I am trying to connect a MPL3115A2 Altitude/Pressure/Temp Sensor Breakout which I bought from Hobbytronics to my Arduino Mega. What I had in mind was (Breakout -> Arduino):

`3.3V -> 3.3 V`
`GND -> GND`
`SDA -> A4`
`SCL -> A5`

The information which I've found so far is very conflicting and I'm not sure whether or not I should be using pull-up or in-line resistors, and if so, what value? 

The code which the product page links to also differs, with one stating that the Wire library is unsafe to use with a 3.3V rated sensor due to the internal pull-ups, but the other code uses the Wire library? 

If anyone could advise me on how best to use this sensor without frying it, it would be much appreciated!

 - The link to the product information:
 - The link to the code: [https://github.com/sparkfun/MPL3115A2_Breakout/tree/master/firmware][2]

  [1]: http://www.hobbytronics.co.uk/mpl3115a2-pressure-temp-sensor?utm_source=google&utm_medium=googleshopping&utm_campaign=googlebase&gclid=CPrU6qqEub0CFa-WtAod_U0AfQ
  [2]: https://github.com/sparkfun/MPL3115A2_Breakout/tree/master/firmware