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Hi I have the same problem here, and everything is pointing the issue could be related with the channels shared for PWM. In the Robojax lib there is control of channels want to assign for each motor, but in the ESP32Servo the channels are assigned automatically by the library in consecutive order (see ESP32PWM.cpp). I would try use different channel when calling Robojax that doesn't make conflict with the amount of Servo controlled, maybe could help. For instance in my case I have one servo and 2 DC motors controlled by LN98. So the servo is using channel 0 for PWM, the other two motors on Robojax I will try CHA= 2 and CHB = 3. Maybe this could help.

There are timers shared is explained on the ESP32PWM.cpp, line 259, but I believe the channels conflicts is what is causing this issue.

I will try and let you know. Thanks