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Serial.availableForWrite versus Serial.flush

Is there a difference between the following two line codes? while (Serial.availableForWrite <= 0) {} versus Serial.flush() Thanks!
user135172's user avatar
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Is it possible to run 2 functions, that communicate with 2 different serial devices, in parallel using FreeRtos library?

This might seem like a very broad question but that's what i want it to be for multiple ways of implementation. I've an Arduino UNO communicating with 2 Serial devices interfaced using SoftwareSerial ...
Kushal Kumar's user avatar
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Wired serial connection between two Arduinos - do they need a common Ground (GND)?

I would like to connect two Arduinos by a serial connection. Is it sufficient to connect TX1<-->RX2 and RX1<-->TX2 or do I also need to connect the GND of the two Arduinos?
hobie's user avatar
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