I want to know the purpose of using the EEPROM because I can't get it,
I mean I know that it can store values for a long time, but I just can't get the goal here

    void setup()
      int s=EEPROM.read(0);
      int f=10;
      Serial.print(" ");
    void loop()  {}

For example, I'm using EEPROM to see the difference if I print a value inside variable `s` to the serial moniter using EEPROM and a normal value inside the variable `f`.
But I couldn't find the difference between both because when unplugging the power and turn it on again, both of them are printed.
Hope you got the idea and I hope to see some feedback.
Thank you..

**the LED program**

then I made this program that will compare the EEPROM value to num.4 and compares the F variable to num.4 
known that both F and the EEPROM values are 4.
and then I changed both of the values to 3.
shouldn't the GREEN LED of the EEPROM still on because it has already stored num.4??

    void setup()
    void loop()
      EEPROM.write(0,4);                 //GREEN LED
      int f=4;                           //RED LED
      if(EEPROM.read(0)==4) digitalWrite(12,HIGH);
      if(f==4) digitalWrite(11,HIGH);   