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Questions tagged [convert]

Change data from one format to another.

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-1 votes
1 answer

How to get recover numeric data sent by an Arduino in binary

I am a C# dev and these C++ data conversions are killing me. I have an Arduino sending binary data through LoRaWAN to AzureIOT. I am trying to decode my Temp/Humid/Bat payload that I am pulling out of ...
Terrence's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Make my Arduino (Mega or whatever is better for the task) to be able to read and write `Serial` data to a **rj45** port

I have a Chinese hybrid solar inverter that exposes an rj45 input which talks the serial protocol (Baud rate 2400, no parity, 8 bits, 1 stop bit). I need my Arduino (say, Mega or whatever, does not ...
Zazaeil's user avatar
  • 111
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1 answer

Parse char* mac-string to uint8_t array

I have to handle a String coming in over UART containing a bunch of information, part of it is a MAC-address that I get by using String.substring(a, b) returning a 12-char String representing a mac-...
Harald Lesan's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I use a transmitter and receiver to send string messages conditionally to a receiver?

I'm working on a project to build a plant monitor that works from the outside with Arduino that picks up light and water values from it's environment then uses a nRF24L01 with an antenna and I've come ...
Mario Ronci's user avatar
0 votes
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Arduino RS485 do I need MAX485?

I'm trying to connect sesnor that use RS485 (I'm almost sure that's modbus). The sensor has RX/TX and +/- wires. Do I still need a component between the RX/TX pin from the Arduino UNO and the sensor ...
Dafik's user avatar
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1 answer

float miscalculation when int32_t variable is divided by 10 [duplicate]

i want to ask, how to get correct float value from uint32_t or long variable is devided by 10?? long var3 = 1139399025; int a = 3; int b = 10; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println((...
mukhlas's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote
2 answers

Converting 16bit to float

I am trying to communicate with AT30TS75A-MA8M-T with below code, the problem is converting the 16 bit output to float so I can read temp: Base on data sheet I suppose to remove first 5 bit in order ...
Shahreza's user avatar
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1 answer

String to unsigned 16-bit integer

I'm currently working on a project with a 4DSystems Display. Im talking to the Display over SoftwareSerial with an ESP32. As soon as I want to use a Unicode character it requires me to convert my ...
Exp3rt's user avatar
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1 answer

How to convert serialized JSON string back to JSON object?

How to convert JSON String for example {"f0":100,"f1":100,"f2":100} It is what I get from my esp01 side from I2C communication Now I want it to get it back to my Arduino ...
Avon97's user avatar
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0 answers

How to use 5v and 12v addressable led strip together

Hi guys I’m new to this forum and also not much experience about led lights question already asked but didn’t get any detailed answer I want to know can I provide working data signal to 2 different 5v ...
J Dis's user avatar
  • 11
0 votes
2 answers

How to use float data from a sensor with the Arduino mouse library

I'm using a gyroscope, which returns angular velocity in floats. I'm trying to use this data with the arduino mouse library. The move function requires a signed character. I'm not what the best way is ...
Zhelyazko Grudov's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Programmatically-adjustable buck converter module?

LM2596 is easy to use and cheap, but I have to adjust the output voltage using a screw driver. On the web, there was a "hack" that someone posted, but that hack does not seem as clean or ...
Damn Vegetables's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Float to int conversion not working right in method using varargs

I am trying to convert a floating point number to an integer, but it seems like the conversion is not working properly. I am using the math library to calculate the power of 10 based on the number of ...
DuluthIsSuperior's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Converting from Float to Int yielding weird results. What am I doing wrong?

So I am trying to take GPS data with a Neo 6M gpsmodule (that is what is covered up by the square for privacy sake) and process it by adding/multiplying to get large integers representing the GPS data....
Austin John Lippincott's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Convert character to Integer while leaving encoded

I have two characters, that I get by Bluetooth. char a =; char b =; According to the Arduino Reference, decoded data stored in a char gets encoded to ASCII text. I ...
Python Schlange's user avatar
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Tapered log potentiometer to linear formula

I have a tapered log 10K potentiometer. I would like some function which returns tapered log value to linear values. The potentiometer is a slider. When connected to the Arduino the wiper displays the ...
user66825's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

RFID RC522 Serial Communication converting problem

I am new to the RFID Scene and Serial communication as well. So I am trying to use the RC522 RFID module and I wrote in block 22 - 0x36 which is 6. I want to write a code where I take whatever is in ...
tsotniuspious's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Reading bmp images from SD card, converting it and displaying it on serial monitor in Arduino

Can someone please help me write code that can read a 24-bit BMP file from an SD card, save converted to 8-bit BMP internally, and display the 8-bit BMP pixel values on Arduino terminal as a 2D matrix....
Li Lo's user avatar
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1 answer

How to split a *char and pass to a function needing uint8_t?

