I have Arduino mega and Lego temperature sensor which I would like to connect to the Arduino. I'm trying to use a I2C connection between them, with no luck. I connected the sensor and Arduino referring to the picture below:[![wiring][1]][1] I'm using the Wire library for transmitting data. This is my code currently: <code>#include < Wire.h > byte ADDRESS=0x98; byte CONFIG=0x01; void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); Wire.begin(); Wire.beginTransmission(ADDRESS); Wire.write(CONFIG); Wire.endTransmission(); delay(100); } void loop(){ Wire.beginTransmission(ADDRESS); Wire.write(CONFIG); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(ADDRESS,2); delay(100); int avail=Wire.available(); Serial.println(avail); delay(100); } </code> I found the config and address values from [RobotC drivers][2] for the same sensor. But all I get is zeros. Is there any way i could check for a defect sensor? Is my code correct? [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/CAUwz.png [2]: https://github.com/botbench/robotcdriversuite/blob/master/include/lego-temp.h