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2 answers

Arduino fade in/out 5 leds circuit acting wierd

I have a simple arduino project with 5 leds, the project should start with led 1 fade through 50 millisec to reach full brightness, then led 2 and so on until led 5 then turn them all off and loop. ...
AhmedH2O's user avatar
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Rotating Servo Motor using Arduino

Using arduino, I'm trying to rotate a 360 servo that will move clockwise 5 seconds,pause and counterclockwise for 5 seconds and then completely stop. However, my servo just continuously keeps on ...
Asif's user avatar
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problem with decrement in a loop

I am trying to write a sketch wherein the led brightness increases in increments of 15 until it reaches 255. At that point I want to make decrements of 15 until it reaches 0. The increment part of the ...
Zaffresky's user avatar
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Arduino programming with multiple loops

I was trying to program my Arduino (along with a connected motor controller) to switch from cycle to cycle with this program. It doesn't seem to work however. There's still plenty of storage space ...
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