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Questions tagged [atmega32u4]

atmega32u4 is low-power Atmel 8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller

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Atmega32u4 issue

I made a custom ATmega32u4 board for my project. Components came from clone of Arduino Pro Micro (with bootloader and code which I uploaded) from AliExpress. I soldered everything in to my board ...
Muzykk's user avatar
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Custom atmega32u4 board crystal issue

So I built an custom board based on the Atmega32u4. Schematics attached. I managed to burn a bootloader for Pro Micro using Arduino Uno as an ISP. The issue I have is that the board is dead when ...
Bartosz Szymanski's user avatar
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arduino firmware

Hi I was wondering if there is any way to/ how I might go about solving the following. I am designing my own arduino board based on a mega32u4 chip and I want my arduino board to light up an ...
Chris's user avatar
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4 answers

Where in datasheet is the warning about unreliability of reading PINxn?

I use atmega32u4 (but believe it applies to all models). Here is the datasheet. Consider the following C program (I use AVR-GCC 5.4.0): #include <avr/io.h> int main(void) { PORTB |= 1 <&...
Igor Liferenko's user avatar
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Suddently, "avrdude: Device signature = 0x000000" with ArduinoISP. Is my chip dead?

I have some boards with the atmega32u4 that they were working perfectly before. I'm using an unnoficial UNO board to program them via ICSP. To power the uC I'm using two lithium batteries and a step-...
Jorge Gonçalves's user avatar
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I2c device disappear from bus after writing

I am currently experiencing a really odd I2C problem on a Atmega32u4 based card. I'm trying to use a TLV493D connected by I2C. I know from this thread that before using this device, I have to set the ...
erenaud's user avatar
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Bitmap only displays correctly with PROGMEM keyword

I have a bitmap to draw defined as below. PROGMEM const unsigned char ship1 [] = {0x18, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0xFF, 0x81, 0xC3}; It is then used by the arduboy library's draw slow bitmap function like so: ...
kenjara's user avatar
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Problem in bootloading my ATmega32U4 chip

I have developed my own development board using ATmega32U4. I want to bootload my ATmega32U4 and hence I used Arduino Uno to bootload it. I have given the connections as per
eee's user avatar
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Atmel atmega32u4 not recognized when connected by usb after attempting to flash new bootloader

I am making a mechanical keyboard using Atmel's pro micro as the controller. I decided I would try to replace it's bootloader, as the one it ships with doesn't seem compatible with QMK's RESET ...
Charlim's user avatar
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USB upload to Pro Micro (32u4)

My project is based around the ATMEGA32u4 microcontroller. I followed the Arduino Pro Micro schematic to design my own board layout and build a custom PCB, soldered on the components. Then I used ...
MichaelT's user avatar
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Timer0 overflow interrupt not working

I try to use the Timer0 of an Arduino Leonardo (ATmega32u) to trigger an interrupt at regular intervals, using plain avr-gcc (not the arduino library). I try to blink the built-in LED as test, but it ...
Simon Tagne's user avatar
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Burning the Bootloader on Adafruit Feather 32u4

So, the default bootloader in Arduino is oddly set to erase EEPROM with every reboot, rendering the EEPROM, well, useless. I found where the fuses are set in the boards.txt file, but getting this ...
Jim B.'s user avatar
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Using the physical serial port on a BSFrance LoRa32u4?

I can use the serial-over-USB channel by simply using Serial in my code. The LoRa32u4 has an RXD1 and TXD1 pair on pins 20/21 (Arduino 0/1).
fadedbee's user avatar
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Does the Arduino pro-micro 3.3v use an 8MHz crystal or a 16MHz crystal with a clock divisor of 2?

I am trying to convert some 5v Leonardo-compatible boards to run at a lower 3-3.7v voltage, so that I can power my project using LiPo batteries. As far as I can tell, the default Leonardo settings (...
MRule's user avatar
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2 answers

Using INT2/3 on Arduino Micro (Atmega32u4)

My project is using almost all the pins on this board and I require an interrupt pin to read radio state (rather than polling). I'm using I2C, so that leaves INT2 and INT3, which are the TX and RX ...
Paul's user avatar
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2 answers

How to program a BSFrance LoRA32u4 from Arduine IDE 8.5?

