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3 answers

Arduino analog input protection

I've been trying to find a way to protect my analog input pins (for my Leonardo and Pro micro). I'm basically using them to read an amplified piezo sensor output. The output is amplified because I'm ...
Isra's user avatar
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A question about resistance measurement with arduino

Lately I was asking myself about the possibility of measuring a potentiometer resistance with Arduino. My questions are: Is it possible? If it's possible, what kind of restriction does the Arduino ...
Julio Orozco's user avatar
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Practicality of recording speech

Is it practical to record speech with the Leonardo? I want to record speech via a MEMS microphone and stream it over a serial connection to a Raspberry Pi for speech-to-text processing. This article ...
Cerin's user avatar
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Arduino Pro Micro Analog Pinouts

I have the Arduino Pro Micro and I would like to use all the analog pins that I can on it. It currently looks like it has a total of 9 Analog pins that can be used. A0, A1, A2, A3, A6, A7, A8, A9 ...
StealthRT's user avatar
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Can I use analogReadResolution() on an Uno or Leonardo?

I am trying to get a spectrum analyser up and running. I found the following code on Galileo GEN2 Project - Real-Time Audio Spectrum Analyzer1: /* * * Galileo GEN2 Project - Real-Time Audio ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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Analog pins all reading same value

I'm trying to read 5 analog inputs, but all the pins are reading the same as pin A0, plus or minus a couple points. I tried using pulldown resistors on all 5 pins and it made no difference. The board ...
Alisha F's user avatar