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Software serial communication problem between ESP8266 and Arduino Mega for plant monitoring system (using Blynk IoT)

We're using the ESP8266 to receive data from the Arduino Mega board, where our sensors are connected. Supposedly, our ESP is connected to the Blynk App. However, the values showing up in our dashboard ...
Earth_Lovers's user avatar
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Adding WiFi to my Arduino Keypad Lock

I'm a really passionate beginner with arduino and electronics and I've built a Keypad lock for my room's door (inside the house). I've used an arduino that activates a motor using a transistor to ...
MLpranav's user avatar
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Blynk.Begin(auth, ssid, pass) causing watchdog reset

I am trying to follow this tutorial and I keep hitting a problem repeatedly. I checked in my code that every time it hits the line Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);, the serial monitor shows me that ...
zac5482's user avatar
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Changing outputs infinitely for no reason

Im a student and working on a arduino project for IoT competition and me and my team have built a house and I made this code below. For some reason when I upload it to my Arduino MKR1000 it constantly ...
mike6715b's user avatar
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