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Questions tagged [web-server]

A web-server is a system which delivers data such as web-pages to a client system.

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0 answers

Trying to transfer data locally using WiFi

I'm trying to transfer data between an ESP32-C3 and a React application. This information include an API key, the SSID and passphrase of the WPA network the ESP should later try to connect to. However,...
2 votes
1 answer

ESP32 webserver with a loaded page fails to update data in elements after sending an Json file, the Json data is printed instead of the loaded page

I've an ESP32 with a web server, in the page where I show the sensor readings and the state of the system, right now the readings are showing themselves well, the problem comes when I want to show the ...
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1 answer

How to avoid MQTT reconnect Loop

I have the following code designed to allow me to control my device from my website using mqtt broker while internet is available. I also built in a local webserver to control the device in case of ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I host a WiFi network from an Arduino getting a connection from a SIM card?

My friend and I are doing a project and we're stuck on a problem. We tried looking stuff up but it looks like no one documented something similar before. Basically, what we want to do is have one ...
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1 answer

3 input (on/off/off with delay) to control 1device using ESP8266 as Web Server

I want to control one device in three ways : turn on / turn off / turn off with delay. To do that i use an ESP8266 web server + android phone app. The problem is that turn off with delay wont work. It ...
1 vote
0 answers

Esp8266 WebServer crashes when I use PracticalCrypto library! why?

So here is my code, Its the simple_server example from ESPAsyncWebServer.h and encryption example from PracticalCrypto.h combined. the webserver works fine and I can see the / page, but the moment I ...
1 vote
3 answers

Why is the server.on() function from "ESPAsyncWebServer.h" executed in the setup() side and not on the loop() side?

I'm implementing an example in which 2 ESP32's communicate each other using the HTTP Protocol. One acts as Server the other as Client. In the examples provided, I am curious about the declaration on ...
2 votes
1 answer

How can I do web hosting having all the code of the site stored on an SD?

I am carrying out this project in which the Arduino acts as a web server and hosts a website in which I show the constantly updated temperature of a laboratory. The problem is running all this code in ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Host a webserver on an ESP32D that has a hyperlink that triggers an Arduino song through a buzzer

I would like to use my ESP32D to create a wireless access point and host an HTML page that has a hyperlink and a few other things on it that triggers an Arduino song (rickroll), and plays it through a ...
0 votes
1 answer

Modifying the alert-like popup in ESPAsyncWebServer authenticate() function

So, ESPAsyncWebServer library is using the Digest MD5 Authentication by default, and I want to use this feature in my webserver, but there is a problem, I don't like the ugly prompt box, and I don't ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Using ESP32CAM board but no face is enrolled

I was working on a project to use the ESP32CAM board to detect faces and open some sort of lock. The program can detect the face using the yellow box that shows up as you can see from the following ...
2 votes
1 answer

Sending Variable to IFTTT via ESP32 using Asynchronous Web Server

I have been trying to send three variables to IFTTT from my ESP32 using Asynchronous Web Server. However, I couldn't set the "URL" that was supposed to be the response that will trigger my IFTTT. Here'...
2 votes
1 answer

How to Set RTC in ES32 using NTP server?

I am working on ESP32 And want to set RTC from the NTP server. How can I get epoch value I have done this thing on CC3200 launchpad and used an NTP server library to obtain epoch value.
1 vote
1 answer

Problem with reading MIFARE 13.5Mhz with MFRC522 lib

I'm trying to read the UID of MIFARE 13.5Mhz cards with MFRC522 lib and I have defined the following function for it. void getUID() { if (mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent() && mfrc522....
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1 answer

Arduino uno R4 vs ESP32 Dev board

I was wondering what product would work best for my application. I need a web server interface to control several digital outputs connected to my board, and it needs to be as polished as it can be. In ...
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1 answer

A peristaltic pump with pH sensor and web based output project

Good day to you all, I am asking here to confirm that my project is feasible. I have low knowledge of Arduino and other components. Please help me in achieving this project. I already have the ...
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1 answer

ERROR: return reinterpret_cast<T>(pgm_read_ptr(p));

