I'm kind of new in the Arduino world. I decided to make a self learning project with an Arduino where it controls a conveyor that simply moves from right to left and back again. There is a start and stop button. On each end of the conveyor are inductive sensors to stop the motor when it reaches the end position. After a delay, the conveyer starts again the opposite direction. Inside the code I have a cycle counter that stops the conveyer after a certain number of cycles. Now my question is, how could I change the value of the cycle counter using two push buttons. One to increase the other to decrease. If there is somebody who could help I would appreciate. Thanks already ``` const byte sensorLinksEnd = 2; const byte sensorRechtsEnd = 3; const byte startPin = 4; const byte stopPin = 5; const byte relaisLinks = 6; const byte relaisRechts = 7; enum {relaisAn, relaisAus}; enum {warten, on, rechts, haltrechts, links, haltlinks, off}; byte schritt = warten; byte zyklus = 20; //cycles const byte maxzyklus = 20; //max cycles void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(F("Start....")); pinMode(sensorLinksEnd, INPUT); pinMode(sensorRechtsEnd, INPUT); pinMode(startPin, INPUT); pinMode(stopPin, INPUT); pinMode(relaisLinks, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(relaisLinks, relaisAus); pinMode(relaisRechts, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(relaisRechts, relaisAus); pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); } void loop() { schrittkette(); } void schrittkette() { static unsigned long lastmillis; const unsigned long pauseZeit = 5000; // in ms if (digitalRead(stopPin)) { schritt = off; } switch (schritt) { case warten: if (digitalRead(startPin)) { zyklus = 0; schritt = on; } digitalWrite(relaisRechts, relaisAus); digitalWrite(relaisLinks, relaisAus); break; case on: digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); schritt = rechts; break; case rechts: digitalWrite(relaisRechts, relaisAn); if (digitalRead(sensorRechtsEnd)) { digitalWrite(relaisRechts, relaisAus); schritt = haltrechts; lastmillis = millis(); } break; case haltrechts: digitalWrite(relaisRechts, relaisAus); digitalWrite(relaisLinks, relaisAus); if (millis() - lastmillis > pauseZeit) { schritt = links; } break; case links: digitalWrite(relaisRechts, relaisAus); digitalWrite(relaisLinks, relaisAn); if (digitalRead(sensorLinksEnd)) { digitalWrite(relaisLinks, relaisAus); schritt = haltlinks; lastmillis = millis(); } break; case haltlinks: digitalWrite(relaisRechts, relaisAus); digitalWrite(relaisLinks, relaisAus); if (millis() - lastmillis > pauseZeit) { if (zyklus == maxzyklus) { schritt = off; } else { zyklus++; schritt = rechts; } } break; case off: digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); schritt = warten; break; } } ```