC?

Assuming you are using windows, on the device manager you can access each device's properties (power management tab), where you can allow or not each device to wake your system up.
Onairam's user avatar
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2 votes

Read one value from continuous data stream at a lower frequency

You're thinking backwards. You don't want to read slower (which is what delay does), you want to only send every 10th entry. That is, count the lines as they come in. When you hit 10 you print one ...
Majenko's user avatar
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2 votes

Keyboard.h: No such file or directory - Arduino pro micro (leonardo)

The Keyboard functions were moved into their own library in Arduino IDE 1.6.6/Arduino AVR Boards 1.6.9. In previous Arduino AVR Boards versions, those functions were part of the core library and there ...
per1234's user avatar
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2 votes

How to trigger NodeMCU sketch from Arduino Leonardo Micro Pro?

HW part: It's like button, simply connect arduino micro pin to nodeMCU pin and GND of arduino to GND of nodeMCU. It's also good idea to use two resistors as voltage divider because arduino micro works ...
Matej's user avatar
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2 votes

Arduino Pro Micro - switch off LEDs

Kind of. You would need to edit the pins_arduino.h file for the Pro Micro board to change the definitions of the TXLED0, TXLED1, RXLED0, RXLED1 and TX_RX_LED_INIT macros. You want them to all be ...
Majenko's user avatar
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