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Questions tagged [continuous-servo]

Use this tag for questions relating to a special class of servos which have continuous 360 degree motion both clockwise and anticlockwise.

2 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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I am trying to control a continuous servo (MG996R) with an RF remote but it's not working

I am trying to control a continuous servo (MG996R) with an RF remote, but it's not working; the servo just spins in one direction. I am new to Arduino so I don't really know if the code is correct. ...
James Lim's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Continous Rotation Servo not changing directions

I have coded a robot to be controlled by a ps3 Controller. I am using continous rotation servos but unfortunately I can not figure out how to get them to change direction. My input for my if ...
Brax's user avatar
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