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Questions tagged [arduino-duemilanove]

A microcontroller board based on the ATmega168 or ATmega328.

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Why Did I Have To Program Duemilanove Bootloader?

As a volunteer for Public Invention, I have developed an Atmega328 based design in which I thought I was largely duplicating the Arduino UNO. Unlike the UNO, I did choose a CH340 USB to UART chip as ...
Forrest Erickson's user avatar
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1 answer

Burn bootloader into Arduino UNO from Arduino Duemilanove

I have been working with my Arduino UNO for 2-3 hours and after that it was not possible to load sketchs into the board since it returns a "avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding" ...
Alejandro Morán's user avatar
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2 answers

Will the Duemilanove bootloader work in the Uno?

Similar to Will the Uno bootloader work in the Duemilanove? but the other way around. I have an Arduino Uno. I require a slower upload speed than the 115200 baud rate used in the Uno's Optiboot ...
sa_leinad's user avatar
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Uploading bootloader to ATMEGA328 P

I have a duemilanove which originally had a 168. I have some ATMEGA328 P chips and I've put one into the duemilanove. I am using a Uno as a programmer for the duemilanove. I am running Arduino 1.8....
peterfelgate's user avatar
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Accessing 2 dimensional array in PROGMEM inside loop

I am unable to access elements of a 2D PROGMEM array from inside a loop. Please see the following example: const byte a1[] PROGMEM = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}; const byte a2[] PROGMEM = {'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'...
Arundale Ramanathan's user avatar
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Do I need one N3904 for each LED?

I want to control 4 (or more) LEDs using the PWM output pins of my Arduino. Here is how I have it on a breadboard, and it's working for me. Question: Is this schematic inefficient? Are there any ...
user3228313's user avatar
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DMX on the Arduino without additional driver chip

I recently saw this video where the creator controlled a DMX light via the Arduino. There he used the pins 3 and 4 for the data on the Arduino Duemilanove. As DMX library he used DmxSimple. Based on ...
Noir's user avatar
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One of the LEDs on my Arduino is very dim

I made a vibration sensor using an Arduino. It is connected to an Android app. When the start button is pressed on the app, a red light LED turns on (stand by), and after 2 - 5 seconds, the red LED ...
Mohammadjavad Siahkamari's user avatar
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Unexpected value change of 2nd Potentiometer

I'm trying to connect 2 potentiometer (10k) and pass their value to Hairless Midi software (For Serial to Midi Bridge) the first pot is working fine but the second pot's value keep on changing and ...
ronaldo's user avatar
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5 answers

Is it possible to make normal pins act like ground pins?

So what exactly I am trying to do is control a motor and be able to turn it both ways without any extra parts. So if the hmp was on (the plus pole) and the hmm (the minus pole) acted like ground the ...
Moaz Tabosh's user avatar
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Using voltage divider to read voltage from sensor

Good morning, I would like to use an Arduino Duemilanove to read the voltage signal generated from a current sensor (CSLA2CD). The datasheet for this sensor can be found here. The problem is that ...
Andres's user avatar
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Problem uploading to board

avrdude: stk500_getsyn(): not in sync_resp=0*00 avrdude: stk500_disable: protocol error, expect=0*14,resp=0*51 These are the errors occurring when I am trying to upload to the board. I've tried all ...
vignesh's user avatar
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2 answers

Need Help in circuit diagram of 8*8 reed switch matrix

I am designing 8*8 reed switch matrix which will be connected to Arduino. I am using Arduino Duemilanove. I have completed the matrix portion but don't know how to connect and where to connect the ...
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2 answers

7 Segment display dimming

I've got project that needed to have some (4) digits display, and had plenty of 7 seg. displays lying around. I didn't have any multiplexers left but have instead wired it up as per this diagram: I'...
Shane Gadsby's user avatar
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Four Fast PWM outputs, in parallel

I need four Fast PWM signals for four different transistors. I want to use timers 1+2 (pins 3, 11, 9, 10) so it wouldn't interfere with delay(...). I tried setting the timers to Fast PWM mode, and ...
Dor's user avatar
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Arduino is freezing after 10-15 minutes

I am having a problem with my Arduino freezing after a small amount of time. I'm using an RTC DS1307 breakout to keep track of the time and display the time on an LCD. It displays hours, minutes and ...
Martin's user avatar
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Cannot control servos through 32-servo-controller on Aurduino Duamilanove

I have servo (TowerPro sg90) connected to 32 servo controller (this one) through UART interface (RX-TX, GND-GND). Seller provide documentation how to connect and control my servos, but it isn't work. ...
rkyr's user avatar
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How to make data sent by Python (via serial connection) wait for Arduino to finish current task? [closed]

