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Basic C++ programming, how to pass constructor argument into class?

I'm having some programming problems. So here's what's happening: In my .ino file, I have a tft variable which holds the connection to a LCD. I want to make a class which can either automatically ...
vxcheese's user avatar
2 votes
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How does Arduino IDE reset a board before flashing? Why doesn't avrdude do it?

I have the beetle board, a Leonardo clone same as in this question. Using the reset pin and quick hands on the keyboard, I am able to flash with avrdude and get also the board info with a command ...
Simson's user avatar
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Input Capture with Sleep Enabled on ATM32u4 board only works every second reading in SLEEP mode

In short: I have an Input Capture code and a Power-Saving code combined into one program. Both are adapted from Nick Gammon's examples that work fine independently. When I combined them into one ...
TommyS's user avatar
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