Questions tagged [matlab]

MATLAB is a programming language used primarily for numerical computations. Use this tag for questions regarding communicating or using MATLAB with Arduino. Also consider using other tags such as [programming].

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ArduinoDue - Matlab: SerialUSB.write() sends ASCII?

I'm trying to get some binary data from an Arduino Due to Matlab. Basically this is the setup: Due: byte usbMsg[33]= {0}; // filled with dummy as example usbMsg[1] = '00000001';// in[3]; usbMsg[2] ...
Chuchaki's user avatar
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Sending binary data to Matlab via serial

I would like to exchange data via Xbee. I've set up a communication based on strings between the Arduino and a Matlab software. Unfortunately this kind of communication isn't enough robust and ...
UserK's user avatar
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Simulink resets arduino

I am working on servo motors control through serial communication protocol, I am sending data from Simulink to arduino and vice versa, The problem I am getting is that once I open Simulink Servo ...
HDne's user avatar
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MATLAB and Arduino communication

I have to send from MATLAB to Arduino a char line 'S' to start the Arduino program and send back values from a sensor. This is my MATLAB code clear; delete(instrfind); s = serial('/dev/cu....
Arnau Gispert Becerra's user avatar
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initial power output in the digital io pins of an Arduino controller

I am a newbie.. I am integrating Arduino controller with Matlab I have connected my arduino DUE board in COM7. And I have also connected a DC Motor in one of the digital output pins (D3) So when I ...
Mangal MURUGESAN's user avatar
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Matlab Arduino Multi Byte Read

I'm using Matlab to communicate with a custom AD7746 board through an Arduino UNO. The data sheet mentions that "In continuous conversion mode, the address pointers’ autoincrementer should be used ...
user3808947's user avatar
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Communication serial port with matlab

I am trying to communicate with a serial port trought matlab. This is my code: delete (instrfindall) clear all close all clc; s=serial('COM4'); set(s,'BaudRate',4800); set(s,'DataBits',8); set(s, '...
Alexandra Carrelhas's user avatar
2 votes
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Connection between Matlab and Arduino

I'm trying to connect Maltab and Arduino by this code: arduino=serial('COM7','BaudRate',9600); fopen(arduino); But I get this message: Open failed: Port: COM7 is not available. No ports are ...
Jack Sparrow's user avatar
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Problem reading HMC5843 - Magnetometer in Simulink

I'm having a SparkFun 9 DoF sensor stick including the following components: ADLX345 - Accelerometer ITG3200 Gyroscope HMC5843 - Magnetometer Im currently working on a project in which I need to ...
Carl's user avatar
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Simulink Legacy Code Tool - custom Arduino servo write block problem

I'm trying to create my own servo.write block in Simulink for Arduino DUE deployment (and External Mode). Before you ask why if there is one available inside the Simulink Arduino Support Package, ...
Multiplexer's user avatar
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I2C Communication Matlab - FDC1004

I have a ProtoCentral FDC1004 board (datasheet: connected to an Arduino. I am then trying to connect to the system via matlab. I have found the address (...
Tom Fisher's user avatar
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about receiving float on Atmega32 from matlab

I want to receive a float on Atmega32 from matlab. I display the output on an lcd, but i receive 0.000, can any one help me? Please ... matlab code s=serial('COM1','BaudRate',9600); fopen(s) fwrite(...
mohamed's user avatar
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MKR 1000 not found in ports when MKR IMU Shield is connected

I am trying to connect my MKR IMU Shield to my MKR1000 by placing the IMU shield in the MKR1000. When I do this, however, the Arduino IDE and Simulink are unable to find the port that my Arduino is ...
tennis25's user avatar
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How to use virtual connection between matlab simulik and arduino in isis proteus?

I don't know how to connect between matlab simulik and arduino card in isis proteus by using a virtual ports
Mouhcen's user avatar
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Trouble in acquiring NEO6M GPS data through S-Function builder at Matlab simulink using Arduino libraries

I have connected a NEO6M GPS module to an Arduino Mega 2560 and programmed using TinyGPS++ library's "Device Example". I am getting proper data at serial port. NEO6MGPS to ArduinoMega2560 Vcc ...
Praneeth varma's user avatar
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Problem sending array data from matlab to arduino

I've two LEDs connected to the arduino uno's pin 12 and 13. I want to control the LEDs independently from the MATLAB serial command. Here is my MATLAB serial command from where I'm sending char array ...
lkdhruw's user avatar
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Wolfram Mathematica reads but closes stream feeds from Arduino Serial port after a few data sets

This is a Wolfram Mathematica / Arduino serial feed problem , but I am posting here just in for any suggestions on enhancing the Arduino code or the Mathematica notebook. The original post is here ...
Jose Enrique Calderon's user avatar
-1 votes
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Sending double data from Matlab to the Teensy 3.6 via the microUSB

I've been hitting against a wall for over a week now. My current project is to use a Teensy 3.6 to send data over an SPI bus to a chip which is effective going to be a signal generator. I've made a ...
Ryne's user avatar
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External ADC reference when using MATLAB support package for Arduino

I am using the MATLAB support package for Arduino. However, I need to configure the ADC reference to external. MATLAB documentation doesn't really explain how to do this? Is there any way I can use ...
Dr Krishnakumar Gopalakrishnan's user avatar