What you're looking for is called a peak detector, or probably better in your case - an envelope detector. Pass this through an op-amp with adjustable gain to let you tune your sensitivity. R3 - your potentiometer will let you adjust the sensitivity.Your gain will be <img src="https://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?V_{out}=&space;V_{in}(1+\frac{R_2}{R_3})" title="V_{out}= V_{in}(1+\frac{R_2}{R_3})" />. Set Vdd to 5V and common ground with your Arduino. It's unlikely your audio source is generating too much voltage given you're saying its not registering - but in the unlikely event you're above 5V put a reverse biased Zener diode in parallel with your capacitor to clamp voltage to 5V <!-- Begin schematic: In order to preserve an editable schematic, please don't edit this section directly. Click the "edit" link below the image in the preview instead. --> ![schematic](https://i.sstatic.net/Fpsla.png) <!-- End schematic --> Hit simulate to see what playing with values does! [![enter image description here][1]][1] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/L00Fm.png