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Burn bootloader on Arduino Due

I’d like to know if the bootloader on the Arduino Due can potentially be damaged? Previously, I uploaded my blink sketch to an Arduino Zero but received the following error: Error: at91samd21g18.cpu --...
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LCD Wiki screen (ILI9341) works on Mega. How to get it working on the Due?

I have this exact LCD shield: SKU: MAR2808 Driver IC: ILI9341 It works on an Arduino Mega 2560 using the old libraries the manufacturer (I assume) ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Best Solution to Parallel UART reads with Arduino Due

I have 4 Arduino boards pushing data over UART to 4 serial ports on the Arduino Due at 115200 baud rate. Data format - <Short URL>,<Number of the Node> Eg:,1" Arduino Due ...
Hako's user avatar
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SPI with DMA in a Arduino Due

I have a project where I need to store data (~16 Mo) on a memory and be able to fetch the data fast (<36000 bits/s) with DMA because I have other signals to take care of. Currently I use an SD card ...
Vlad's user avatar
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Sending values with pyserial does not function if there is also sensing on Arduino Due

I'm using an Arduino Due to make a feedback loop using python, but this does not seem to function. The python code I'm using is the following: from serial import Serial board = Serial('COM11',9600) ...
celestin's user avatar
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Send data through SPI with DMA

I need to send data as fast as possible from an Arduino DUE to an extern DAC. To do so I use DMA & SPI and I want DMA to fetch data from the memory and send it to the SPI which will just relay it ...
Vlad's user avatar
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UDPSendReceiveString example using Arduino Due with ENC28J60 Ethernet Module

I was trying to learn how to use UDP protocol to use in my automation project to send commands to an Arduino Due on ethernet with an ENC28J60 breakout board which I have connected to the Due from SPI ...
Jupiterian's user avatar
-1 votes
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Generate a sine wave with a predefined frequency and amplitude via DAC0 or DAC1 with Arduino Due

Good Morning to everyone, I am a PhD Student in experimental fluid mechanics at the University of Naples "Federico II", Italy. I am working on Arduino Due card and i am novel in applications ...
AlessandroScala's user avatar
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Code uploads to Due and fails to execute but runs on Redboard

I have run into this issue where my code will upload to my Due but fails to execute. I have verified the code works on a SparkFun Redboard. The only code difference is that the SPI pin assignments ...
Ender's user avatar
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How to properly set CS for SPI applications on Arduino Due

I needed SPI with CPOL=1 and CPHA=1. I read, that I could achieve this via SPI_MODE3. Further, I read to put the CS low and CS high code after SPI.beginTransaction(...) and before SPI.endTransaction() ...
leonhardp's user avatar
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Read State from Variable

I am attempting to use radio modules to receive a value from a sensor, either 1 or 0, and complete an action. The only problem is that I would like the action to only complete once per state change, ...
Noah's user avatar
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Adjusting Threshold for Digital Pins

I am working on a project using Force Sensors to build a keyboard for MD patients. I have connected the sensors (each with 4 input pins) to digital pins to Arduino Due. I want to adjust the threshold ...
baraah baryhe's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is the minimum sampling rate in ADC in Arduino due?

I am looking for a very low frequency application like below 300Hz. What is the minimum sampling rate in Arduino due? I am very new to this. I see in the datasheet that max sampling rate is 20MHz.
Nimasha Pilippange's user avatar
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Is there a good reference for Arduino Due memory architecture and usage?

It's been harder than I expected to find a reference source or usage guide. There's a number of sources I've looked at along the road to this question: The Due is listed here and here as having 512KB ...
RowanP's user avatar
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how to set the arduino due adc automatic trigger

How do I trigger automatic conversion on the ADC on the DUE? If this was the uno, I could just do sbi(ADCSRA,ADATE); sbi(ADCSRA,ADSC); but for the due, I seem to have to use adc_configure_trigger(ADC,...
user1402154's user avatar
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On initialising PWM with registers on my Due, why does unrelated duty cycle input influence my output?

I am finding that setting duty cycle on PWM channels 4 or 5 has an influence on whether channel 6 generates output. The following is a design of experiments view of my tests and results, where the ...
J Collins's user avatar
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Erratic behaviour using a DUE with the Microchip 24FC64 EEPROM chip?

