The Arduino has a loop function, that runs over and over again.  
The Arduino has a millis function for the time.  
Those two combine beautifully with a state machine.  

Once I made a function that returns the input value as BOTH_OFF, BOTH_ON, or SOMETHINE_ELSE, then the state machine automatically unfolds itself.

I hope you see how clean the code is. Every state has its own code. You don't have to think for hours how to make a spaghetti of if-statements. Although the sketch is now larger, there is no unnecessary code.  
If you want to change something, you only have to find the state that you want to change. Adding a new state is also easy.

I have added some explanation in the sketch.

    // A state machine is used, only to make it more clear what is going on.
    // When a button is pressed, the input turns HIGH.
    // Are there an external pulldown resistors ?
    // Normally only one 'enum' is used for the state, that controls the code.
    // This sketch has also a 'enum' for the buttons, which is called the input state.
    // define the different states for this sketch.
    // An 'enum' is like a number of #define with increasing numbers.
    } state;       // an 'enum' is automatically an integer.
    // define the different input states.
      BOTH_OFF,        // no buttons are pressed.
      BOTH_ON,         // both buttons are pressed.
      SOMETHING_ELSE,  // probably one of the buttons is pressed.
    const int ButtonPin1 = 2;
    const int ButtonPin2 = 3;
    // The previousMillis is used twice for two different things.
    // That is okay in this state machine.
    unsigned long previousMillis;
    const unsigned long RelayOnTime = 1000;    // Length of time for relay
    const unsigned long PushTimeWindow = 1000; // Length of time to allow two pushes
    // Counters for the number of failed relay triggers and successful cycles.
    // They can probably be normal integers as well.
    unsigned long failed = 0;
    unsigned long success = 0;
    void setup()
      pinMode(ButtonPin1, INPUT);
      pinMode(ButtonPin2, INPUT);
      pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);  // LED_BUILTIN for testing
      Serial.println("Going to WAIT_FOR_BOTH_OFF state");
      state = WAIT_FOR_BOTH_OFF;
    void loop()
      unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
      // Collect all input data.
      int inputState = getInputState();
      // Process the data in a state machine.
      // The output part is also in the state machine.
        case WAIT_FOR_BOTH_OFF:
          // Both buttons must be released to be able to continue.
          if(inputState == BOTH_OFF)
            // Prepare to go to the next state.
            Serial.println("Going to WAIT_FOR_BOTH_ON state");
            state = WAIT_FOR_BOTH_ON;
        case WAIT_FOR_BOTH_ON:
          // This is the state when everything is idle and no buttons are pressed.
          // Normally both buttons are released,
          // but when both are pressed, then go to the next state.
          if(inputState == BOTH_ON)
            // Prepare to go to the next state.
            Serial.println("Going to SAFETY_WINDOW state");
            previousMillis = currentMillis;
            state = SAFETY_WINDOW;
        case SAFETY_WINDOW:
          if(inputState != BOTH_ON)
            // During the safety time window, a button was released.
            // Return to idle.
            Serial.println("Going to WAIT_FOR_BOTH_OFF state");
            state = WAIT_FOR_BOTH_OFF;
          else if(currentMillis - previousMillis >= PushTimeWindow)
            // The buttons are still pressed.
            // The time window has reached the end.
            // Prepare to go to the next state.
            Serial.println("Going to RELAY_ON state");
            previousMillis = currentMillis;
            digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);  // LED_BUILTIN for testing
            state = RELAY_ON;
        case RELAY_ON:
          if(inputState != BOTH_ON)
            // One of the buttons was released.
            // Stop the relay and return to idle.
            // Although the relay was triggered, it was not succesful.
            Serial.println("Going to WAIT_FOR_BOTH_OFF state");
            digitalWrite( LED_BUILTIN, LOW);  // LED_BUILTIN for testing
            state = WAIT_FOR_BOTH_OFF;
          else if(currentMillis - previousMillis >= RelayOnTime)
            // Everyting was okay.
            // The buttons are still pressed.
            // It was complete and succesful.
            // It is time to turn off the relay and return to idle.
            Serial.println("Going to WAIT_FOR_BOTH_OFF state");
            digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);  // LED_BUILTIN for testing
            state = WAIT_FOR_BOTH_OFF;
          Serial.println("Error, unknown state");
    // This function returns the input state.
    // There is no StateChangeDetection, because a state machine is used.
    int getInputState()
      int returnInputState;
      // Read the buttons and create a input state according to the 'enum' values.
      int ButtonState1 = digitalRead(ButtonPin1);
      int ButtonState2 = digitalRead(ButtonPin2);
      if(ButtonState1 == LOW && ButtonState2 == LOW)
        returnInputState = BOTH_OFF;
      else if(ButtonState1 == HIGH && ButtonState2 == HIGH)
        returnInputState = BOTH_ON;
        // Not both on, not both off, so it must be something else.
        returnInputState = SOMETHING_ELSE;