I have a requirement where an event has char *newvalue. void event(char *newValue) { //Code here } newValue is 2 digits. If it's 1-9 it is " 1" " 2" and 10+ is "10" "11" etc. It also can contain ...
Tekadept's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

cast double to long leads to unexpected results

I wrote a little program to show my problem: void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); double K=39.85; double a=K*100; Serial.print("a= "); Serial.println(a); long val_long = 0; val_long = ...
Hardy72's user avatar
  • 19
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0 answers

Converting string to byte array and byte array to string?

I am trying to create a string message and then encrypt it via AES but the example only accepts byte array as input. How can I convert fullmessage string to message byte array to encrypt it? Checked ...
heathcliff's user avatar
1 vote
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8266 get uint8_t PROGMEM array from uploaded file

I'm new programming arduino. I have connected an Adafruit thermal printer to an ESP8266 board. I've the example code for use the board like a webserver that allow upload files. What i want is to ...
Rafael Muñoz's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Need function to convert bool array to int- why doesnt this work?

Hey I wrote this function to convert an bool array to int: (Math Lob included): bool b_array[5]; int convertToInt(start_index,stop_index){ int run=0; int result=0; for(int id=start_index;...
Nic's user avatar
  • 3
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2 answers

Converting human readable date to a unix timestamp [duplicate]

Can anyone provide a sample code that would convert a human readable date like 2019-10-27 22:10:35 to a unix timestamp like 1572214235? I found many topics about it, but they eider refer to out of ...
adrianTNT's user avatar
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1 answer

How to merge two GPS coordinates without losing decimals

I want to take the GPS coordinates like 42.1234 per 22.1234 and merge them as a string, with a separator character: 42.1234 x 22.1234 But using this code: gps_string = (String)' ...
adrianTNT's user avatar
  • 252
2 votes
2 answers

How to convert char[12] to byte[6]

I am trying to convert a char[12] array that contains a Mac Address into a byte[6] in order to use within the Ethernet.begin method. I have tried various methods from online, but had little success to ...
BelGaraath's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Convert String to IPAddress

How can i convert a String to IPAddress on arduino / esp ? etc. "" -> IPAddress(192, 168, 1, 2) Tried this void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); IPAddress apip; const char *...
strange_esp's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Arduino analogRead fluctuates from sensor unless USB connected

I have an Arduino connected to a 4-20 mA sensor through a current to voltage converter. When connected to the power supply the sensor reading fluctuates, as soon as I also connect it to a USB port it ...
Adrian Paun's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Converting Client input char to int

I'm trying to print out the temperature from a DS18B20 sensor to my app via a tpc connection. Because I have two sensors connected I will need to call the one needed by an Index. This index comes from ...
Janik's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes
2 answers

How to converte EPOCH time into time and date on Arduino?

I have a question on how to convert EPOCH timestamps, which I receive as char*, into DD.MM.YYYY and HH:MM:SS format separately? Here is more information on my Arduino project: The Arduino is receiving ...
imax10000's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Assign and control Digital pin from String

Here is modified version of Blink example #define D8 13 String p = "D8"; // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { // initialize digital pin ...
Anum Sheraz's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Problems on convert byte[] to String

I'm reading a RFID Card from RC522 and send the data to my computer. My problem is the conversion of byte[] to String or std::string. #define SIZE_BUFFER 18 #define MAX_SIZE_BLOCK 16 byte ...
Augusto's user avatar
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1 answer

Posting TinyGPS++ co-ordinates as paramaters with GPRS

I'm able to view my co-ords on the Serial Monitor using Serial.println(, 6); I believe the data type returned by is double. I need to pass this value to a ...
Mitchel Stuart Fountaine's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Reconstruct uint32_t from char array to RTC.set

I am currently experimenting with a Digistump ATTiny85. Since it has no Serial, I use the basic DigiUSB library for communication. The RTC library used is this one:
moestly's user avatar
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2 answers

3.3V from 5.0v outlet

I am working with an Adafruit Feather 32u4 FONA board. I want to connect a GPS module I have worked with before (3.3V required) but am not having much luck. I have studied the pinout of the board and ...
nagrom97's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to make I2C work on RS485?