I am trying to make my Arduino micro-controller and my Mac talk together, and I have created a functional serial connection. My computer is sending data to my Arduino, and my Arduino is sending a 1 ...
Christoffer's user avatar
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Dimming 6W (24V DC 0.25A) LEDs using Arduino

I want to dim 24 LEDs which are powered by a transformer outputting 24V 6W at 0.25A I am worried about temperatures, especially considering the circuit has to stay on for several hours keeping the ...
Martin's user avatar
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Problem in SIM900 GPRS connection

I make simple code to read web page by ITEAD Gboard. Here is my code: Serial.write("\nStarting..........\n"); mySerial.print("AT+CSQ"); delay(1000); while(mySerial.available()!=0) Serial....
Tama's user avatar
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1 answer

Will the Uno bootloader work in the Duemilanove?

I had an old duemilanove lying around (Which was not working because i accidentially busted the atmega) and I recently bought some atmegas pre-flashed with the UNO bootloader. So I tried to put one of ...
EJTH's user avatar
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2 answers

Why do only specific arduinos support the keyboard and mouse libraries?

The Arduino website suggests that only three boards are supported for the Mouse and Keyboard library page: Leonardo Micro Due What is special about those boards, that the other boards in the ...
Octopus's user avatar
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Can't drive long NeoPixel strips with Due or Duemilanove?

I spent a significant part of today developing a sprite movement library for a 30-pixel NeoPixel strip using my Arduino Duemilanove (ATmega 168). It works like a charm. However, if I change N_LEDS to ...
James Cronen's user avatar
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How to prevent file overwriting in processing?

i am working on this arduino project using processing. There are some sensor values which should be logged, but unfortunately my processing code rewrites the file after each cycle so that i get the ...
kevinks's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I measure the current (mA) of my project with just a multi meter?

I have a project and wish to choose the correct battery back for it such that it will last the required amount of time between each recharge of the battery pack. I am using an Arduino Duemilanove with ...
Baldrick's user avatar
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5 answers

Measure total microcontroller current?

So I have a Duemilanove board and am utilizing 7 output pins, I power a Pixy camera and pan/tilt servos from the ICSP header, i also power an HC-SR04 sonar snsor directly from the board. Of those 7 ...
Mywiki Witwiki's user avatar
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3 answers

Struggling with SD card read on Arduino

I'm attempting to read data from my SD card, but I have strange behavior and can't figure out why this is happening. I'm using CardInfo from the Arduino example and am trying to read the data from my ...
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Wireless serial communication. Sending 4 different continuous values

I am trying to control 4 motors using 2 joysticks. I want to send continuous analog values of 2 joysticks (x & y both). I am using bluetooth HC-05. I am using the basic logic that is sending a ...
Kaustubh Mhatre's user avatar
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How to display tilt sensor data on an LCD?

I'd like for a 16x2 LCD monitor from Sparkfun to display sensor data from a 4-directional tilt sensor from Parallax. The Arduino board is a Duemillanove. The board will run and power both programs and ...
Pat's user avatar
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1 answer

Use Arduino Mega to program Arduino Duemilanove

I hava an Arduino Duemilanove but I think that its FTDI chip is crashed. I have an Arduino Mega too, so can I use it to program my Duemilanove?
Tanishq Jaiswal's user avatar
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Receiving and sending on the Arduino Duemilanove with an MAX3232 chip

I have a max3232 hooked up to the RX and TX pins of the Arduino Due. I'm trying to write a simple program to relay messages received from USB and output as RS232 through the chip. Here is my code: ...
user2218339's user avatar
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3 answers

arduino boot loader problem

I am using atmega 328pu instead of atmega328p-pu. I am trying to upload the bootloader using AVR pocket programmer. I have changed signature from 0x1e 0×95 0x0F to 0x1e 0×95 0×14. (Relevant link) ...
AMPS's user avatar
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Duemilanove serial TX/RX: which is what?

I want to use the GSM shield. For my project, I will hook it up directly to pins 0 and 1 (TX/RX). Will it work right away? Do I have to know which is TX and which RX and declare it? I will not be ...
user1584421's user avatar
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tinygps abnormal behaviour with EM408 gps

I have an Arduino Duemilanove and em408. My code is this: #include <TinyGPS.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #define GPS_RX_PIN 2 #define GPS_TX_PIN 3 TinyGPS gps; SoftwareSerial ss(...
user1584421's user avatar
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