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Need Help Communicating with Arduino Leonardo Using Custom Bootloader

I have an Arduino Leonardo that has been flashed with a custom bootloader, and it currently has a sketch on it that I cannot replace or modify because doing so would brick the board. The board works ...
FenixProGamer's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I stop digital pins from floating at reboot?

I've got a LattePanda 3 Delta, which runs windows on its main processor and an Arduino sketch called StandardFirmata on its coprocessor. It's connected to a lock, which locks at HIGH and unlocks at ...
Josmund's user avatar
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atmega32u4 connect PC

I made a custom PCB with C-type USB and atmega32u4 (arduino leonardo). But my PC doesn't recognize the atmega32u4. Here are my schematic. Why my PC doesn't recognize the pcb in schematic?
hyunseob kim's user avatar
-1 votes
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Joystick library not reading potentiometer

I am using Joystick Library to make a HOTAS system for flight simulators. When I load the test program I can get all the simulated controller inputs to register in windows. I can also get the value ...
Bodhi Teraguchi's user avatar
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Change USB VID and PID (Leonardo)

I'm new to using electronic boards, and have followed a guide online for printing a 6 DoF (degree of freedom) mouse. I'm stuck on an optional step that requires me to change the PID and VID of a "...
8foldhero's user avatar
-1 votes
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Arduino Leonardo Key Detector

I want to make an arduino code on the arduino leonardo that detects when keys are being pressed and to print them to the serial monitor so I can control the arduino with the computer keyboard. I need ...
user92638's user avatar
-2 votes
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L LED on Arduino is constantly on and com is not detected

When I connect the Arduino to the computer, the L LED is constantly on and com is not detected. However, when I press the reset button, the L LED starts blinking for about 10 seconds and com appears. ...
Kerem Soylu's user avatar
-1 votes
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Arduino pin erratic behavior?

I've built a switch key matrix (thus the diode, contextually useful schematics below) and me being me, I realised after that I misunderstood a few things about how button really works, to say the ...
O'Schell's user avatar
-1 votes
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Arduino Pro Micro not recognizing INPUT or INPUT_PULLUP

I tried to make a controller box with multiple buttons. Sadly, when I tried to connect the buttons, the Arduino Pro Micro didn't recognize them being pressed. I even tried to connect a wire directly (...
szilard1996's user avatar
2 votes
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Improving moving mouse loop to optimize speed

Code: #include <Mouse.h> #include <hiduniversal.h> #include "hidmouserptparser.h" #include <USBController.h> USBController controller; USB Usb; HIDUniversal Hid(&Usb); ...
Jake Jin's user avatar
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Cannot change fuses on ATmega32U4

I have a custom board based on Arduino Leonardo (ATmega32u4). As usual I used the Arduino IDE to burn the bootloader with my Atmel ICE ISP programmer. This time it failed complaining about some errors ...
Mark's user avatar
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help with error: cant open device "\\.\COM6":Access is denied

I built a new pc which I use as a flight simulator. On my old PC I had ArduinoIDE for programming a pro micro as well as a teensy 4.1 using the teensyduino library. I installed all the necessary ...
aquagremlin's user avatar
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Atmega32u4: Reduce power consumption while keeping USB active

I have a USB powered board, that should consume as little power when idle as possible, while keeping the USB connection alive. The device only sends data to the host, doesn't receive any, so the ...
Dakkaron's user avatar
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Arduino lagging or buggy with delays and serial print?

I got a strange issue with my Arduino Leonardo (clone). It seems to be laggy or buggy, I don't know what the issue is. I get issues when I use "long" delays. Below sketch is working fine. ...
Akif's user avatar
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Disable USB support for mega32u4

I have a custom Leonardo board (mega32u4-based) that does not use at all the USB features. When I build my sketch (vscode and platformio) I read: Compiling .pio/build/leonardo/FrameworkArduino/CDC.cpp....
Mark's user avatar
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Arduino Leonardo/Pro Micro sleep and USB

I am using an Arduino Pro Micro (basically a Leonardo in a smaller form factor) in a mobile application where power consumption is really important. To reduce power consumption, I put the Arduino to ...
Dakkaron's user avatar
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Is it legal to "simulate" Yubikey OTP autentication with an Arduino in own product? [closed]

I found the following Github Repo that makes it possible to build your own Yubikey with an Arduino Leonardo device. Pretty cool. However I am wondering if using ...
fpdragon's user avatar
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Different meanings of pid and vid in boards.txt

Let's see the leonardo section in boards.txt: Leonardo leonardo.vid.0=0x2341 leonardo.vid.1=0x2341 leonardo.vid.2=0x2A03
Mark's user avatar
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Can I flash hoodloader2 or HEX files on Arduino Simulators?