I've bought a BSFrance LoRA32u4 from DIYmall on eBay UK. I've copied the ...
fadedbee's user avatar
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HM-10 send and receive data and checking received value

I am wondering what is wrong with my code below. I have 2 issues. The first issue, I am checking if c equals "hi" and if it does then display said hi. I currently see the output of c when it hits ...
StealthRT's user avatar
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After burning bootloader, Windows 10 doesn't recognize the USB device

I just built my own version of an Arduino Micro, using the ATMEGA32u4 chip. I burned the bootloader to it via another Arduino (Arduino Nano from The Arduino Nano uses an ATMEGA328 chip,...
Jesse Fryar's user avatar
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Analog input draws current when Arduino is turned off

I am using a Arduino Pro Micro from SparkFun (similar to Arduino Leonardo, cpu: Atmega 32u4). It has a analog input: A0, which I use to keep track of the battery voltage in my battery powered project (...
salami738's user avatar
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Set clockspeed of Arduino Pro Micro a. k. a. AtMega32u4

Is it possible to change clock speed when running sketch? Low-power lib drops the current consumption from 20mA to 9.5mA at 8MHz, it is still too much. Is there a way how to set clockspeed (for ...
Andreisk's user avatar
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Can the Mouse library scroll horizontally?

I'm using the Mouse library with an ATmega32U4 connected to Linux via USB. I would like to issue horizontal scroll commands, but the Mouse.move() function only seems to accept X movement, Y movement ...
Ian Mackinnon's user avatar
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Arduino with ATmega32U4 low power but keep Serial1 working

I am looking for a low power solution for my ATmega32U4. It uses Serial1 to communicate with Bluetooth, so I need to have it active. When I receive data from Serial1, I want to power up the Arduino, ...
Andreisk's user avatar
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Arduino Micro serial communication is not working after wake from power down

I'm trying to use the power down state for a battery application, but I'm having issues with the serial communication. I'm using the lowpower.h library to put the Arduino Micro into power down mode. ...
Andrew Benn's user avatar
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3 answers

Arduino Leonardo as keyboard for an iPad

I'm trying to make a Arduino Leonardo as a Keyboard for an iPad. I was successful with an Arduino UNO. However I'm hoping to use an ATmega 32U4 because of the better HID functionalities and smaller ...
fsaint's user avatar
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Arduino Leonardo(Atmega32u4) - Detecting if USB is connected to a computer?

The closest thing I can find is if(Serial) but that only returns true if there's a serial port open. The function I want, ideally, should: Return true if plugged into a computer Return false if ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Which Timer can I use on the Arduino/Genuino Micro?

I'm trying to implement charlieplexing with bit angle modulation on my Arduino Micro, and for that I need to use the internal timers. Which timers of the Atmega32u4 are unused by the standard ...
iFreilicht's user avatar
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Custom board with ATMega32u4 having USB issues

I built a custom arduino based board (speciffically based off of Sparkfun's Pro Micro 3.3V 8Mhz and their Qduino mini boards) that uses the ATMega32u4-RC. The board I built integrated an acceleromter ...
user29032's user avatar
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Optimizing ext. SPI ADC for speed and verify the speed

So I have a project where I will be using an Arduino Leonardo and an external ADC (AD7980) to run a 16-bit (18bit) conversion and transmit it to the Arduino and then out on USB as fast as possible. ...
Martin.E's user avatar
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Can't reset Arduino Pro Micro

I'm trying to reset an Arduino Pro Micro with a new code and it is not allowing me to. I'm using an empty sketch to upload to the pro micro but I get different error messages every time. I think the ...
Katz's user avatar
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Library to set internal analog gain of the Arduino?

My original question was if there is a library that covers the internal comparator and differential and gain modes for the Arduino Uno, Mega 2560, Leonardo, Due, Zero, M0. The answer is obvious: "No". ...
Jot's user avatar
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Programming Arduino Micro via RX/TX

I can't access my Arduino Micro's USB programming port when it's in my project. I want to reroute the RX and TX pins outside to a serial-to-usb adapter. I have this on hand from a while ago. I found ...
Alex's user avatar
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High power consumption of ATmega32u4 when connected to iOS device

Just wondering if I can get some help here. I have a simple scheme of MIDI controller based on ATmega32u4: ATmega32U4 with TXLED and RXLED as output pins and USB functionality And my team wants me ...
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Atmega32 push button library problem

I have two files, the first file is a library that I use to handle push buttons and initialize it and the second is where I handle my code and change LED state when push button is pressed, but my code ...
Kareem Essam Gaber's user avatar
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Why won't my iMac recognize my Mega32u4 Arduino Pro Micro board (I've tried several cables)?

