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Questions tagged [eeprom]

Electronically Erasable ROM is a type of memory available on most boards. It is used for storing persistent data. Use the tag for questions about the EEPROM library or the hardware.

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I want to modify setup, to also keep the serial USB port opens so I can send strings via a Raspberry Pi

I am trying to modify the original code from these guys GRA & AFCH, who have made an Arduino Sketch Program that runs a Arduino powered Nixie Clock. Here is the link to their Firmware file:...
Gilgamesh Skytrooper's user avatar
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save bytes from Serial into ROM (EEPROM)

I am trying to save an incoming text from serial into the ROM of the Arduino using EEPROM. I found out that you can only save a byte at once. So I thought I could do it like that: #include <EEPROM....
crolexxxxx's user avatar
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Arduino EEPROMex library problem

I am trying to write a float value to the EEPROM on an Arduino MEGA2560. According to some research I should use Arduino EEPROMex library. I added the library to Arduino, but I get the message "EEPROM ...
user3855738's user avatar
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Program/Read 93LC46B with an Arduino with bit-banging

I'm Tom. I'm pretty new to electronics and programming but I've been getting better. So, recently I bought a 93lC46B EEPROM from Element 14 (It was $0.28! Why not!). I've been doing some research and ...
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Attiny84 with external eeprom-write and read beyond 255

Just starting with external EEPROM and ATTiny's. I am successfully writing and reading to the 24LC64 chip using the following code with TinyWireM (thanks to other help on the forums). However, I ...
VinnyP's user avatar
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Arduino Mega as a EEPROM Programmer for Winbond W29EE011 memories

I'm trying to use my Arduino Mega as an EEPROM memory writer. For this project, besides my Arduino Mega, I use an SD Card module, an LCD display and two push buttons to handle the events. Inside the ...
Dan Fayal's user avatar
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Why does this piece of code overflow at 255?

Im having a problem where i got unsinged long variable and i need to increment it in eeprom everytime setup starts and it overflows at 255 back to 0. unsigned long NumberOfBoots = 0UL; #define ...
Nicky's user avatar
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Reading a flash ROM chip (M45PE20) through SPI with an ATMEGA 2560 -- output only FF's

I'm trying to communicate through SPI to a Flash ROM chip (M45PE20) with an ATMEGA 2560. I'm looking to read the data off the chip, but the output I'm getting is nothing but FF's. I've checked my ...
CaesiumWhale's user avatar
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How can I store a value of 1000 over to EEPROM of Arduino Nano?

I need some of your feedback and guidance. In my prototype project powered by Arduino Nano(Space Constraint), it will operate continuously until it reach a maximum of 100 hours. Once it reached 100 ...
Peterhan123's user avatar
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EEPROM Arduino library for ESP8266 is not working

I am trying to use EEPROM library from Arduino framework for my ESP8266 project (NodeMCU). I am using Atom with Platformio. Initialization of EEPROM is attempted at void setup() in main.cpp: EEPROM....
hypers's user avatar
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ESP8266 EEPROM Reading extra character

I am very very new to ESP Programming. I am trying to store Strings into EEPROM of ESP8266. I am storing the string into eeprom successfully but while reading it from EEPROM extra character 'd' is ...
java bee's user avatar
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Stuck in a loop when reading from EEPROM, works if I clear it first

EDIT: The problem was caused by storing a pointer in the EEPROM. Thanks to @KIIV for helping out Sorry for the enormous of wall of text, I'm trying to pare it down a bit. I have two Arduino Megas ...
Mustard Tiger's user avatar
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I can't write or read data in an external eeprom

I've been trying to store data in an external I2C EEPROM but it doesn't seem to work, and i don't know why. When i run the i2c scanner it founds my memory but i can't write in it, or at least it ...
Draken's user avatar
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EEPROM Esp8266 Memory Issue

I had assembled a board with esp8266ex bare chip with 4MB eeprom for esp and also can be shared with host MCU. I had gone through some googling and found that using eeprom function I am able to write ...
Vaibhav's user avatar
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Problem Writing/Reading EEPROM on MEGA

I want to make a program that writes on the EEPROM some structs, the final device will take structs of RGB LED data: typedef struct{ unsigned char r; unsigned char g; unsigned char b; } ...
Victor Casado's user avatar
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277 views data not comparing with DHT11 sensor value - Arduino temp controller

I'm using a DHT11 to read temperature to control a relay that will control a fan. When 'A' is pressed it allows the user to update the temp value that the relay will go HIGH at. The value is being ...
TEEJ's user avatar
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Set EEPROM to initial values when flashing ESP8266

I have a variable uint8_t a_ram which needs to be initialized from the EEPROM variable a_eeprom when the ESP boots up. Whenever a_ram changes, the new value has to be stored to the EEPROM (a_eeprom), ...
Sim Son's user avatar
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Reading/Writing salvaged EEPROM

Recently I stumbled myself on a fairly old blood sugar test strips canisters. Inside them, I found this what they called "Code Card" which inside, an EEPROM Microchip 93LC46B a 1K Microwire compatible ...
conquistador's user avatar
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Can't read from / write to SPI EEPROM

I'm currently trying to write to and read from an 25LC256-E EEPROM with my Arduino Uno via SPI. I've made a program which is supposed to do this, but I only get weird answers. I'm sending in a Serial-...
DoTheGenes's user avatar
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Writing and reading an ID to/from an Arduino reliably

I need a way to both ID (a sketch/compiled hex) and later on, identify based on this ID the project that got uploaded to my Arduino microcontroller. As of right now, I have explored multiple options ...
BoKKeR's user avatar
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EEPROM not consistent over reboot

I'am using a Wemos D1 mini V3.0.0 (esp 8266 core). I tried to save a structure in EEPROM memory but all data are lost when i reboot the board. I am using these basics functions : int cle_verif = ...
Marco Bresson's user avatar
-1 votes
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How does Arduino memorize the last bytes from Bluetooth HC-05?

I have made a home automation project. Description: Light on, off through HC-05 Bluetooth module and my Android app. The problem is when the power is gone, the system stops, that's OK. After that, ...
BIKRAM's user avatar
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how to check 24c32 eprom is connected or not to arduino runtime?

I want to check it on runtime if runitme i remove eprom then it shows "please insert dongle " also tried using while loop showing eroor.. How can i solve it? Wire.beginTransmission(80); error = ...
I Have Question's user avatar
-1 votes
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Trying to read a 93lc46b chip using Arduino

I am trying to read a 93lc46b EEPROM chip using Arduino. I am reusing the code from, except I have modified it for 93lc46b ...
MayankTUM's user avatar
-2 votes
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Write and read problem while interfacing 93LC46B EEPROM through SPI

I try to save and read data from 93LC46B EEPROM using SPI with Arduino UNO. I'm following this article . So far I have correctly connected EEPROM pinout (...
Shizzle's user avatar