I want to make a HID Keyboard out of Arduino UNO, in UNO board the script runs perfectly fine, but the UNO board requires me to flash it every-time I want to put in a new script in it, so can I do the ...
thessaksh's user avatar
1 vote
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Can't type backslash (\) with Keyboard library

I'm trying to make a macro keyboard, where I can press a single button and it will open programs for me. I'm trying to type this, for example: "c:\windows" but it gets typed out like this: ...
Tomy Gaspar's user avatar
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LiquidCrystal issue with HD44780 display

Here my sample code for an Arduino Leonardo-based custom board: #include <LiquidCrystal.h> const int rs = 3, en = 0, d4 = 4, d5 = 30, d6 = 12, d7 = 6; LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7); ...
Mark's user avatar
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Multiple Arduinos, same name - Windows 10 Game Controllers

I am making some SimPit panels and SimRacing devices, and I've run into an annoying issue. I have multiple Arduinos (Leonardos and ProMicros) that show up as the same "Controller Names" (...
FedaykinWolf's user avatar
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Porting Arduino for ATMEGA16U2 [duplicate]

I have a bunch of ATMEGA16U2 in my drawer and I need to make a small production of custom boards with Arduino-based firmware. After a Google search I learn the ATMEGA16U2 is often hosted on the ...
Mark's user avatar
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Leonardo with hm-10 doesn't work

I have a hm-10 module attached to Arduino Leonardo board, I'm using a bluetooth terminal app to send some text. The problem is I can send data from the Serial monitor to my phone but when I send from ...
jason8098's user avatar
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Stand alone Atmega328p-au

I'm trying to make a standalone arduino board with an OLED display using an Atmega328p. I never tried to make such a board using SMD components. I've soldered everything together except the OLED ...
Aerandir's user avatar
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Question regarding using Arduino and MIDI

I'm using an Arduino Leonardo for sending MIDI In and Out messages to Ableton Live. Components include a Potentiometer, a Capacitive Touch Sensor, and a DC Motor, which I'm powering with a L298N Motor ...
zRockafellow's user avatar
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ATMega32u4 - Sending and receiving data through TX and RX

Hi everyone, first time here on the forum, so, apologies if I'm doing anything incorrectly. Long story short, I built a device that takes voltages in and transform them into midi data. I used an ...
nn_mic_nn's user avatar
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Arduino Leonardo doesn't print anything to Serial Monitor with my specific code

I did a project with an Arduino Leonardo and a fingerprint sensor (DY50). When I uploaded the enroll example from the Adafruit Fingerprint Library and saved my fingerprint, everything worked. But when ...
Python Schlange's user avatar
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Is there any way to do real time voice communication via bluetooth on arduino?

Is there any way to send and play voice between two arduino projects which has connected via blutooth modules. 1st device ( sender ) : has microphone and bluetooth module to send voice. 2nd device ( ...
techTrainee's user avatar
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Arduino Pico doesn't work with ST7735 screen

I am attempting to get the graphicstest example bundled with the Adafruit ST7735 library for the 0.96 inch LCD screen. The example runs fine and serial communication is up and running. However, ...
DuluthIsSuperior's user avatar
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I'm making a trim wheel using a rotary encoder for flight simulation. Should I have the Joystick library use button presses or make it an axis?

Title says the majority of it. I'm looking to make a trim wheel for flight sim using a rotary encoder, the Joystick library and an Arduino Leonardo. I wasn't sure if it would be better to make it a ...
Pierce Jennings's user avatar
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Using Leonardo as keyboard: add wake and sleep functions

I want to use a Leonardo with USB chip to emit some commands via USB port to a digital piano computer (running Windows 7) for various functions. I've gotten the Leonardo to emit page up and page down ...
Jack O'Flaherty's user avatar
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Arduino Leonardo - Setting up bluetooth - AT command from terminal does not return anything

I am trying to setup bluetooth with a board that contains Arduino Leonardo chip. My full setup is: The main board: The base shield:
Mr. Panda's user avatar
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Arduino sketch uses too much memory storage space?

