I'm wanting to power a USB device from an Arduino Uno. Forgetting about the two data pins, it just requires power. Using a power meter, I can detect the 5v pin at about 4.95 volts, however I don't have access to any resistors at the moment so cannot test the amperage because it just shorts.
The USB device I want to power requires ~300mA (can't remember specifically). First of all, does the Arduino get 100mA or 500mA when getting power from the USB? Is this changeable depending on the setting on the USB Host (High 500mA, or Low 100mA)?
Secondly, how much would actually be usable? I assume the Arduino itself would require some of that current? Even more if a program where running on it at the same time? (I have no idea how computers utilize power) I would like to just hook up my usb device to ground and 5V with whatever resistors (and any other electrical components) in between to bring it down from 500mA to the required ~300mA.