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6 votes

Pin headers too long for the sensor i bought

Cut one pin off. Get some wire cutters and position them in the groove between the last and next to last pins in the row. Squeeze. One pin will pop off.
Majenko's user avatar
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5 votes

How to measure resistance of TFT Touchscreen

As pointed out in other answers and comments, step one was trying to get a datasheet for this component. I couldn't find a datasheet for the shield, but here is the link from the vendor I bought it ...
jotadepicas's user avatar
5 votes

Schematic for the adafruit motor shield v2.3

Everything can be found out by reading the schematic which, incidentally, is the first hit on Google when you search for "Adafruit motor shield 2.3 schematic": What are the pin holes above and ...
Majenko's user avatar
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5 votes

How to use capactive touch on Adafruit board in Arduino mode?

Example code for capacitive touch on Trinket M0. Note: make sure to install the Adafruit FreeTouch library. // touch - Capacitive touch demo using FreeTouch. Trinket M0 version. // Note: the pin ...
zermat's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the difference between SCLK and CLK pins?

"CLK" stands for "CLocK". "S" stands for "Serial". So "SCLK" is "Serial CLocK". You also get "SCL" (often used for I2C) and "...
Majenko's user avatar
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4 votes

Why are my motors attached to an Arduino MEGA not running?

As you did not give details I assume the following: You supply the MEGA via USB or external 5-12V power supply the motors are supplied via an extra external 12V power supply with sufficiant amperage ...
Codebreaker007's user avatar
3 votes

Press on pressure sensor, then wait 5 seconds, turn on LED

The basic concept for tracking timing in the loop() is as follows: 1) when your event occurs, you store the current time in a variable: unsigned long lastReading = 0; uint8_t waiting = false; if ( ...
Mazaryk's user avatar
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3 votes

Arduino Shield on Breadboard

Chances are the offset headers won't allow the shield to directly plug into a breadboard. As @Majenko noted, shields have a header that is offset by 0.16" from the other headers. Since a breadboard ...
Mazaryk's user avatar
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5pt font for Neopixel shield

I was having the same problem until I read the library source code. Later I found the documentation reference. The classic font cursor position is defined as the top-left corner of the character cell....
SDGOL's user avatar
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3 votes

Fingerprint sensor code won't work correctly with LCD 16x2

You have pins 2 and 3 used by both the LCD and the SoftwareSerial used for the fingerprint sensor. Use different pins for one or the other. Worth looking at the Software Serial reference to ...
Mark Smith's user avatar
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3 votes

Undervoltage from solar panels

You have selected a number of things that don't go well together. It is possible to use relays or mosfets to switch between batteries, and the Arduino could be used to measure a voltage. Or you can ...
Jot's user avatar
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3 votes

Burning the Bootloader on Adafruit Feather 32u4

"Burn Bootloader" only works if you have a programmer connected to the device. The onboard bootloader in your Feather cannot change the fuses, even though the process may indicate it has done so. You ...
jose can u c's user avatar
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3 votes

how to send data to Adafruit Bluefruit Feather (32u4) over bluetooth?

The “UART” being referred to is the Nordic UART GATT Service. This is not a serial port or USB connection. It is a high level BLE protocol that simulates a serial port via the Bluetooth connection. ...
RubberDuck's user avatar
3 votes

add ID number to the feather m0 bootloader (flash)

This is quite an easy fix, actually. The problem here is the compiler doesn't think the const is used for anything - so it (quite rightly) throws it away. All you need to do is tell the compiler ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Increase sample rate in ESP32 board

Here's a few tips on optimization. for(int index = 0; index <= framesRead; index++) { value = smappioSound.getSampleValue(index); if(index % 2 == 0) { ...
Maximilian Gerhardt's user avatar
3 votes

Arduino Switching Between Loops IR Remote

delay(0) apparently[*] acts like delay(2^32) or about 10^10 milliseconds. That may not be what you had in mind ... :) Try reducing the delay to 1 or use delayMicroseconds() to get something shorter. ...
JRobert's user avatar
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3 votes

How we can implement the interrupt?

There is no interrupt for the select button. The buttons, and the LCD itself, are connected to an I2C IO expander. Reading the state of the buttons is a polling operation - the library sends a ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Is My Motor Shield Broken?

As noted by markshancock, you are using an older version of the Adrafruit Motor Shield library meant for the version 1 of the board (you have the version 2.3), and according to their forum they are ...
jDAQ's user avatar
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3 votes

ESP32 Pins won't fit in solderless breadboard

I ended up taking Gerben's suggestion from the comments and ordering the stacking headers ( and plugging the ESP32 into that. The reason it works is because the stacking ...
Brandon Avant's user avatar
3 votes

Is there an Adafruit function to invert the colors of my screen for Arduino language?

There is a function that invert the colors of your screen, you can pick either black on white or white on black, I have tried it and I have quite experience with your display, I think you should try ...
Shams M.Monem's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to use Adafruit's Circuit Playground Express's 2MB storage in Arduino IDE?

In their guided tour of the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express, it specifically states: You can use this in Arduino or CircuitPython to store files. So yes, it is possible. As far as the how, ...
Peter Feerick's user avatar
3 votes

Adafruit Thermal Printer unwanted gradient

Thermal printers generate quick pulses of heat to change thermal paper from white to a darker color. This may require more than the expected amount of current most Arduino project need. Consider ...
st2000's user avatar
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3 votes

Can this display's address be changed?

There are two different OLED screens in the links you shared. 1. OLED Display on Adafruit Link The OLED display on the Adafruit link does not have an address as it communicates via the SPI interface. ...
Sercan's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is the Adafruit splashscreen logo not displayed properly?

I'm unable to test this now, but here goes: Turns out I did have the ability to test it (found an extra display module) and this does indeed explain the problem. The only other change I needed to make ...
timemage's user avatar
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Reading & writing a configuration file on an Adafruit Circuit Playground Express

The problem was using the Arduino SAMD board core instead of the Adafruit SAMD board core. The Adafruit SAMD board core is not visible unless you add:
user3308886's user avatar
3 votes

What are these 18 extra ports on the adafruit-gfx 2.8"

Those are an alternative way of connecting to the screen. Basically they mirror the connections to the "shield" pins. To save costs the manufacturer will have made a PCB that can be used in ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Will an Arduino Nano work instead of Teensy 3.2?

No, you can't use Adruino Nano, because in this project the Teensy board has been used as an USB Keayboard and Nano has separate communication chip (FTDI or CH430) that can't emulate USB keyboard. ...
KIIV's user avatar
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2 votes

Using MMA8451 accelerometer to count steps

Change your if statement - remove ; (semicolon) from the end. Use this: if (event.acceleration.x >= 5) accum = accum + 1; Notice there is no semicolon after if statement
r-sniper's user avatar
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2 votes

What boards have integrated USB charging?

The Feather mainboards are fairly small and have integrated LiPo/Li-ion charging. They're not as small at the Trinket but if you don't need the space on the proto boards then you can examine the ...
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams's user avatar

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