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Undefined reference in Eclipse of .h and .cpp files

I'm trying to create a linked list for use on the Arduino, in the Eclipse IDE with the Arduino/Sloeber plugin. The linked list is written in a .h and .cpp file, and included locally in the project. ...
davidhood2's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I adapt the DallasTemperature library to accept another 1-Wire class?

A commonly used library is the DallasTemperature library, used to access DS18B20 sensors on a 1-Wire bus. When creating a DallasTemperature object you pass a reference to a OneWire object. OneWire can ...
Cybergibbons's user avatar
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Why do I need to include libraries used in other libraries?

I have a simple library which uses another library. Here is the header: #ifndef __DERIVEDCLASS_H__ #define __DERIVEDCLASS_H__ #include <HardwareSerial.h> class DerivedClass { private: ...
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