Questions tagged [rs232]

it refers to the standard for serial communication transmission of data.

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Read serial with header and end marker

I am trying to use Topway display for HMI lcd with Arduino. This display using RS232C protocol at docs it has a "Communication Packet Structure" like this. So my query should start with AA ...
mehmet's user avatar
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Reading Arduino Serial Input

I am reading an input from my Ohaus weighing scale using it's RS232 output using this code: #define HWSERIAL Serial1 void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); HWSERIAL.begin(9600); } void loop() { ...
polyhedron's user avatar
0 votes
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Arduino GPS Simulator: SoftwareSerial Issues

For my project, i need my Arduino Uno to simulate a GPS. To do this, I need to: Generate a 5V Pulse once a second (no problem) Send a $GPRMC NMEA sentence with the current time over RS-232 (i've got ...
MarayJay's user avatar