I need to update DHT sensor data to the webserver in JSON format using ESP8266. This is my code. #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <WiFiClient.h> #include <ESP8266WebServer.h> #...
3 votes
0 answers

ESP8266 Webserver does not respond

I am trying to reach the webserver running in my Wemos D1 Mini compatible board. I am trying one esp8266 example using Arduino examples "WifiManualServer" code below. I have replaced the SSI ...
3 votes
1 answer

Where to define web server callback functions so they can access server object? (ESP8266WebServer library)

I want my ESP8266-based device to create an accesspoint that allows the user to input their home ssid and password. There is a device object that holds most of the data defined elsewhere. I'm trying ...
7 votes
3 answers

How to allow cross-domain requests on ESP8266WebServer

I am using a Raspberry Pi running Chrome (handling the user interface) and connecting via ajax to an Arduino D1 compatible using the IP address as follows: $.ajax({ type: "GET", ...
1 vote
0 answers

Why is this buffer not being sent to the server?

I'm loading a buffer with different data recorded by sensors and sending them to a server. But I also wanted to log when the data was sent on the client side, so I formatted the time of my RTC clock ...
5 votes
3 answers

WebSocketsServer.h: No such file or directory

I'm trying use the NodeMCU WebSocket. I downloaded the required libraries from: and pasted them in my Arduino libraries folder. I uploaded my code but ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Wemos D1 mini freezing after a few minutes

I´m using a Wemos D1 mini board to control a RGB LED Strip and programmed a simple code with the Arduino IDE. The Wemos conects to my Internet just fine and with the IP adress I can change the RGB ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why when I try to connect my ESP8266 to my node sever in my localhost it keep getting disconnect and connect?

I think the issue is within the library because I have try to implement this code according to the tutorial that I found in YouTube Youtube. The discussion of this tutorial is the first they implement ...
5 votes
3 answers

Multiple client server over wifi

Trying to setup a server on Arduino to support multiple clients, I am able to support one but I don't want to flush that client to make another connection. #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> const char* ...
0 votes
1 answer

Any way to pass EthernetClient to function outside of loop automatically?

I have an Arduino webserver that displays many buttons over a webpage (73 at the moment) that toggle different switches. I shortened up the button-drawing code with this function: void displayButton(...
0 votes
1 answer

EspAsyncWebServer process HTTPS to HTTP

I read this issue. But I didn't understand it. Like the author I don't have an SSL certificate and I don't want to have one (because if I had one I could live with HTTPS!). I just want to process any ...
2 votes
1 answer

Latency in Websocket

I am using Websocket, for a communication from my mobile phone to a NodeMCU, and transmitting 4 channel, data, through 4 different Websocket Ports. the NodeMCU control code is here: // ============ By ...
1 vote
2 answers

Arduino IDE + ESP32 Webserver - how to redirect to root after click on button

I'm trying to use ESP32 + Arduino IDE to control a relay. I've started by using the library and the code below. The problem I'm having: after clicking on the button and activating the pin, if the ...
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0 answers

Communication between two ESP32s using WiFi

I have two ESP32s. One is acting as webserver and the other is acting as a client that will send a GET request to the server ESP32. Both of the ESP32s are connected to the same WiFi AP. For sending ...
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1 answer

How to access GPS location without internet

I need to provide a basic geolocation service for my clients. I built a location service based on the phone geolocation. It works great, not a problem. My problem is that some of my clients don't have ...
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2 answers

ESP web server calling Javascript function

Is there a way to call Javascript functions from an ESP? I don't want to call AJAX requests every few seconds; I want to update my values only when they change. Can it by done?
2 votes
5 answers

How to make better looking webpages on an Arduino webserver?

I have a Teensy 4.1 with ethernet, but I have other networked MCUs like a D1 mini, various ESP8266s and Arduino ethernet shields. My question is: how I can make better looking web pages on these ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why does the data I send to the server get rounded off and how do I send the entire float instead?