I've never used arduino before but am using one for a school project. I am using an arduino leonardo and I've uploaded the sample code below #include "Adafruit_CCS811.h" Adafruit_CCS811 ccs; ...
Screenwriter Marc's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I recover a beetle where I loaded a program that was too large and overwrote the bootloader?

I'm doing on-target unit testing for an industrialized application and my test code is too large to fit everything on the board at the same time. I'm using the Sloeber toolset to develop, and I put ...
Laurence Gordon's user avatar
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Copy outbound data of Serial to Serial1 for Pro Micro

I am working on a bluetooth HID device. There are libraries which make HID devices a cake walk if you are making a wired version of your HID device. I managed to configure my bluetooth module to ...
REVOLUTION's user avatar
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Wiring Multiple MPU 6050 to Micro/Lenardo

disclaimer I am new at hardware/circuits I am currently trying to connect two MPU-6050 to a single Micro board. In addition, there are 5 additional buttons to be connected. I am under the impression ...
Jae Yang's user avatar
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Input Capture with Sleep Enabled on ATM32u4 board only works every second reading in SLEEP mode

In short: I have an Input Capture code and a Power-Saving code combined into one program. Both are adapted from Nick Gammon's examples that work fine independently. When I combined them into one ...
TommyS's user avatar
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Arduino Keyboard starts lower case (but it shouldn't)

So I flashed the KeyboardMessage example to my Arduino SS Micro ATmega32U4. When I open an editor and push the button, I would assume the output to be Zou pressed the button XX times. (The "Z&...
speendo's user avatar
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Leonardo keypresses not working with OBS

I am using an Arduino Leonardo to have hotkeys for OBS but they don't work when the OBS Studio window is not focused. I have the Leonardo press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F7 when I press a button connected ...
Ryan Vogel's user avatar
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Keypad as game input device?

I have been trying to get a button matrix to work but im not experienced enough in programming. I Have tried to read up but i don't know how to execute so some help would be greatly appreciated. I ...
OpticalOpal's user avatar
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Gamepad connection using Pro Micro(ATMEGA32u4 + HC-05

I have been working on making a HID compatible Gamepad using Pro Micro and HC-05 module. I have successfully configured the class of HC-05 module to appear as an Input device(A gamepad) on my PC ...
REVOLUTION's user avatar
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ISR Issue: Arduino Pro Micro

I'm trying to do a small test where I am using the ISR on the Arduino Pro Micro it up from sleep mode. I'm using a Force Sense Resistor (FSR, a resistor that changes it's resistance depending on how ...
Jay's user avatar
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Is extra hardware and components needed to connect the bare MCU directly to a PCB, without a shield?

As a hobbyist I code in a variety of arduino's and in Digispark's (Attiny 85 and 167). But I'm doing a project with space contraints, so I'd need to use just the MCU directly over my pcb. Apart from a ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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String(int) function stopping the Arduino

Well I am trying make an application with arduino leonardo and GSM Shield. There are conditions if, else if, else .. etc if (smsMetni.indexOf("DURUM") != -1) { Serial.println("SMS ...
mehmet's user avatar
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Arduino Joystick Library not Recognized by Games (Steam)

I have an Arduino Pro Micro running code that uses the Arduino joystick library to act as a gamepad. I'm just doing testing right now so there's a single button wired up and configured in the code. ...
Orion DeYoe's user avatar
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leonardo mouse readings

hi there im using arduino uno + usb host shield and i have taken the readings from the usb mouse in this line of code : x = mi->dX; and the x output is the speed of the mouse x coordinates and i ...
mohamed shalaby's user avatar
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How do i efficiently write this code for PS2 controller to USB convertion sketch for Arduino Pro Micro?

I am really new to coding and building stuff, so forgive me if it is anything offensive.i have been trying to convert my PS2 dualshock controller to USB using arduino. there is a library called ps2x ...
Hackermann's user avatar
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WIFI Bee ESP8266, MySQL and PHP

I am trying to update a db table using a WIFI Bee. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to connect to and program the WiFi Bee ESP card. I've looked on DFRobot's website and other websites to ...
Ashish Adhikari's user avatar
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Blank project gives errors while uploading Arduino Leonardo on Linux Manjaro

I'm on Linux Manjaro. I plugged my Arduino Leonardo clone (that I know works correctly). And tried to flash a blank project on it: (My IDE version is 1.8.12) void setup() { // put your setup code ...
John's user avatar
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