Questions tagged [temperature-sensor]

A component which measures heat.

39 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to read temperature using arduino uno board with PT100 RTD sensor?

I am new to arduino programming. And almost inexperienced. I am looking to program my arduino Uno board to read 2/3/4 wire configuration of PT100 RTD sensor (in accuracy levels of atleast 0.5°C). The ...
Mayur Agarwal's user avatar
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Read temperature (DS18B20) with the ATTiny85

I'm trying to read the temperature of a DS18B20 with my ATTiny85 - but I'm getting rubbish data :D I should have gotten ~22 degrees, but I'm getting 129! I followed this tutorial i found here, but ...
Jason94's user avatar
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Slow I2C communication

To collect temperature and BPM, I connected a max30101 in my Heltec WiFi kit V3 with ESP32. The data collected are stored in arrays to extract statistical features from signals which an algorithm will ...
Alice's user avatar
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About Corrupted LM35 IC and Arduino port problem

I have one Arduino Uno which was working fine by below circuit(link): But when I have connected the new bought the LM35 Ic by the below connection: The Arduino UNO don't be recognized by the my ...
Soheil Paper's user avatar
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Parsing read SD file into 2 variables

Recently I started some tests controlling water heater with temperature sensor data as described in detail here So far I've been testing a small dataset to control water temperature that is quite easy ...
s_tatus3's user avatar
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Converting Client input char to int

I'm trying to print out the temperature from a DS18B20 sensor to my app via a tpc connection. Because I have two sensors connected I will need to call the one needed by an Index. This index comes from ...
Janik's user avatar
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Arduino Uno - temperature sensor DS18B20 not responding

I try to use a new DS18B20+ temperature sensor (sealed water proof version). It doesn't work. My own code doesn't work, examples from DallasTemperature Library don't work, example from OneWire ...
kot's user avatar
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ESP8266 can't read parasitic DS18B20 temperature (reset during conversion, 85°C)

tl;dr at the end I was running two DS18B20+PAR temperature sensors without any problems for the last two years on an ESP-01 module running on 3.3V on GPIO 2 using a 4.7K pullup resistor. Now, ...
LeoDJ's user avatar
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Arduino Fails to Read Thermocouple on External Power

I'm having what I believe to be a power issue with an Arduino project. I've tried 3 different power supplies (all separately): My computer via USB B A 5V USB "outlet" via USB B A 5V USB "outlet", ...
lg22woo's user avatar
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Voltage on open circuit jumping on Arduino R3

I am working with a bunch of sensors and everything is fine so far, but I figured on analog PINS 4 & 5 the output voltage read is 0.09V higher than on 0-3... for my Sensors this is a crucial issue....
AnyOneElse's user avatar
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How can I read also the temperature with this GSR sensor?

Considering the GSR is the inverse of the Resistance, if I know the resistance and how much it increases for every celsius degree, the game would be done. Here's how my code looks like at the moment: ...
Gabriele Giordano's user avatar
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cc3000 WiFi distrupting DS18b20 temp measurements

I am trying to post temperature measurements from DS18b20 thermal sensors to an online repository using a cc3000 WiFi shield on an Arduino Mega. It works great, once. All the temperatures get read ...
ericksonla's user avatar
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Arduino based temperature sensing circuit

I've currently got a setup where I am using a 2 thermocouple setup using MAX31850 and the circuit looks exactly as mentioned here using the external power option. (
thirdattempt's user avatar
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Grove temperature sensor with Arduino Yun

I try to test Grove - Infrared Temperature Sensor on Arduino Yun with the sample code but it does not work. In the console it shows that the object temperature is out of range all the time. However, ...
MakaraPr's user avatar
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Which temperature sensor is accurate?

I have an Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect with two temperature sensors. A DHT22 is connected to D2 and pulled up with a 5 kΩ resistor to 5V, and a LSM6DSOX IMU is built in to the board. Here's my code: #...
Ryland Goldman's user avatar
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PID cooler temperature control

Hello Hello I am making a controller of a small cooler (dry ice) PID but Im not sure if I am using the indicated mosfet Im trying with a NPN 222a and my second option is IRFZ44 Which would be the best ...
Estefanía Rodríguez Álvarez's user avatar
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Data output , ds18b20 , lcd1602 , yl-69, dht11

Good afternoon, I wonder if you could help me. I have the code but the data from the sensors is not correct. Perhaps there are some errors, could you fix them? I apologise for my inaccurate statement. ...
Дарина Бакута's user avatar
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Does the Sparkfun ESP32 Thing is compatible with generic modules like DHT11 sensor?