#include <Arduino.h> #include <WiFi.h> #include "WiFiManager.H" #include <HTTPClient.H> #include "ESPAsyncWebServer.h" #include <AsyncTCP.h> float version =...
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2 answers

ESP32 AsyncWebServer with softAP does not serve pages

I'm trying to create a AsyncWebServer after enabling the SoftAP: #include <Arduino.h> #include <SPIFFS.h> #include <WiFi.h> #include <WiFiAP.h> #include <AsyncTCP.h> #...
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1 answer

Generalize webserver routing

I'm following the examples for ESP32: AsyncWebServer _server(80); _server.on("/", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { request->send(SPIFFS, "/index.html", ...
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0 answers

TCP client readStringUntil only when data exists

I have the attached script that reads data from a socket server (it is PHP at the server end). My problem (I think) is that the readStringUntil() needs a test above it, so that it "reads up to \r&...
-1 votes
1 answer

Use of ESPAsyncWebServer.h with ArduinoJson version 6 for Master-Client transactions

I want to communicate two (2) ESP32's via Json commands using ESPAsyncWeb.h. The master should have specific operations to execute and respond to the client, and the client should be able to send ...
2 votes
0 answers

Using both FastLED and Webserver without glitches possible?

I'm using an ESP8266 to control a short strip of WS2812 LEDs. I also want some way of remote Control so I'm looking into using a Web UI with the ESPAsyncWebServer library. However using that Webserver ...
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0 answers

ESP8266 ESPAsyncWebServer LittleFS crashes

I am trying to write a simple web page to be served from my ESP8266 based on this tutorial:
-1 votes
1 answer

ESP32 Access Point using ESPAsyncWebServer, how to send multiple parameters between submenu and main (index) menu while still retaining page layout? [duplicate]

I am trying to figure out how to get requests (or whatever they are called) to display in the serial monitor, yet not change the HTML page bodies. The user selects their choices in the submenu (...
2 votes
1 answer

ESP32 Access Point and HTTP Web Server, how to send multiple parameters?

I made this minimal example in order to figure out how to get requests (or whatever they are called) to display in the serial monitor. However, none of the query parameters (in the URL) can be seen in ...
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1 answer

Problems connecting to WiFi101 access point

I currently have two Arduino Zero boards (using the SAMD21 microcontroller), each with an ATWINC1500 wifi module attached. I have established one of these units as a wifi access point with a server ...
2 votes
1 answer

ESP32 in Arduino-IDE with FS.h and SPIFFS

I'm working on a webserver on ESP32 in Arduino IDE and would like to load an html-file. Tried to use from the library FS.h from github. Errormessage says SPIFFS was not declared in this ...
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0 answers

How to fix this problem of invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'char' [-fpermissive] [closed]

Im working with node mcu ESP 8266 and trying to make it a webserver but keep encountering this problem. #include<ESP8266WiFi.h> WiFiClient client; WiFiServer server(80); void ...
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0 answers

Arduino Ethernet shield server and client at the same time [closed]

Hardware: Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3 Ethernet Shield Rev3 A sensor Goal: Take value from sensor, upload it to ThingSpeak. Host a web page on the Arduino. Question: I've done both things in the past. ...
2 votes
1 answer

ESP32 AP Automatic Web Page

I've often encountered WiFi networks that require you to sign in through a web page that automatically opens after connecting to the access point, such as hotels. I'd like to implement something ...
1 vote
0 answers

Send Arduino data to PHP inorder to upload in MySQL database

I'm trying to send arduino data to my online web server using a Arduino Uno and a Ethernet shield. I used POST method for sending data and tried sending data to my sever (add.php) using a online POST ...
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1 answer

Nodemcu POST Response "-1"

Nodemcu device is returning HTTP response -1 for a POST request on django rest api. I tried the below http request to Postman, and it works perfectly fine. http://localhost:8000/api/datalogs/?plant=...
1 vote
1 answer

Ethernet Shield not connecting

I've mounted an Ethernet Shield on top of an Arduino UNO. The Arduino is connected via usb to my pc and to the network via ethernet through a switch. I'm running a simplified verison of the WebServer ...

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