The HardwareSerial requires to run an interrupt to store received bytes in the buffer. Look at this file from the Arduino Core. If I am now constantly receiving and writing on the Software Serial, the data from the HardwareSerial cannot be buffered, since external interrupts are higher priority.
In my application, I need to constantly listen to the SoftwareSerial and respond immediately to incoming data (actually inside the receive interrupt of the SoftwareSerial, so its modified), so the SoftwareSerial has higher priority. But when I do this, I lose data on the HardwareSerial.
Is there any way to circumvent this limitation, without disabling any interrupts or getting a chip with more UART ports?
EDIT: the actual interrupt vector is here
EDIT2: This is question is not answered by the answers in my previous question. It is clearly a fact that HardwareSerial needs its receive interrupt to store data in a buffer. My question now is how I can still use the SoftwareSerial while it is constantly receiving.
This is question is not answered by the answers in my previous question
... look again ... that question does not have any answers