First of all I am kind of a noob working with microcontrollers, by the way I am using Arduino IDE 1.8.13 I fallowed the hookup guide to set up Arduino IDE to work with Sparkfun ESP 32 Thing board, and ...
luis_laurent's user avatar
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Need documentation for Soil Sensor from DIYmore

Does anyone have any documentation on this device? Im just curious how it work out of the box and how to reference the on board temp and soil sensors. Its a (for lack of a better name)a "ESP32 ...
Chris Catignani's user avatar
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Vernier to Arduino not working

I want to connect this analog Vernier temperature probe to my Arduino with this British Telecom Connector (BTA). According to datasheet, when sensor is in the connector, the PIN 6 of the connector ...
OtGreat's user avatar
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Temp Sensor not working on ESP32

I am using SHT21 temp sensor with ESP32 using I2C. The sensor only reports temp of -273 and 0 for RH. The sensor is not faulty as I have tried this on an Arduino UNO with the same sketch and it works ...
Zaffresky's user avatar
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DS18B20 temperature sensor not working

I am new to arduino.I try to read temperature using DS18B20 temperature sensor.I connected the pins as bellow.But,When I connected 1-pin to ground and 3-pin to +5V the sensor heated and all the little ...
Kavindu Lochana's user avatar
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Newbie trying to interface MLX90614 with Arduino Due

Im a newbie and Im trying to interface the temperature sensor mlx90614 to the arduino due using i2c bus. After a lot of digging I found this code which works,but it works only on the sda(20),scl(21) ...
Tejus Vivek's user avatar
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Newbie interfacing MLX90614 with arduino Due (Atmel3X8E)

I am a newbie trying to interface the infrared temperature sensor MLX90614 with the arduino Due. But it keeps sending out junk values in the serial monitor. I've tried it out on the Arduino Mega and ...
Tejus Vivek's user avatar
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DHT11 sensor reporting all null values

I am using a DHT11 sensor attached to a NodeMCU ESP8266 to have a web server reporting the local humidity and temperature values. I don't have a resistor attached in the circuit, the DHT11 is directly ...
Nidhi's user avatar
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Arduino stuck when I disable Timer 2 Interrupt

#define TIM2_EN() (TIMSK2 = 0x02) #define TIM2_DIS() (TIMSK2 = 0x00) //HEART SENSOR // Include Libraries #include "Arduino.h" class PulseSensor { public: static void begin(int pulsePin); static ...
Rohan's user avatar
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266 views data not comparing with DHT11 sensor value - Arduino temp controller

I'm using a DHT11 to read temperature to control a relay that will control a fan. When 'A' is pressed it allows the user to update the temp value that the relay will go HIGH at. The value is being ...
TEEJ's user avatar
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LCD (I2C) issues with pull up resistor

I'm close to finish my first DYI project. But a never seen issue on the breadboard has apprear as soon as assembled. The LCD is always / totally blank/black. When I remove the 4.7 K ohm pull-up ...
Titty panda's user avatar
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Program hangs at am2315.begin() - ideas?

In working with the AM2315 temperature/humidity sensor, my program hangs at the am2315.begin(); line. The only output I get is "Serial on" Here is the code: #include "cactus_io_AM2315.h" AM2315 ...
SDsolar's user avatar
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Tmp36 spike and dip

I'm measuring two temperatures and powering both tmp36 sensors off of the 5v pin. For some reason pin A0 (t0) will periodically spike or dip 100°f over actual ambient and pin A1 (t1) will spike or ...
acpilot's user avatar
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About MAX30102, MLX90614 & Nodemcu-32s

I am using Nodemcu-32s with MAX30102 & MLX90614. I noticed a thing that when I was working with both sensor individually then both of them were working fine but when I started them using together ...
Yash Gandhi's user avatar
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ESP32 S3 Same code works on Serial1 but NOT on Serial0 for RS485 module

I have designed a test board to understand ESP32-S3 working pins. I am using USB interface D+, D- for programing so Serial0 is free to use. This is my test circuit for testing an RS485 converter. For ...
mehmet's user avatar
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DHT22 sensor reading code interprets negative values weirdly

The following code reads the DHT22 temperature and humidity values, assuming the pin value as the sensor's host pin. When the temperature drops below 0°C, this code returns inadequate values in the ...
Starter's user avatar
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how do i convert to assembly code (AVR assembly) from arduino

i have code in the Arduino ide for a temperature sensor that shows the temperature on three 7 segment displays, it shows the temperature to one decimal point. using an arduino uno. I am struggling to ...
dirshan ramlall's user avatar
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What is the difference between the digital temperature sensors SHT31 and DHT11 or DHT12?

I am looking for a digital temperature sensor with I2C interface. I found the SHT31 and the DHT12 (compatible to DHT11). Both also include humidity sensors. And I found libraries for both of them. ...
Edgar's user avatar
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Interfacing LM35 and MQ2 with Arduino

When I interface LM35 temperature sensor and MQ-2 gas sensor with Arduino - my LM35 sensor gave incorrect values. From research I've found out that MQ-2 gas sensor dragging the AREF voltage down and ...
mugdho nahian's user avatar
-1 votes
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Multiple dht11 on an wemos d1 r1

I am trying to connect three separate DHT11 to my Wemos d1 r1. I have each sensor hooked to a power pin which turns on and off, the sensor pin and a common ground. Here is my code: #include <...
user1114881's user avatar
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SocketIO Arduino TCP Port ISSUE

Initially I was sending sensor data to NodeJS using socketIO and this worked perfectly. I had to add a function to control an RGB LED using this. This also works but I'm unable to perform these two ...
Ekom's user avatar
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how do I wire a 2nd Adafruit TMP117 board to my Adafruit Metro by I2C?

I want to connect two TMP117 boards to one Metro (ie. Arduino). (the first, addressed at 48 the 2nd at 49.) Should 2nd board's 4 wires simply attach (ie. solder) in parallel to 1st board's 4 wires? (...
Doug Null's user avatar
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