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1 answer

Cutting neopixel routine code short

I've been working on a level meter with a neopixel strip (WS2812). The code is very simple: reading a potentiometer, mapping the input and showing the output in the led strip. So far, so good. The ...
1 vote
2 answers

Receive socket when in loop arduino (Interupt a while loop with a socket)

I'm currently working on an arduino project. Were the arduino is communicating with a NodeJS server via web sockets. The socket connection is working fine and has no problems. But the problem I ...
0 votes
1 answer

Breaking out of a while loop using IR remote for neopixel

I've been piecing together various lighting effects. I am wanting to have each lighting effect loop until another button is pressed to trigger another lighting effect. I've come to a bit of ...
2 votes
1 answer

Run light sequence function continuously in if statement

My goal - run light sequence function on momentary button press (button 2) continuously until another of the 3 momentary buttons are pressed. /* switch * * Each time the input pin goes ...
0 votes
2 answers

Arduino Switching Between Loops IR Remote

I've been working on an LED strip project. However, I've come to a stand still at the moment. Within the program I am wanting to assign different lighting effects to each button on my IR remote. I am ...