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2 votes
2 answers

Arduino fade in/out 5 leds circuit acting wierd

I have a simple arduino project with 5 leds, the project should start with led 1 fade through 50 millisec to reach full brightness, then led 2 and so on until led 5 then turn them all off and loop. ...
AhmedH2O's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How do I make another action repeat inside a loop?

So, I've just started programming Arduino (and also in general), so I'm doing basic things, like switching on and off LED's. I've made them light in a sequence and then turning them off (in the same ...
AndreFro's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Stuck In While Loop

So I'm a beginner at Arduino and I have to light up an LED grid to show digits from 0-9. I wrote a bit of code (with the help of some people) and it's like 90% done but there's this ONE problem. I ...
BertjeDP2000's user avatar
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0 answers

Two LED Patterns Task Controlled by GUI

I am very new to Arduino and coding/programing. I set a task for myself to make a simple circuit of 5 LEDs controlled by pins 2, 4, 8, 11, 12. I want to be able to make two different pattern for the ...
Tayler Hasson's user avatar
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1 answer

Blink LED 5 times with for loop

Is it possible to let a LED blink, for example 5 times, with an Arduino? Should I use a for loop? Something like this works in setup, but it will run continuously in the void loop, so my LED keeps ...
Niles's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Make a code loop 100 times with a text on Serial Monitor

Ok, this is my code: int rosso = 13; int verde = 12; int blu = 11; int count = 0; String command_on, command_off; String s; String enough = "stop"; void setup(){ pinMode(rosso, OUTPUT); ...
tommy's user avatar
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5 answers

How can an Arduino do multiple actions in parallel without interfering with each other?

I am working with my son (9) and we are having a great time learning. But, we've run into a problem and could use your help. We have two separate loops that we want to run without interfering with ...
Nick Motter's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

ARDUINO flashing lights

I'm making a circuit with my Arduino so that when it receives a '1' or '2' or 'a' it turns on or off the LEDS. But I wanted the lights to flash and do not know how to do loops in loops or if that's ...
Darwin's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

LED dimmer not fading out

I'm trying to make an LED go from no brightness to max and back down on a loop and I've encountered a problem I can't seem to crack. The LED will go to maximum brightness steadily as it should but ...
ThisUsernameHasBeenTaken's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

I need help makeing a light flash while a stepper is constantly moving

The starter code. #include <Stepper.h> const int stepsPerRevolution = 120; // change this to fit the number // for your motor of steps per revolution // initialize the stepper library on ...
dakota's user avatar
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4 answers

help with a loop

I recently got into programing and I'm making an alarm. I cant figure out how to make a buzzer loop. I have two blinking LED's and two fading ones. Now I plan to have sound and it won't work. It only ...
jace's user avatar
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1 answer

Variable that holds the users input doesn't empty itself, so the program only works once

This code seems to function, but only works once before I need to press the reset button. Otherwise, it repeats the same error message. It might have something to do with emptying the String variable. ...
Maitland's user avatar
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1 answer

Breaking out of a while loop using IR remote for neopixel

I've been piecing together various lighting effects. I am wanting to have each lighting effect loop until another button is pressed to trigger another lighting effect. I've come to a bit of ...
YaBo11's user avatar
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