I am attempting to read and write from/to an EEPROM chip, and have got access to this 64 kbit device. It appears I can write to the device and read from it, but there appears to be some strangeness ...
J Collins's user avatar
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Is there a definitive reference for the Arduino DUE?

I am looking for a reference document or documentation system that concretely relates at minimum: Screen printed pin name/number SAM3X8E pin number Register number Channel number Port name In my ...
J Collins's user avatar
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How to modify an Arduino Due native USB port VID and PID?

I would like to know if it is possible to modify the VID and PID of the Native USB port of an Arduino Due.
Daniele's user avatar
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Arduino native USB port and Simulink [closed]

I am trying to communicate through the native USB port of the Arduino Due with a PC. The native port itself works, I have tested this. The problem is, that every time I upload my Simulink model via ...
Lemonbonbon's user avatar
3 votes
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5V alternative to Due?

I've designed a circuit controlled by an Arduino Mega 2560 involving a number of external components all running on and sending out 5V signals. I'm now realizing that the 8Kb of SRAM on the Mega 2560 ...
Daniel Williams's user avatar
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Why does Arduino Due appear to halt after single call to ADC_Handler?

In the simple example below I just software trigger an ADC acquisition and then set the builtin LED's digital out in the interrupt handler. I don't know why the program appears to halt however. void ...
Adam V. Steele's user avatar
2 votes
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Comments change compiled behavior (sysTickHook weak reference override)

I have a very simple routine that lights up the built-in LED (pin 13) when a system tick timer fires off its interrupt. I override the weak reference to int sysTickHook(void) found in hooks.c. I found ...
Adam V. Steele's user avatar
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Where are source files for Due?

Where are the source files containing the definitions and the HAL functions located for the Due? I am trying to do CMSIS programming.
FourierFlux's user avatar
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ov2640 with 18 pin and no arducam shield

I bought this ov2640 camera module with 18 pins and I don't have shield to insert it to. I am looking for a library or working code on this my camera sensor but all I kept getting was arducam examples ...
Paul Nnamdi's user avatar
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Second I2C on Due RTClib, can't start

I am using SDA1, SCL1 for my DS3232 with RTClib on Due. It works on a Mega2560 on SDA, SCL. I ran I2c_test with success after I inserted #define Wire Wire1 However with ds3231.ino this define doesnot ...
Marlin Turbett's user avatar
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Setup Due counter

How do I setup a Due to count rising edges on a pin automatically without having to waste time on an ISR? I have some wheel encoders, the simplist implementation is direction less where you only count ...
FourierFlux's user avatar
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Arduino Due generate 400KHz sine waze

I new in Arduino environment. Found some code generate sine wave but frequency between 14kHz to 84kHz. URL is I need to generate sine ...
Wan Aideed's user avatar
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Keypad pin as an interrupt (Wiring or programming)

I have this project of a "phone". It consists of: Arduino DUE, 4x4 Keypad, SD Data shield, a phone receiver detect (on/off) an Amp and a Speaker. In the beginning, after the phone receiver ...
GoldenMoose's user avatar
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Arduino DUE wheel encoder

I have an Arduino due, I am trying to keep track of ticks on two wheel encoders, polling in an infinite loop results in terrible performance. Have any suggestions? It looks like the due might have an ...
FourierFlux's user avatar
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Can Arduino Due be programmed with both USB ports connected?

It seems, due SAM-BA (SAM Boot Assistant) inside ATSAM3X8E being listening to both Native USB and UART USB ports after a Reset for programming, allowing talking with SAM-BA, this time from your PC, ...
Brethlosze's user avatar
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Dealing with USB Unplugging?

The following code, debugs SerialUSB Native Port, plugged to a PC, and connected through a Terminal Monitor (such as Termite, with any bps, 8N1, RTS/CTS). At start, the ports seeks for communication, ...
Brethlosze's user avatar
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Using ICSP pins as SPI in Arduino Due

I am using two RFID sensors operating on SPI with arduino Due. They will not be operating at the same time. Is it favorable to use the ICSP pins as SPI pins for one of them, or use them in a one ...
sarah 's user avatar
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How do I get the size of my program at runtime?

