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I've moved the analogWrite part of the code inside the switch case BRIGHTNESS_UP & BRIGHTNESS_DOWN and it's working. I also removed the crossFade(c); line.

Here's the working code:

#include <TimerOne.h>
#include <IRremote.h>
#include <RGBMood.h>

int RECV_PIN = 2;  // IR-Receiver PIN
int led = 13;       // Satus-LED PIN
int modus;          // Modus for Interrupt-Querry 
int ledr = 11;       // RGB LED red PIN
int ledg = 12;       // RGB LED green PIN                       
int ledb = 13;       // RGB LED blue PIN
int SerialBuffer = 0; 
int c[3];

//RGB Pins Array
int CH[3] = {11, 12, 13};
int val[3] = {0, 0, 0}; // led brightness 0-255

RGBMood m(ledr, ledg, ledb);

int timerwert = 20;   // Timer time for Interrupt in ms
String readString;

// Color arrays
int black[3]  = { 0, 0, 0 };
int white[3]  = { 100, 100, 100 };
int red[3]    = { 100, 0, 0 };
int green[3]  = { 0, 100, 0 };
int blue[3]   = { 0, 0, 100 };
int yellow[3] = { 40, 95, 0 };
int dimWhite[3] = { 30, 30, 30 };

int brightness = 100;    // how bright the LED is
int fadeAmount = 5;    // how many points to fade the LED by
// etc.

// Set initial color
int redVal = black[0];
int grnVal = black[1]; 
int bluVal = black[2];

int wait = 10;      // 10ms internal crossFade delay; increase for slower fades
int hold = 0;       // Optional hold when a color is complete, before the next crossFade
int DEBUG = 1;      // DEBUG counter; if set to 1, will write values back via serial
int loopCount = 60; // How often should DEBUG report?
int repeat = 3;     // How many times should we loop before stopping? (0 for no stop)
int j = 0;          // Loop counter for repeat

// Initialize color variables
int prevR = redVal;
int prevG = grnVal;
int prevB = bluVal;

#define ON                0xF4F37A66
#define OFF               0x1363ADB4
#define BRIGHTNESS_UP     0xE6721691
#define BRIGHTNESS_DOWN   0xE9721B48
#define FLASH             0xFFF00F
#define STROBE            0xFFE817
#define FADE              0x39ED1255
#define SMOOTH            0xFFC837
#define RED               0x9D561314
#define GREEN             0XCB8E93A5
#define BLUE              0xC88E8EEC
#define WHITE             0x16DBBEE3
#define ORANGE            0xFFB04F
#define YELLOW_DARK       0xFFA857
#define YELLOW_MEDIUM     0xFF9867
#define YELLOW_LIGHT      0xFF8877
#define GREEN_LIGHT       0XFF30CF
#define GREEN_BLUE1       0XFF28D7
#define GREEN_BLUE2       0XFF18E7
#define GREEN_BLUE3       0XFF08F7
#define BLUE_RED          0XFF708F
#define PURPLE_DARK       0XFF6897
#define PURPLE_LIGHT      0XFF58A7
#define PINK              0XFF48B7
#define MAX 255 

IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;

void setup()
  pinMode(ledr, OUTPUT); // Set RGB LED Pins as Output
  pinMode(ledg, OUTPUT); // Set RGB LED Pins as Output
  pinMode(ledb, OUTPUT); // Set RGB LED Pins as Output
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT); // set Status-LED as Output 
 //initiate rgb pins output
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
    pinMode(CH[i], OUTPUT);

  m.setMode(RGBMood::RANDOM_HUE_MODE);  // Automatic random fade.
  m.setHoldingTime(4000);  // Keep the same color for 4 seconds before fading again.
  m.setFadingSteps(150);   // Fade with 150 steps.
  m.setFadingSpeed(50);    // Each step last 50ms. A complete fade takes 50*150 = 7.5 seconds
  m.setHSB(random(359), 255, 255);
  irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start of IR-Recive
  Timer1.initialize(timerwert); // Initialisation of Timer-Interrupts
  Timer1.attachInterrupt(leseIR); // IR-Read from Interrupt

