It's connected to an Arduino Due. When I try running an I2C scanner, 0x03 has an error whenever the board is plugged in, but the "All Call" 0x70 is the only other address. When I try to use the Adafruit library, it always leads to the 0x70 address disappearing from the scan (with 0x40 or 0x70 used in code) and I have to reconnect the board by reattaching VCC and waiting a bit before reattaching the SDA and SCL lines to see 0x70 again.
New contributor
2Well there's the problem, right there on line 45 of your code.– VE7JROCommented 2 days ago
I didn't add code because I tried the examples, and the i2c scanner on Arduino playground, and had the exact same problem– Frosty126Commented 2 days ago
1Maybe the problem is with the wiring? Hard to see how you wired it from here.– VE7JROCommented 2 days ago
It's 4 wires, I've checked SEVERAL times that the wiring was correct: VCC to 3.3V, GND to GND, SDA to SDA, SCL to SCL. I have confirmed I'm using the right Wire and pins for I2C.– Frosty126Commented 2 days ago
1You are getting close to an answer. Perhaps it is an issue with the library. The Arduino Due is a "special breed", and may not be compatible with the libraries.– VE7JROCommented 2 days ago
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