(This question is specific for the Arduino Due, but maybe there's a general answer to the question) I'm using DueFlashStorage to store application data in the flash memory of my Arduino Due. That ...
PMF's user avatar
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Do I need an Microchip ATSAM3X8E Evaluation Kit?

I am intending to use the Arduino Due processors into my own designs. We have a very extensive (dozen of thousands of lines in .c code) sets of Arduino Due functional codes, and now I intend to move ...
Brethlosze's user avatar
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How can i call lcd.begin() from several different code files in a proper way?

I have a project split into several files: //Loop.cpp #include "LiquidCrystal.h" void setup(){ LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); lcd.begin(16, 2); } void loop() { //Code } ...
Erik's user avatar
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Generating Externally Triggered Complimentary PWM with Arduino Due

I need a 2KHz complimentary PWM waves with adjustable duty and phase that is triggered by an external 4KHz source. After reading the datasheet I think there might be 2 way to do this: Use a TC unit ...
7E10FC9A's user avatar
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How to improve the sampling rate of Arduino due ADC?

I am now working on a project, which needs a cheap analog acquisition device with a sampling rate of no less than 5MHz. Before, I only used Arduino, and rarely operated the registers on Arduino. I ...
gailulun's user avatar
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How does one wire OV7670 camera with Arduino Due?

The parts that I want to interface together are: Arduino Due OV7670 Camera Module 3.5" TFT Touchscreen LCD (uses MCUFRIEND_kbv library) My goal is to get the video feed from the camera to the ...
Ranstor Flash's user avatar
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I only uploaded the library to check whether it has installed correctly. It's installed and i am having this error. Using library DHT-sensor-library-master at version 1.4.1 in folder: C:\Users\Mcniven\...
never's user avatar
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Extracting .hex from Arduino Due

I have an Arduino Due that was programmed by the Arduino IDE, to cut things short I lost access to the original sketch (.ino) file, there is no way of recovering it no matter what. I know that in the ...
Abdalrahman Seliem's user avatar
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Black screen when using higher SPI-speed for RA8857 LCD-controller

I'm using an Arduino Due that talks via SPI to an LCD (800x480) with the RA8875 controller chip. The most recent datasheet I could find is: RA8875 datasheet. Everything works as expected when using ...
Sven Onderbeke's user avatar
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Arduino Due Serial Port Not Showing - Mac

Using a Mac (Big Sur 11.1) When trying to set up the IDE I was able to install the package that contained the Due board, but the serial port for my Arduino Due isn't appearing in Tools -> Port ->...
Tank12's user avatar
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Why NVIC_EnableIRQ handler function only run once?

I have a code that spit out random number when the ISR register is ready: #define TRNG_KEY 0x524E47 uint8_t lut[10] = {0xF6, 0x12, 0xAE, 0xEC, 0xD8, 0x7C, 0x7E, 0xE0, 0xFE, 0xFC}; uint32_t msk = ...
7E10FC9A's user avatar
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Connecting MPU6050 to Arduino Due but using Jeff Rowbergs Library

I am working on a personal project in which I need to collect accurate data from the MPU6050 using an Arduino Due. I can interface and read data from the MPU using the SLC and SDA pins and the "...
Daniel G's user avatar
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How to remove Arduino Due and Mega shields without bending pins?

What's your suggested technique for reliably removing Arduino Due and Mega shields while minimizing the chance of bending the strip header pins? For example, there's a similar discussion here where ...
RowanP's user avatar
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How to enable exception handling on the Arduino Due?

While the question here gives some hints, the solution provided there does not directly work on the Due, since it uses a different compiler and toolkit. Also, the Due has more than enough flash for ...
PMF's user avatar
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Memory allocation on Arduino Due never returns NULL

I'm working on a project that uses quite a bit of RAM to store and analyze data that is sent from the PC. The program heavily relies on malloc/free, which normally works just fine. However, if the ...
PMF's user avatar
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Are these GND connected resistors on the Arduino Due redundant?

Does anyone know why these 4 resistors are there (attachment)? It seems like they are useless since connected in a loop to GND. Full schematics here:
daniel's user avatar
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Arduino Due: JTAG and SWD do not work after pressing erase button

I have an Arduino Due board. I can successfully upload code to it using Arduino upload via USB. However I am also exploring another approach, which is to upload code via Atmel studio using an Atmel ...
daniel's user avatar
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