I'm trying to add a watchdog on an Arduino Nano, for my code, and I'm following the code in [this manual][1] exactly, but after the amount of time for not resetting the watchdog, it resets but does not reboot. In the last paragraph it says that: > However, I could not find something similar in Optiboot bootloader (If > I'm wrong, correct me please!), used by Arduino UNO and other new > boards. It seems that they sacrificed this check for size. So, it is > possible that watchdog timer will be enabled after reset, so - if you > set it's value too low, your board may never come out of bootloader > stage. So, to be always on the safe side, set watchdog to longer > periods (2S and more). So I've tried for 8 s, but still same result. What is wrong? #include <avr/wdt.h> int k=1; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); wdt_enable(WDTO_8S); } void loop() { //do stuff here k++; wdt_reset(); Serial.println(1000 * k); delay(1000 * k); } [1]: https://tushev.org/articles/arduino/5/arduino-and-watchdog-timer