void leseIR(){
  if (irrecv.decode(&results)){
     irrecv.resume();  // Receive the next value
    switch (results.value)  {
      case FADE: // Modus Fade (DIY 4)
        modus = 1;  
      case 0xFF906F: // Modus pcambi (DIY 5)
        modus = 2;  
      case ON:  //Power
       modus = 0;
        crossFade(white);         // RGB LEDs Off 
            case OFF:  //Power
       modus = 0;
        crossFade(black);         // RGB LEDs Off 
      case BLUE:  //Blau 0,0,255
        modus = 0;
      case RED: //Rot
        modus = 0;
      case GREEN://Grün
        modus = 0;
      case WHITE: //Weiss
        modus = 0;
        modus = 0;
    brightness += 5;
    if (brightness > 255) brightness = 255;
    c[0] = prevR; c[1] = prevG; c[2] = prevB;
    analogWrite(ledr, redVal * brightness / 255);   // Write current values to LED pins
    analogWrite(ledg, grnVal * brightness / 255);      
    analogWrite(ledb, bluVal * brightness / 255);
         modus = 0;
    brightness -= 5;
    if (brightness < 0) brightness = 0;
    c[0] = prevR; c[1] = prevG; c[2] = prevB;
    analogWrite(ledr, redVal * brightness / 255);   // Write current values to LED pins
    analogWrite(ledg, grnVal * brightness / 255);      
    analogWrite(ledb, bluVal * brightness / 255);
      case 0xFFAA55://Grün mitrtel
        modus = 0;
      case 0xFF926D: //blau mittel
        modus = 0;

      case 0xFF12ED: //rosa
        modus = 0;

     }             // Switch END


void loop() {
if(modus==1){    // Querry pb Modus:1 
if(modus==2){    // Querry pb Modus:1 

//      Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
//      Serial.println(DEC);
//      Serial.println(DEC);
//      Serial.println(DEC);
//      Serial.print("channel 1,2,3 values:");              // sends  brightness values to the serial monitor
    //  for(int i=0; i<3; i++){                             // every time the remote is pressed
    //  Serial.print(CH[i]);
//      Serial.print("   ");
    // } 
  int calculateStep(int prevValue, int endValue) {
  int step = endValue - prevValue; // What's the overall gap?
  if (step) {                      // If its non-zero, 
    step = 1020/step;              //   divide by 1020
  return step;

/* The next function is calculateVal. When the loop value, i,
*  reaches the step size appropriate for one of the
*  colors, it increases or decreases the value of that color by 1. 
*  (R, G, and B are each calculated separately.)

int calculateVal(int step, int val, int i) {

  if ((step) && i % step == 0) { // If step is non-zero and its time to change a value,
    if (step > 0) {              //   increment the value if step is positive...
      val += 1;           
    else if (step < 0) {         //   ...or decrement it if step is negative
      val -= 1;
  // Defensive driving: make sure val stays in the range 0-255
  if (val > 255) {
    val = 255;
  else if (val < 0) {
    val = 0;
  return val;

/* crossFade() converts the percentage colors to a 
*  0-255 range, then loops 1020 times, checking to see if  
*  the value needs to be updated each time, then writing
*  the color values to the correct pins.

void crossFade(int color[3]) {
  // Convert to 0-255
  int R = (color[0] * 255) / 100;
  int G = (color[1] * 255) / 100;
  int B = (color[2] * 255) / 100;

  int stepR = calculateStep(prevR, R);
  int stepG = calculateStep(prevG, G); 
  int stepB = calculateStep(prevB, B);

  for (int i = 0; i <= 1020; i++) {
    redVal = calculateVal(stepR, redVal, i);
    grnVal = calculateVal(stepG, grnVal, i);
    bluVal = calculateVal(stepB, bluVal, i);

    analogWrite(ledr, redVal);   // Write current values to LED pins
    analogWrite(ledg, grnVal);      
    analogWrite(ledb, bluVal); 

    delay(wait); // Pause for 'wait' milliseconds before resuming the loop

  // Update current values for next loop
  prevR = redVal; 
  prevG = grnVal; 
  prevB = bluVal;
  delay(hold); // Pause for optional 'wait' milliseconds before resuming the loop

thanks geometrikal for your support! You believe it's possible to manipulate the dimming of the fade effect too? It's using the RGBMood class to create a HSB color mix.