I bought this Pro Micro on eBay a while back, and I never really got around to using it. But now that I do my iMac won't recognize the board. I plug it into my iMac and open Arduino and go to the ...
Sergei Glimis's user avatar
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Get data from a running exe on my pc

I have made a button with an LED using an arduino micro. It's connected to my pc and when I hit the button, the LED activates and a recording on Reaper (digital audio workstation) is started. When I ...
Hendriks3D's user avatar
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Using Arduino libraries for adding more functionalities to a bootloader

I have a short question to ask before putting time for research. I have an Arduino Leonardo with the LUFA mass storage bootloader flashed. Now what I need to do is to add more functionalities to the ...
Isuru's user avatar
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Why does Keyboard.Print adds random values to url?

I'm trying to print a sequence of power shell commands including a url to the powershell interpreter but every time I execute it with the Arduino Micro it adds random values to the url. Here's the ...
Katz's user avatar
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Which key is KEY_LEFT_GUI?

This might be a very simple question but I don't know which key represents KEY_LEFT_GUI on my keyboard. I thought it was the windows key but when I program Arduino Micro to execute it. Run does not ...
Katz's user avatar
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Microcontrollers with built in HID support

I am trying to build a wireless gamepad for which i am using NRF24l01 module for my wireless need and for Sending data to computer i need an mcu which support to act as hid device. So far, i got ...
Mayank Pal's user avatar
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Atmega32u4 external 8MHz clock

Does anyone know how to configure the Atmega32u4 to run using an external 8MHz oscillator ? I needs to still be responsive to the Arduino IDE Thanks
hoboBob's user avatar
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What to do after prototyping?

I want to make a USB gamepad, and I've heard that an Arduino would be great for this kind of project. But before I start to work on it, I want to make sure I understand some things. Here are my basic ...
Max Jacob's user avatar
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Minimal Arduino using ATmega32U4

I am a newbie and I would like to build my own minimalistic ATmega32U4 based arduino compatible board. Can anyone please tell me which parts resistors/capacitors (and maybe one status led) I need to ...
Chris's user avatar
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3 answers

Listen for USB "TX signal received" response on RX [closed]

Is there a usb signal I can send on TX that will generate a response from the computer on the RX only if the computer is active/not a wall usb power supply? I'm trying to use the Remote library when a ...
amoose136's user avatar
5 votes
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Basic C++ programming, how to pass constructor argument into class?

I'm having some programming problems. So here's what's happening: In my .ino file, I have a tft variable which holds the connection to a LCD. I want to make a class which can either automatically ...
vxcheese's user avatar
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Arduino Micro project with Bluetooth low energy

I created my project prototype with Arduino Micro and Adafruit Bluetooth low energy device. Now I need to develop the prototype to production (like a small USB device). I just need Rx, Tx, 3V pin ...
Nufail Achath's user avatar
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What does the bootloader do?

As far as I understand it checks for a valid serial connection (new program incoming) and then either writes it to flash or starts executing the existing program. Can't the 32u4 or EDBG fill the role ...
Ashlyn Black's user avatar
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is it possible to convert a 328 design to use a 32U4?

I have several projects that use simple 328 based arduinos that I built myself, similar to the familiar "arduino on a breadboard" projects that I'm sure everybody has seen. They have just the bare ...
3z33etm's user avatar
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Using Analog Comparator on ATmega32u4

I am (currently) parsing a PPM analog signal using an Arduino Uno R3 using the analog comparator ASCR and analog hardware interrupts using AIN0 and AIN1. I am applying a specific negative comparison ...
Jason's user avatar
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Keyboard.print() skips keys

I'm playing with the Arduino Leonardo Keyboard.print() command, but I'm facing a annoying problem: When I print a double quote, it will not appear and also will make to disappear the next character (...
0x2b3bfa0's user avatar
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Loading Leonardo bootloader to Atmega32U4 running at 8 MHz

I am currently using ATMega32U4 running at 16MHz using Leonardo. I can only supply 3.7V (I use LiPo batteries) and everything seems fine but this is not as per specs. To run at 16 MHz, I have to ...
Jawa's user avatar
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