I'm trying to optimize the communication (minimize wires) on a project where I can control a motor and toggle some 230V devices by using RS485 and I2C. On this project, I'm using an Arduino (Mega) ...
Matthijs van Hest's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Arduino String: use a non-null-terminated char array?

I'm using a library that takes a String as it's parameter ( I want to pass char arrays that is binary (UTF-8) data that also contains null-bytes (0x00). Right ...
user125756's user avatar
1 vote
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DS18B20 sending variable via Enthernet shield

I am trying to send temperature read from DS18B20 to a web server. I know two things: to read a temperature, and to send something to web server. What I don't know is how to convert float that ...
Milos Tosic's user avatar
1 vote
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3.3V Conversion [closed]

I'm writing a SPI Master module for my FPGA and I would like test it with my Arduino Uno. What's the problem? My FPGA has 3.3V logic and Arduino has 5V TTL logic. So, what's the simplest solution to ...
Jose de arimatea's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Conversion between boolean and int went wrong

I have a small problem with conversion from bool array to int. It is working fine until it comes to the 12th cycle of while. I don't know why but this is really weird. I try to paste here a code ...
Apuna12's user avatar
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3 answers

How to use a coma as the decimal separator?

I have a LCD that displays a float variable. I would like to show a comma instead of a dot as the decimal separator. float temp = 23.50; lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(temp); I want to show 23,50 ...
Roby Sottini's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

String to unsigned long conversion

I'm trying to use strtoul() to convert an Arduino String to an unsigned long (like the return of millis();) using the following code snippet: unsigned long foo (String time) { unsigned long mili; ...
ATE-ENGE's user avatar
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Connecting Arduino to PC through Slimline SATA instead of USB?

I removed the DVD-RW from my laptop and want to use the new area as an IO port instead. There is an Arduino Nano with me which can fit into the emptied out drive space and there are some easy to ...
wolfram77's user avatar
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1 answer

How to understand the "power economy" of a voltage up-converter (boost converter)?

My online video Arduino instructor makes use of various devices to amplify signals, currents, and voltages. This seems like magic to me. For instance, he has 4 AA batteries with 1.2V each. He says "...
Hack-R's user avatar
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2 answers

Connect Arduino Uno RX/TX to 3.3v NEO-M8N gps module

I'd like to connect an M8N gps module to an Arduino Uno. From what I understand the Arduino pins 0-RX/1-TX work on 5V the M8N RX/TX work on 3.3v the sensor-TX sending to the Arduino-RX should work (...
kalmiya's user avatar
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1 answer

Converting array to char

I'm trying to convert a char array to a char. i used this code char code[4] = {'1','2','3','4'}; char strcode[4]; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { memcpy(strcode, code, 4)...
Cyber_Star's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Create an a message from two inputs[Programming Help] [closed]

I'm a bit new to this and I have the following function that I'm having trouble getting it to compile. The intent is to create a message to write out to a software serial port. Inputs are two int ...
ATE-ENGE's user avatar
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1 answer

Hex String -> Byte Array -> Serial Write

I'm writing code that I discussed in a previous post. I now have a setup where I send my Arduino an ASCII-encoded Hex String that represents the bytes I want to write to my serial device. I think I've ...
ATE-ENGE's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

ESP8266 - Parsing last char from a string

I'm trying to parse the last character from the string of the reply from server and print them to serial monitor. My arduino code: // This will send the request to the server client.print(String("...
William's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Convert LIRC config file to Arduino IR remote command

I have a LED 24 button remote with a few broken buttons and I want to simulate all the buttons with an esp8266 using an IR remote library. I would like to know if someone can help me translate the ...
nemo9955's user avatar