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Here, these are universal functions you should be able to use anywhere.

Call this function by using SaveFloat(your float); eg SaveFloat (12.34); or call float yourfloat = LoadFloat();

void SaveFloat (float input) {

String valstring = String(input);

int digitcount = 0;

for (int index = 0; index < valstring.length(); index++) {

if (String(valstring.charAt(index)) != ".") {

  String temp = String(valstring.charAt(index));
  int digit = temp.toInt();

  EEPROM.update(index + 10, digit); // Change + 10 to whatever address you want to be the starting address. eg + 11 will be;

} else {

  EEPROM.update(index + 10, 254); // Change + 10 to whatever address you want to be the starting address. eg + 11 will be;




EEPROM.update(9, digitcount); //This address is important, so set it to an address you arent using.


float LoadFloat () {

String output = "";

for (int index = 0; index < you stored "digitcount"); index++) {

if ( (index + 10) < 10) { // Change + 10 to whatever address you want to be the starting address. eg + 11 will be;

  output += (index + 10); // Change + 10 to whatever address you want to be the starting address. eg + 11 will be;

} else {

  output += ".";



return output.toFloat();
