I'm trying to read data being transferred via Infrared from my Smartmeter on my ESP8266 using the following sketch:

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer.h>
#include <Ticker.h>
#include <AsyncMqttClient.h>

#ifndef STASSID
#define STASSID "mySSID"
#define STAPSK  "myPassword"

#ifndef MQTT_HOST
#define MQTT_HOST IPAddress(192, 168, 0, 100)
#define MQTT_PORT 1883

#ifndef IR
#define SerialDebug Serial1
#define IR Serial

AsyncMqttClient mqttClient;
Ticker mqttReconnectTimer;

WiFiEventHandler wifiConnectHandler;
WiFiEventHandler wifiDisconnectHandler;
Ticker wifiReconnectTimer;

const char* host = "esp8266-webupdate";

const byte firstByte = 0x7E;
const byte lastByte = 0x7E;

uint8_t i;

ESP8266WebServer httpServer(80);
ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer httpUpdater;

void connectToWifi() {
  SerialDebug.println("Connecting to WiFi ...");
  WiFi.begin(STASSID, STAPSK);

void connectToMqtt() {
  SerialDebug.println("Connecting to MQTT ...");

void onWifiConnect(const WiFiEventStationModeGotIP& event) {
  SerialDebug.println("Connected to Wi-Fi.");

void onWifiDisconnect(const WiFiEventStationModeDisconnected& event) {
  SerialDebug.println("Disconnected from Wi-Fi.");
  wifiReconnectTimer.once(2, connectToWifi);

void onMqttConnect(bool sessionPresent) {
  SerialDebug.println("Connected to MQTT.");
  SerialDebug.print("Session present: ");

void onMqttDisconnect(AsyncMqttClientDisconnectReason reason) {
  SerialDebug.println("Disconnected from MQTT.");

  if (WiFi.isConnected()) {
    mqttReconnectTimer.once(2, connectToMqtt);

void array_to_string(byte array[], unsigned int len, char buffer[]) {
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    byte nib1 = (array[i] >> 4) & 0x0F;
    byte nib2 = (array[i] >> 0) & 0x0F;
    buffer[i*2+0] = nib1  < 0xA ? '0' + nib1  : 'A' + nib1  - 0xA;
    buffer[i*2+1] = nib2  < 0xA ? '0' + nib2  : 'A' + nib2  - 0xA;
  buffer[len*2] = '\0';

void setup() {

  SerialDebug.println("Booting Sketch...");
  wifiConnectHandler = WiFi.onStationModeGotIP(onWifiConnect);
  wifiDisconnectHandler = WiFi.onStationModeDisconnected(onWifiDisconnect);

  mqttClient.setServer(MQTT_HOST, MQTT_PORT);



  mqttClient.setWill("smartmeter/online", 0, true, "no");

void loop() {
  uint32_t timeout = 2000;
  int readCnt = 0;
  uint32_t start_time = millis();
  byte tempChar = 0;
  byte *readMessage;
  uint32_t messageLen = 0;
  while ((tempChar != 0x7E) && (millis() - start_time < timeout)) {
    if (IR.available()) {
      tempChar = IR.read();
  start_time = millis();
  timeout = 1000;
  bool done = false;
  if (tempChar == firstByte) { // if first byte == 0x7E
    while ((millis() - start_time) < timeout && !done) {
      if (IR.available()) {
        tempChar = IR.read(); // second byte must be 0xA0
        if(tempChar == 0xA0) {
          while ((millis() - start_time) < timeout && !done) {
            if (IR.available()) {
              tempChar = IR.read(); // 3rd byte tells the legth of the message
              readMessage = new byte[tempChar+2];
              memset(readMessage, 0, tempChar+2);
              readMessage[0] = firstByte;
              readMessage[1] = 0xA0;
              readMessage[2] = tempChar;
              messageLen = ((uint32_t)(tempChar))+2;
              readCnt = 3;
              while ( readCnt < messageLen && ((millis() - start_time) < timeout)) { // minimum len 120 chars for 0x7E format
                if (IR.available()) {
                  readMessage[readCnt] = IR.read(); 
                  if(readCnt == tempChar+2 && readMessage[readCnt-1] != lastByte) { // correct len but last byte not 0x7E
                    done = true;
                    SerialDebug.printf("Wrong end byte found - %d\n", readMessage[readCnt-1]);
                  } else if(readCnt == tempChar+2) { // correct len and correct last byte
                    done = true;
                    char str[251] = "";
                    array_to_string(readMessage, readCnt, str);
                    mqttClient.publish("smartmeter/raw", 0, false, str);
  mqttClient.publish("smartmeter/online", 0, true, "yes");
  char heap[6] = "";
  itoa(ESP.getFreeHeap(), heap, 10);
  mqttClient.publish("smartmeter/freeHeap", 0, false, heap);

I'm getting the encoded HEX-data published on my MQTT Topic as desired, the outputs length is 250 characters long (= 125 Bytes) which is correct:


As I found out, the ESP's heap is decreasing by 100-300 by each iteration of the loop (data is being transmitted every second via Infrared from the power-grid Smartmeter) until the ESP will eventually be rebooted by the watchdog after like 5-8 minutes.

I explicitly did not use String variables in the sketch but I legit cannot find the reason for the memory leak. Tried turning off wifi, webserver and mqtt one after each other which didn't actually made a difference.

The heap-size stays at a constant level though when there is no data being received via the Infrared serial port, so I imagine something is fishy when storing the data in the byte array "readMessage".

Anything obvious that immediately pops into someones eye that I missed?

  • the 'problem with Strings' is a problem with new hidden in String class. your use of new is not hidden
    – Juraj
    Commented Aug 26, 2022 at 5:27

1 Answer 1


You do a new inside the loop

 readMessage = new byte[tempChar+2];

which causes the heap to be filled with tempChar+2 bytes, but you never delete this.

Try reusing this memory (making it a local, or make it 'dirty' global).

Probably (not tested) the above line can be rewritten as:

byte readMessage[tempChar+2];
  • 1
    By now I was already convinced it's something so obvious sigh A simple delete[] readMessage; after the MQTT publish of the "str" variable did the trick! Even if I went a different path so actually solve the problem, you gave the actual hint that guided me there, so I'll mark your answer as accepted. Thank you very much!
    – 1_am_r00t
    Commented Aug 25, 2022 at 23:44
  • 3
    You are welcome ... however, take in mind that a new and delete is not needed in this case, as the data only lives within one function. Typically new / delete is used when the life span of data is higher than one function, or when the amount of data is not known beforehand/varies. Commented Aug 26, 2022 at 0:00
  • True that - I will definitely take it into account when I will be implementing parts of this sketch to the final code!
    – 1_am_r00t
    Commented Aug 26, 2022 at 0:25

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